2 years agoTOP 150 RPCS3 EMULATOR PLAYABLE GAMES 2022 🎮 (TOP 150 PS3 GAMES) | Fully Playable✔️ | 2022Alexwpi Games
9 months agoEVENTUALLY YOU WILL BE BEHEADED IF YOU REFUSE THE CHIP : “the dead in Yahawashi shall rise first & Then we which are alive & remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air”🕎Revelation 2:10-11 KJVRoyaltyLordPrinceShamiyah144
3 years agoBest & Taylor Intel (8/18/2021): Madness In the Matrix — Afghanistan Trojan Horse?FollowsTheWay
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6 months agoMaduro accused the Zionists of trying to seize power in Venezuela! Criminal vaccination!Alex7Tumanov
4 months agoThis is what we see in the post-mortem clots of those vaccinated against Covid!Alex7Tumanov
3 years agoBest & Taylor Intel (9/10/2021): America Babylon — This Communist Takeover is Done...Unless?FollowsTheWay
4 months ago“Helen” is “Not a natural phenomenon”, but rather “Operation” by Katherine Austin Fitts!Alex7Tumanov
3 months agoDavid Miller joins Stu Peters to expose the fake Tommy Robinson and the Zionist terrorist regime!Alex7Tumanov