#312 Maricopa County’s Public Records Requests EXPOSE Voter & Ballot Totals For The Nov 8, 2022 Election Appear To Be FRAUDLENT! County ADMITS NO Receipts To Verify Totals…NO CHAIN OF CUSTODY. Where Are “our leaders?” | SG ANON
Kash Patel | TRUMP, DESANTIS & the Red Wave + 9 Urgent Updates from Kash Patel | Why Are Paul Ryan & Establishment Republicans Pushing for DESANTIS & Attempting to Push Out President TRUMP? What Happened to the Red Wave? + Mel K
TRUMP MUST INVESTIGATE Maricopa County’s Election Crimes Because Arizona Legislature & US Senate REFUSE To Do Their Jobs But LOVE Violating Their Oaths! 130,000 MISSING Ballots, 47.4% Reject Rate, 20% Vote Centers Erased Results & MORE!