Doctor Judy Mikovits | Who Is the W.H.O.? Why Did the 1st "To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men, their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas." - Brock Chisho
Doctor Stella Immanuel | Is Revelation 17:12-15 Happening Now? "You're Taking Over Somebody Else's Physical Body W/ the Mind of Another Human." Doctor Charles Morgan (Former CIA Speaking to U.S. Cadets At West Point In 2018)
11th Hour Faith Leaders Meeting (10/21/2024) | Hosted By Doctor Carson & President Trump (Organized By Clay Clark) | Watch the Full Length 11th Hour Faith Leaders Meeting Hosted On October 21st 2024
Andy Wakefield | Why Is Chris Cuomo Now Discussing His Vaccine Injury? Is the World Waking Up to the Reality of Vaccine Caused Injuries? + Doctor Andy Wakefield Explains the Inspiration for His Award-Winning New Film Protocol-7
Yuval Noah Harari | Is Daniel 7:25 Being Fulfilled By Yuval Noah Harari? "Money Is a Fiction. What Is the Last Thing That Still Holds American Society Together? The Value of the Dollar Is Purely An Imaginary Reality." + Doctor Sherwood
Maui Fires | What Caused the Maui Fires? What Are Direct Energy Weapons? With Doctor Jason Dean + Why Is Elon Musk Now Promoting His EX-Wife GRIMES Via
Doctor Mikovits | Why Did Biden Hire Podesta to Be Senior Advisor on the Biden-Harris Administration's Priorities for Energy Infrastructure? + The John Podesta Marina Abramović Connection? Musk Pushing Carbon Taxes? + Super Bowl Highlights
Doctor Judy Mikovits | Proof Biological ID System Already Deployed? | "Oh, Yeah, Yeah. That Crowd Was Filled With Federal Agents." - Steven A. Sund (10th Chief of the United State Capitol Police from 2019-2021) + Ice Cube Explains History of Rap
Doctrines of Devils | Andy Stanley 101 | Did Bible Prophesy This Would Happen? | 1st Timothy 4- "Now the Spirit Speaketh Expressly, That in the Latter Times Some Shall Depart from the Faith, Giving Heed to - Full Length
Jim Meehan | "Medical Tyranny Is Rising" - Doctor Jim Meehan (April 2021) + On 6/15/2024 "At 4:40 AM Jim Meehan Fell for the Last Time In His Fight Against Cancer, But Rose Again In Eternity." - Meehan Family