ISRAELITES(SO CALLED BLACK MEN) TOOK OVER THE ROMAN EMPIRE FROM 96 AD to 1453 AD….Job 9:24 KJV🕎 1 Maccabees 3:48 “And laid open the book of the law, wherein the heathen had sought to paint the likeness of their images.”
Ken Paxton's Tucker Interview Reveals Texas Uniparty Cabal Enables Open Borders | Biden and the Great Reset are Orchestrating Foreign Invasion in America | WHO, UN, and the CCP are After United States' Sovereignty | Reggie Littlejohn
As the 2024 Presidential Election Nears the Future of America is Between Democrats and Marxists | IBM Appears to Lead on Decoupling from the CCP in China | Dr. Sherwood, Aila Wang, Ken Rapoza
Culture War | Guest: Joe Wakile | Connect Those Dots | Save America | Spiritual Battle | Yuval Noah Herari Impersonator | “Humans Are Now Hackable Animals”