YYV4C6 Yada Yahowah Observations Teaching The Assyrian Woe to Those who Write Scripture…

11 months ago

A Shabat Study of Yahowah's Torah. Join a group of Yah's family as we delve into the Towrah of God. We will expose religious corruption while more importantly espousing Yah's Torah truth. Hosted by the author of Yada Yahowah, An Introduction to God, Observations, Coming Home, Questioning Paul, Prophet of Doom, and Tea with Terrorists.


0:00:07 The 10th chapter of Yasha’yah picks up right where we left off, with Yahowah exposing and condemning religion and politics.
0:03:57 Yahowah is warning His children, telling them to avoid anything that has been written by religious Jews, Christians, Mormons, or Muslims.
0:12:51 Yes, there is something far worse than being enslaved, incarcerated, or dying, and that is to bow down to those who would otherwise deprive a person of life or liberty.
0:16:27 Since Yahowah is warning the Assyrian, it might be a good idea to distance ourselves from him and distance ourselves from the arenas in which he operates.
0:22:12 As we moved deeper into the statement, it became increasingly obvious that Yahowah was addressing a lone individual and not a nation.
0:30:09 It is especially telling, however, that Satan knows that his ability to kill Yisra’elites is limited but that it is open season on Gentiles.
0:39:51 Fair is fair, after all. Doesn’t every object of worship deserve a similar fate?
0:45:58 There have been countless chiefs, kings, pharaohs, and emperors who have claimed to be gods.
0:49:18 Fear! His victims were afraid to move, afraid to speak. This is the how and why behind terrorism.
0:52:15 Let me share some examples. Islam is responsible for perpetrating ninety-nine percent of all terrorist acts worldwide, and the best Muslims have done so for the past forty to fifty years.
0:58:22 And all the little Muslims and their jihadists screamed: “Allahu Akbar – Allah is Greater!” Satan is not only alive and well, posing as the God of Islam and the Lord of Christianity, the faithful remain oblivious.
0:59:57 Satan wants to be worshiped as God, not as the Adversary. And for that to happen, Satan must disown the Adversary title and embrace one more suitable to worship.
1:06:29 Ha Satan was and remains a “mal’ak – tool” to be used until he fails to perform as intended, and then he will be thrown away.

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