10.13.24 "The New Paradigm of Healing"

2 months ago

To put it in the vernacular, when you look at the health of Americans from all metrics, “The health of people in the USA sucks!” It sucks especially when compared to other nations. We spend way MORE on health care, by orders of magnitude more, but we get the worst results. USA birth mortality rates for both the mother and the infant is the highest in all the world. Childhood autism is the highest in the world and rising every year. Americans are more likely to have multiple chronic disease conditions, such as: arthritis, heart disease, asthma, high blood pressure, and diabetes – compared to people in other countries. If the USA is spending more but getting the worst results something is obviously wrong.

Many ACIM students believe talking about this is focusing on it, and thus giving it energy. They believe this only increases the problem. However I do not actually find that this is the ACIM process. "Conflict must be resolved. ... It must be seen exactly as it is, where it is thought to be, in the reality which has been given it, and with the purpose that the mind accorded it. For only then are its defenses lifted and the truth can shine upon it as it disappears." (OrEd.WkBk.333.1) No one truly ever solved any problem by pretending that it wasn’t there. Why do so many in the ACIM movement believe that that is the way to do it? "The true corrective procedure is to recognize error temporarily but only as an indication that immediate correction is mandatory." (OrEd.Tx.2.99)

In the midst of all this traditional medical dysfunction a new movement has been rising. A new paradigm of health has been evolving. The new paradigm puts the patient, the individual person, at the center of their health challenge. While traditional allopathic medicine will probably be a part of this, many things that we have called "alternative medicine," or "complementary medicine" will also be embraced. Ortho-molecular protocols may have a place. Homeopathic medicine may have a place. Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Ayurvedic, and Shamanic Healing may all play a part. Reiki, Hands-On, and others Energy Healing practices may be a part. Natural medicine involving: medicinal plants and herbs, nutrition, exercise, even direct sunlight may have a part. Medicinal plants and herbs are NOT "alternative healing." They are "original healing." I believe that in this new paradigm, spiritual healing modalities, like what ACIM teaches, can also play an important role. Right now the allopathic western model has a near monopoly on the treatment of sickness. In many legal ways allopathic medicine is trying to increase its monopoly. Legislation is pending is some places (Canada) that essential would eliminate vitamins and supplements from being sold.

This new paradigm of healing would be the force to break up this medical monopoly and put healing back in the hands of the people. ACIM is training us how to challenge the medical model that relies on highly trained, certified, and legally protected “experts.” "To be healed appears to be to find a wiser one who, by his arts and learning, will succeed. – Someone knows better; this the magic phrase ... And to this wiser one another goes to profit by his learning and his skill; to find in him the remedy for pain. How can that be? True healing cannot come from inequality assumed and then accepted as the truth." (Song.3.III.2–3) How can this be? It can’t.

My own life experience has proved to me that only we can be in charge of our healing. If I had followed the expert doctors' advice in 2022 my body would have most likely have died. The only true “wiser one“ is the Holy Spirit within. I am blessed that I had that awareness. Plus the greatest healer to ever walk the world, Jesus, is always available to all. Adding these truths to the free market place of healing methods (not an allopathic medical monopoly) is the new paradigm of healing.

28 min.

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