10 months ago1 PETER CH 3. Peter’s letter to persecuted Christians: How to endure suffering for faith in Christ.pastorrk
1 year agoYeshua and the rich, Yeshua predicts HIS death and heals a blind man. Mark CH 10. Part 2.pastorrk
1 year agoExodus CH 32. Moses on the Mt. Sinai with GOD. Aaron and the people make the golden calf idol.pastorrk
9 months ago2 PETER CH 3. Part 2B. With the LORD 1 day is like a thousand years, a thousand years like 1 day!pastorrk
7 months ago1 JOHN 3. Part 1. Behold the love GOD has bestowed on us, we are children of GOD!pastorrk
1 year agoExodus 15. The Israelites cross the Red Sea and travel to Mt. Sinai. The song of Moses.pastorrk