New Song- Come Lord Jesus- Resurrection Day- Trinity- Rapture

3 years ago

Happy Resurrection Day! This morning I was singing in the Spirit and the Lord gave me words to write a new song- Come Lord Jesus, Come King Jesus. I hope it encourages someone or brings someone into a saving knowledge of Father God and Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. I read Ephesians 1-2 and Romans 8, but please read John 17 yourself. Maranatha. I watched this just before writing: He's Alive by David Phelps-

Come Lord Jesus, Come Lord Jesus, take us to our heavenly homes,
Children waiting, saints are praying, Holy Spirit, all along,
Death defeated, grave was opened, Christ's victory won,
Resurrected-risen Savior, all glory, the Son,
Come King Jesus ,Come King Jesus, watching, hoping, come quickly,
Father God, we want to please you, everlasting life to come,
Hearts are turning in repentance or falling away,
Fill us with Your fire as we sing and we pray.

Come Lord Jesus, Come Lord Jesus, faithfulness, how great Thou art,
Ears are listening, ever longing, in a moment to depart,
Blood of Jesus, strength, protection, the pow'r of Your name,
Lamb of God, Redeemer, Healer, Your gospel proclaimed,
Come King Jesus, Come King Jesus, glory, honor, to you belong,
Word of God, His truth unending, Overcomer's victory song,
Blessed Hope just as He promised, no tears more to cry,
Hallelujah in our rapture, we lift up and fly.

Heavenly Father, Heavenly Father, thank you for Your precious Son,
Wrath of God against all sinners, no one's righteous, no not one,
Eternal life each one you gave Him, He purchased each one,
By Your grace and tender mercy, we KNOW the true God,
Everlasting, Lion of Judah, King of kings and Lord of lords,
Oh righteous Father, Jesus Messiah, Holy Spirit, three in one,
Rescue us from evil darkness, we fear God not man,
Patiently enduring, loving, as best as we can.

Come Lord Jesus, Come Lord Jesus, from their graves the dead will rise,
And Your living, holy people, will be be caught up to the sky,
His Revelation plan unfolding, repent now, be saved,
No one's guaranteed tomorrow, don't think He delays,
Come King Jesus, Come King Jesus, Restrainer, Spirit, Comfort, Guide,
With all our hearts we want Your blessings, in Your presence to abide,
Lord, Most High, You are our Bridegroom, in You we delight,
Hearts aflame in expectation, it could be tonight!

Funny that the length of the video ended at 25:31 when 2531 was my home address growing up. 2531 in Strong's Concordance means- DELIGHT, desire, pleasant.

My prayer: I confess Jesus is Lord and came in the flesh. I am unworthy of salvation for I am sinner saved alone by His grace and mercy. Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for my sins and raising from the dead to give eternal life to me and anyone who calls upon Your name, Jesus. Thank you Father for choosing to give me to Your Son and receive the Holy Spirit who is speaking to me this morning.

The Lord: My sheep know my voice and follow. They are nothing but detestable sinners without My blood that was shed on Calvary because I loved the world so much to willingly leaven heaven, be born of a virgin, and though I never sinned, I took on the Father's wrath for every sin ever committed. There is no one righteous, not even one, not even you, Tarry (me).

My response: Yes, Lord, I humble myself and please forgive me for my sins. Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable to You alone, the Eternal One, Abba Father and Jesus Messiah, name above all names, Blessed Redeemer, Emmanuel. song-

The Lord: I am the Lord who is coming to rescue My people, My church. Hold fast and let no one steal your crown. Keep your fervor and fight the enemy. Resist the devil and he will flee. Draw close to Me, and I will draw close to you. Read John 17 now. ...This is why when you rebuke the devil using My name, you say, "I am under the authority of Jesus Christ." John 17:24 then read Romans 8. "No despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ who loved us." Romans 8:37

The Lord: I reward those who diligently seek Me, who long for My coming. The Holy Spirit within you keeps you ready and watching. You don't know for sure what day and hour I am coming, so keep watch. Don't be overtaken by the cares of this world. Do not fear, but have faith that I am coming. My eyes search the whole world in order to strengthen those who hearts are fully devoted to Me. My true prophets warn people to repent and DO Romans 8. Have eager hope for the day you will receive glorified bodies and see Me in the clouds. Then you will be fully released from sin and suffering. Think of Me sitting at the right hand of My Father, Holy Father. I hate the Roman Catholic Church, and after the rapture, My judgment will be poured out on the world. Most will take the mark of the beast and be sentenced to hell for eternity. When you, Tarry, say that only 5% are born again, you are not lying. Now read Ephesians.

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