Voyagers Vol. 2: The Secrets of Amenti | Emergency Release 2001 | UIR & Anunnaki Defection | Part 12

4 months ago

Chapters 12 and 13 mark the final segments of the original content, closing with the authors' final remarks and then beginning Chapter 13 with the urgent updates from 2001. Topics covered include the Solar Stargate-4 and the Anunnaki Defection from the 1992 Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements. We also explore the Treaty of Altair, Anunnaki Sabotage of the September 2000 UK Expedition, and the Edict of War declared by the United Intruder Resistance (UIR). Additionally, this section delves into the critical D-12 Planetary Security Seal, Shield Clinics, and Crisis Intervention measures. The material closes with a discussion on HAARP, the Merkaba-Reversal Agenda, the Nibiruian Checkerboard Mutation, and what the Guardian Alliance refers to as "The Rude Awakening.

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Full Voyagers Vol 1. The Sleeping Abductees Reading:

Chapter 12 & 13 Timestamps

00:00 Authors Closing Statements, 1998
16:47 Chapter 13: Emergency Release GA, 2001 Update
30:14 Solar Star Gate-4 And Anunnakai Defection From The 1992 Pleiadian-Sirian Agreements
36:54 The July 5, 2000 Treaty of Altair And Anunnaki Sabotage of the 9/2000 UK Expedition
47:59 The September 2000 UIR and The Edict of War
1:03:54 The D-12 Planetary Security Seal, Planetary Shields Clinics, and Crisis Intervention
1:11:25 Invasion Agenda, HAARP, Merkaba-Reversal, and The Rude Awakening
1:20:20 Merkaba Mayhem, Real Ratios, and The Nibiruian Checkerboard Mutation
1:24:55 Outro

#AnunnakiDefection #SolarStargate #PleiadianSirianAgreements #TreatyOfAltair #PlanetarySecurity #D12PlanetarySecuritySeal #ShieldClinics #EdictofWar #CrisisIntervention #MerkabaReversal #HAARP #NibiruianMutation #AscensionTimeline #GuardianAlliance #EarthAscension #SpiritualEvolution #CosmicEnergies #HigherConsciousness #PlanetaryShields #CosmicAwakening #EnergyActivation #AnunnakiAgenda #StargateSystems #SpiritualTeachings #Amenti

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📛Name: Justin
🙏🏻Purpose: Offer healing, love, compassion, share knowledge, and support others on their spiritual Path
🙈Truth Seeker
☀️♋ Sun in the 8th conjunct Venus
🌙♑ Moon conjunct Uranus/Neptune
⬆️♏ Rising/ASC
👁️12th House: Pluto in Scorpio conjunct ASC
➕Grand Cross 🐦‍🔥 (Fixed): ♏♉♌♒ Horizontal-Pluto(Scorpio)/Mars(Taurus) Vertical-Mercury(Leo MC)/Saturn(Aquarius) Self Mastery is 🔑
🐺Personality Type: INFP
💬 Motto: "Smooth seas never made a skilled sailor", "I have seen as much beauty in the dark as I have seen horrors in the light"
🪶Spiritual Path: Heart based mystic 💚(experiential), Bhakti Yoga 🙏🏻 (Devotion), Vipassana🧘🏻‍♂️, Esoteric study ✝️✡️☪️🕉️ (All religions with strong leanings towards mystic traditions i.e. Christian Mysticism, Kabbalah, Sufism), I AM that I AM, Knight of the Rose (Healing the Divine Feminine), Microcosm of the Macrocosm, Rosae Crucis, Eternal student, Guide, Teacher
👻Soul Origin: Lyra 🦁, Andromeda 💫💖

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