6 months agoMass of the Assyrian Church of the East , Mar Shimun Bar Sabbai parish, Flint, Mi 8-24-2024Omni Orbis ChurchVerified
11 months agoMass of the Assyrian Church of the East , Mar Shimun Bar Sabbai parish, Flint, Mi 3-3-2024Omni Orbis ChurchVerified
1 year agoMona K Show 07-20-23 with our returning guest Dr. Ron Susek talking about the prophetic significance (Isaiah 19: 23-25) of the "Assyrian Prophecy" a book written by Dr. Ron Susek an ordained Minister, EvangelistMonakshowVerified
10 months agoThe Assyrian - Angelic King of the Pre-Flood World; Was Atlantis Real? | Table Talk w/Ryan Pittersontabletalkwithyvettegallinar
9 months agoMass of the Assyrian Church of the East, Mar Shimun Bar Sabbai parish, Flint, Mi 5-4-2024Omni Orbis ChurchVerified
10 months agoMass of the Assyrian Church of the East, Mar Shimun Bar Sabbai parish, Flint, Mi 4-13-2024Omni Orbis ChurchVerified
11 months agoYYV4C6 Yada Yahowah Observations Teaching The Assyrian Woe to Those who Write Scripture…YadaYahowah7
2 years agoPsalms of the Sons of Korah, by Gordon Franz, Archaeology, Assyrian Reliefs and the Psalms of Korah.Christian Writings