Dave "Guru" Graham and Natalie Cutler Welsh representing Australia and New Zealand! TruthStream #267 links below! Dave premiers his beautiful song to his daughter "Heaven Had Some Wings"
TruthStream #248 Dr Robert Young: Part 1 of 2: Top Reseacher & Clinical Scientist, Nutritional Microscopy & Live blood analysis, Graphene Oxide, MasterPeace (we split this up since there is a plethora of information)
Nick and Dylan from the Bridge,Truther Tricksters, Breaking Intel, A deep conversation on good and evil, ascension, dimensions, the changing sun & moons and much more,links below! TruthStream #252
TruthStream #209 Brad Olsen, Friday Night Live! Brad covers Antartica, DUMB's, ET's, MedBeds etc til 2:15:00 then Joe and Scott free flow with the audience til the end
Cardio Miracle with Stanford Graham, Nitric Oxide: The finest heart and health supplement in the world, links below (look below ad on phones and tablets) TruthStream #260