2 years agoSPIRIT SPEAKS💫MESSAGE FROM YOUR LOVED ONE IN SPIRIT #130 ~ spirit reading with tarotLillian Rajkovich, Medium/Tarot
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2 years ago♉️ Taurus: Leo Season: 5-Card Guidance: Karmic Justice for pain of the past; now you can REBUILD!MarveMadameTarot
1 year agoHOROSCOPE READINGS FOR ALL ZODIAC SIGNS - Eris, North Node conjunction and Jupiter Retrograde!KesenyaGuidingStar
1 year agoHOROSCOPE READINGS FOR ALL ZODIAC SIGNS - its relationship reboot time with Venus Uranus square!KesenyaGuidingStar
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1 year agoHOROSCOPE READINGS FOR ALL ZODIAC SIGNS - Uranus Retrograde - time to wish upon a star!KesenyaGuidingStar
2 years agoTAURUS ♉ TRUTH Needs To Be EXPOSED! FEBRUARY 2023 Monthly TAROT ReadingbestdamnpodcastVerified
2 years ago♉️ Taurus: The BEST READING OF 2022: they're lost & empty without you & stepping up MAJORLY!MarveMadameTarot
2 years agoTAURUS ♉️ PERSONAL ~ AUGUST 2022 ~ spirit guided timeless tarotLillian Rajkovich, Medium/Tarot
2 years ago♍️ Virgo Season 2022: Their Feelings for you: 🌍 Earth Signs: ♍️ Virgo, ♉️ Taurus, ♑️ CapricornMarveMadameTarot
4 months agoTAURUS ♉️ Who’s coming towards you in November 2024?💕Monthly Love Tarot Reading➕Extended BONUS 💫DutchEmpressTarot