Prophet Julie Green - Live with Julie and Mel K - Captions

4 months ago

This video presents an in-depth discussion led by Mel K, a journalist known for her dedication to uncovering hidden truths. It delves into historical and contemporary global events, drawing parallels between Nazi tactics and modern psychological operations, particularly in the context of COVID-19. Central themes include the battle for individual sovereignty, the manipulation by powerful global elites, and the global push for controlled governance through crises like Agenda 2030 and the World Economic Forum's Great Reset. The discussion underscores the importance of spiritual awakening, faith, and community as means to resist governmental overreach and preserve constitutional freedoms. Through personal anecdotes and references to historical events and figures, the speaker advocates for collective action, transparency, and a return to foundational values to reclaim power from oppressive forces. The overall narrative emphasizes unity, faith, and vigilance as tools to combat global manipulation and restore true governance.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 08-08-2024 and may be watched here: 👉

Live with Julie and Mel K

Uncovering Hidden Agendas: Faith, Freedom, and Media Control with Mel K

Join us in this engaging episode where journalist and host Mel K reveals her insights on the intricate power dynamics shaping our world. Drawing from her 20-year career in Hollywood and her historical research, Mel discusses parallels between past regimes and current global initiatives driven by entities like the United Nations and the World Economic Forum. The conversation delves into psychological operations, media control, government surveillance, and the influence of secret societies. Emphasizing the importance of individual sovereignty, critical thinking, and collective action, the episode highlights the need for faith and resilience amidst societal and governmental pressures. Tune in for inspiring stories of personal and societal recovery, the power of grassroots movements, and strategies to reclaim freedom and justice in America. Learn how to stay informed, unite against oppression, and contribute to a collective awakening.

00:00 Introduction and Guest Welcome
01:10 Mel K's Background and Career
03:47 Historical Parallels and COVID-19
04:58 Global Agendas and Power Structures
07:17 American Sovereignty and Individual Liberty
08:51 The Role of Media and Propaganda
10:33 The Need for Unity and Recovery
21:24 Government Overreach and Intelligence Agencies
26:21 Faith, God, and Resistance
35:39 Overcoming Demoralization and Embracing Unity
36:26 Fear of God and Manipulation in Religion
37:19 Government Control and the Power of the Church
44:52 The Lie of Scarcity and Global Control
48:13 Taking Back Power and the Role of the People
53:46 The Importance of Local Involvement
54:49 Final Thoughts and Call to Action



COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International




Good morning, everybody. And welcome again to the live show today. And I want to introduce you to somebody who I have met and known for the last two years from the Reawaken America Tour. Mel, she has a show on Rumble and she's on many different platforms. Mel K Show. And she is about truth. She is a fighter.

I love her feistiness and I love what she's doing to bring back truth into this country. And there's so many different people. Who are losing hope in this battle that we're facing because we are facing a massive battle, but we know that God's on our side and we know that truth is on our side. And Mel, I just want to say welcome to the show.

Thank you for being on. It is an honor for you to be on here today. Oh, Julie, thank you so much for having me. We've had so much fun on the road and I always love. Seeing you and I'm just, I'm just so excited to be here and thank you for having me. It's, it's crazy times, but I really want people to not lose faith and hope.

And I know you are one of the people out there that keeps people on track and focused, and it's just so important that we realize at this time that we really do have the power and anything that's telling us that we don't is is truly the enemy. That's exactly. So I want you to introduce yourself to everybody and let 'em know why you are doing what you're doing and how you started the Malkay show and how you started getting out there.

Because I know you're, you are a journalist. I know you went to school, you got your degree and you're out there and you're speaking truth, but what really drives you on a daily basis and starting what you with this journalism and what with what you're doing now. Okay. Well, you know, I I went to school for journalism and then I went back for film and I kind of created a career for about 20 years in LA of writing truthful, truth based fiction.

So, it's called H Traditionally historical drama, so I wrote many screenplays and and tv things like you'd see on discovery or history on times in the past that I believe that the full story wasn't really told And doing that I had written screenplays on and and TV plays on world war one on the expatriates in the south of France that didn't go to the war the exit from Vietnam, Eichmann in Jerusalem, Hannah rents book and her experience there, I wrote about a Vietnam.

Family that was left behind and had to make their way to America. So a lot of different things where that incorporated true historical context and so, my years digging into pre world war two, the thirties and forties, especially in Germany, writing my Hannah rent project. I started to really see that there was, I Reoccurring theme, reoccurring names, different, different things that whether it was World War I, World War II, Vietnam, whatever it was, that there was a higher level of people or names that would constantly pop up into, especially in terms of if you followed the financing and the money and, and who was controlling the messaging and the propaganda.

And it wasn't changing. So, when I really started digging into why that was and really the creation of the United Nations and the council of foreign relations and all these different groups that respond after a world war two I saw a lot of patterns. So I was still in Hollywood. I had had my own experiences there.

And I was speaking out already about some of the me too stuff, but really about what I saw was happening to children, what they were manufacturing, everything that we see now happened 10 years prior in Hollywood and then filtered through the society when it came to exploiting children normalizing pedophilia just all kinds of stuff.

So I was already talking on other people's podcasts, but as COVID started coming in, I really saw. All of the work I did on 40s in Germany, I saw a lot of parallels to what was happening, especially a lot of people don't know that when they were getting people into the ghettos before they went to the extermination phase in World War II, they used typhus, which is a virus to kind of say, we have to quarantine.

You remember, Auschwitz says that it's a quarantine camp. So in the beginning they used a virus to get people to move into ghettos before they got people to get on the trains to help their fellow neighbors so that they could go and be quarantined until they were healed. So that was really how they started.

started the horrible phase of taking people to camps. And those camps, as I told you were told to be quarantine camps. And for the first year, maybe people really thought that doing the right thing, getting on the train and going, it wasn't, it was, it was slow. It was like, you know, the frog in the boiling water.

So I saw a lot of parallels. I knew about the structure, and I was watching very early before many people were talking about it, what was coming out of the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, the United Nations, and as a You know, when Klaus Schwab put out the book, COVID 19, The Great Reset, I, I, I had to laugh, because I'd been watching Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, and I'm thinking, how are they going to achieve this?

And I think that as time goes on, more and more will come out about not just the, I call it the COVID operation, but not just about that, but really about the coordination worldwide for this group of people that I had been, you know, researching basically all the way back to World War I, paying for both sides of all the wars, paying for all the uprisings, all the regime change stuff, that they had come to a place where They were fearing that their power was going to be taken away or their financial system, which is at the top of it, was going to be destroyed.

And so they went for what Larry Fink called going direct, which in a speech that he made six months before COVID basically was Like Mussolini using the corporations and the banks to go direct to the people because the government wasn't going fast enough for them to achieve the agenda that I believe in 2015, Barack Obama signed us onto without the consent of the governed, without we, the people or anyone knowing what agenda 2030 is, which agenda 2030 in its first.

Lines say nation states no longer work. Global problems require global solutions. Global solutions require global governance. Here's the 17 sustainable development goals to make sure that we get there. Well, those goals are not about the planet. They're not about poverty. They're not about people. They are about this group, this.

Cabal, I call them the international banking cartel in and also with the global elite groups, these societies mainly spawned out of the UN and its tentacles were losing power. And they just said, okay, we need a great reset to make sure that we keep our monetary fraud and our, you know, unauthorized control intact and, and really up the game because at this point they have the technology that say Hitler or Mao did not have.

And that is, I think where we find ourselves now is that these people that have been planning for a one world top down Control since before, you know, even the U S came into being really just said, you know what now or never, and they kicked it off and we have been in a operation since too, I believe that they're running a control demolition of America.

Now they're liquidating America in many ways. And frankly, you know, Donald Trump often says they're not after me, they're after you and I'm in the way. And that is true. But I think bigger picture is really that they're not after America. They're after the world and America is in the way America is, is really you know, we have in our DNA, we, we fight bullies.

We have a constitution and a bill of rights. And we have a people that until the operation really kicked in was proud of their nation was you know, really invested in being a force of good and peace in the world. And at some point along the way, the powers that be I think on both sides, I don't believe there's a left and right Republican and Democrat in any way that we believed right now.

But I believe that our country has been captured by a global public, private. Partnership that functions as a parent company above our government. And frankly, they, after nine 11, I think the Patriot act, if people look at it, it is completely unconstitutional. But after the Patriot act, they created a fourth branch of government that should not exist.

It is totally unconstitutional, but on top of that, it has no oversight. So by using the nine 11 fear and panic, and this is what's happened over time, where, when you understand that there is a. Military grade mind. Control propaganda kind of to to take our ability to discern and to use critical thinking and all that.

It's been many years in the making, but to make us feel helpless, learned helplessness like this government. It's there's nothing we can do. We're just these people and and, you know, the government so big. Well, that's all by design. It's a demoralization campaign to make us. Unable to stand up for what we believe for what is right.

And it's psychological. And it's many, many years going back to Nazi Germany of MK ultra psychological operations. You know, the guy that created it for the U S military was a vowed Satanist named Colonel Aquino, who started in the sixties with a document that I have on my resource page of people want to look at it called mind wars.

And I, I just realized that if we don't, and you're great at this too, when we go around, if we don't have people see a, who the enemy is B, what it's doing to their brains and see that it's actually trying to manipulate their emotions and their brains and everything to make them helpless so that they, you know, at some point they make the disease, these people that are, are, you know, I call them the parent company.

They don't really care about any of us. That they, they care about the, the idea that they created back with the club of Rome and limits of growth, that humans are the problem and that super class of people are the people that will solve that problem being the humans. And you know, we've been on this path no matter what it is.

And I just feel like it's time that people take back their individual selves. sovereignty, individual liberty, which is the most important thing. And realize that we right now have to stand for the constitution, the bill of rights, freedom, and liberty, not just in America, but everywhere. And, and that is why I wrote this book, Americans Anonymous, because We have to do the inside job individually and then come together as like you said, there's way more of us than them.

But if all of us aren't at the same level of understanding what we're fighting, then we're not going to be as as much as God is on our side. We're not going to be all organized to really defeat something that right now, I believe is a caged animal that, you know, is desperate to keep control. And when people have that kind of money, that kind of power, their own basically military and, and a psychological operation by controlling all of the media.

It's very difficult. So I just, I hope that I could help people take back their individual sovereignty and from there become a force in their own sphere of influence for positive change. So we are so much alike and I don't know as much history as you know, I know more biblical side of it than the actual history side of it.

I just know that the Lord was showing me for a long time that people need to fight for justice. And so justice has always been my thing. I've always wanted to fight for this country. And then I found out about the secret societies about, you know, I'm sure you know, a lot about the secret societies, about the luminaries, the Bilderbergs, the trilateral commission, the skull on bones, and all of them.

That's a globalist regime when they started wanting a back in like the 1980s, when they started saying they wanted a one world order. And I was like, wait, that's in the book of revelation. So I mean, when I was young, I had to look in that up. I was like, Lord, they're talking about something that's already the book of revelation.

And then all of a sudden, when you said, when all this stuff started coming out, I did not know about. The brainwashing, the propaganda machines, I didn't know about all that to the extent until I started showing, God started showing me in a lot of prophecy and prophetic words about what was going on behind the scenes and what they were all doing to control it.

He was also giving me a scripture in Exodus chapter one, and that was on the same playbook as Pharaoh. He calls these guys the world elites. He calls them the Pharaohs of today. It's a playbook because in the book of Exodus chapter one. One of the things that the Lord showed me when I was studying all this is he said, look, the Pharaoh was petrified that God's people in the land of Goshen knew if they only knew that there were so many of them and they could get other people and they could fight against them, it would tear down the Egyptian and their regime.

And so what they did. Was they imprisoned them or enslaved them, made them their slaves, again, a lot of propaganda, a lot of fear mongering, and they taxed them into a slavery, and feared them into a slavery, and then that's how they became the slaves to the Egyptians. Not because God ever wanted that, but God said, this is the same playbook because in my word, it says there's nothing new under the sun.

And so they want, you said something that was so powerful earlier also about America, America is in the way for the one world government full control. And so is Israel. They want these two nations. These are the last two pieces to their puzzle of their globalist regime that they want full control. Well, they're not going to get it right now, but that's exactly what they want right now.

Because God has designed us, people like you and I, and so many people like us to raise people up, to waken them up, to get them to fight back, to, like you said, unprogram some of their ways of thinking because they, people are so dependent on the government and their government handouts and the news reports and all these other things.

And people are so brainwashed. And you see this generation like Gen Z. Dear Lord, we pray for them all the time because they're so, and I'm not trying to be mean, be mean because my children are in the Gen Z generation, but some of them are so weak minded and they, they, they freak out and they panic and they get anxiety stricken.

I believe COVID was not only to kill the masses, but to COVID was to paralyze the masses with so much fear and fear mongering. Like you said, they were walking right into their desks in in Germany. And so I was told about Germany too, was it was, I didn't know there were, were camps to separate themselves.

I was told it was reeducation camps. Yeah, basically the same thing, but yeah, it's crazy what they did, but they always do the same thing. You know, Obama, if you put up Hitler and Obama and a different people of socialism and probably socialism regimes all over the world, he has some of the same playbooks.

Oh yeah. And I knew right away before I knew more about him, I knew he was extremely evil, but I mean, from what you know, and you have a book out, Americans Anonymous, right? Yeah. Pre order? Is it already out? Yeah, pre order right now. Yeah. You give out so much information just in this first few minutes of the show.

Ha ha! And some people take, you know, how many years to not even know that yet? Yeah. And you just gave it out in a matter of a few minutes. Well, you know what I learned a long time ago when I was early in Hollywood, I, I had hit what some people would call rock bottom. I was very depressed. I wasn't functioning properly.

My, I just, it was, it was a really, you know, going out there very young in your early twenties and especially how I did, you see the evil so quick and it really, in the mid two thousands, what was a covert. in, in Hollywood that I call like satanic evil type stuff became very overt. You, you really, if you were out there, you saw the model changing.

Like I said, a lot of this divisive stuff, the communism, the socialism, Marxism was really there prior to then. Obviously going through society, through the mechanisms that they control media and entertainment. So, I had a good friend who had taken me to a church on Robertson one night and I'm thinking, what am I doing here?

And, and then I remember walking through the door. She's like, just come, just come. She was in recovery. And I remember walking through the door and thinking, Oh my God, this is amazing. This is a room full of people that know that there's a problem. They know that they can't solve it themselves. They're here because they know the problem is them and the solution is to go inside Connect with God Then connect with other people and start to work these steps That can help you kind of clear out what you have inside.

That is the core reason that you are so Unhappy or your life is a manageable and I just thought this is so amazing that you know as people there could be people billionaires that are movie producers and people that just came off the street, you know, crack addicts. And here they all are in a room showing up every week to support each other in fellowship and under God to say, you know what, there's a better way forward.

So the last three years, as we both been traveling all over the country, I started to realize more and more how a demoralized people were, but B, people were no longer talking as much about left and right as they were talking about just complete disgust with what the government has become. This was never what was intended.

A complete, I believe learned helplessness about it. And what we did not know like you brought up about COVID, a lot of us that are our age, you did not know until COVID what they were teaching our children in school, what they were doing to our kids in school. And frankly, I think they started there about 20 years ago.

So I, with my knowledge of all of that, so I saw this and I thought the only way is to go inside and deprogram basically yourself. and then find that tribe. So as much as I went through it, I also believe one thing that most people that I know that have recovered from whatever it is, it could be any addiction, any, anything.

And in my book, I, I, the addiction is to conflict and chaos. I believe that we have been fed a steady diet of conflict and chaos by actual dealers and suppliers and, you know, cartels, you know, and I break it down, like who, who we're dealing with and how this is happening. And also at the same time, there's a part, and this is with anything, but there's a part of recovery and reconnecting with God and your inner, you know, voice and your inner spirit when you've been, or felt disconnected of I call it sick is your secrets.

And there's, it's, it's about admitting the exact nature of your wrongs and what you had done and who you might have hurt. And then the next part to that is making amends for it. And I feel that America basically right now, and we, the people have hit the rock bottom that people go into recovery for that.

We need an intervention that we need to leave the R's and D's outside. Leave our egos outside and humbly walk through the doors as Americans first. And as people that maybe there's one or two issues we don't agree on, but largely the majority of Americans, the actual majority, not the one, the media is, is fault is, you know, faking us out that exists really do agree on most of these If you take away a couple of the hot button issues and, and start there.

And, and really, I think that fellowship is important because like you said, they don't change the playbook. Another playbook that's always been used is isolation and making people feel alone, which is why when you and I started the tour, I know that this happened to you too, people would come up to us and be in tears because they didn't know that there were so many people that agreed with them.

They were just so happy to find that. And I believe that it's been by design the you know, we used to know our neighbors, we used to have community meetings where we all invested. We used to be the oversight board for our towns and our counties and our country. Instead and I believe by design, we've been so bogged down with the debt slavery model and what's going on, the craziness and the news and the 24 hour news cycle, which I believe has been a big problem.

And frankly we got to get back to, to, to, you know, finding the core inside. And I think the sick is our secrets part is a really big part for America because most people in America you know, they have a hard time getting past the idea that, you Our government has done a lot that we don't know about by design and and they've used for many years reasons of national security oftentimes to cover up crimes committed by our government.

And you know, I look at it, I think the main coup that happened in America when the one world government folks really took over was the murder of JFK in 1963. And frankly, I think that the intelligence branch has been running a coverup ever since one coverup after another coverup. And I think it gets really insidious.

And like I said, after the unconstitutional Patriot Act, they spawned an entire new unconstitutional branch of government, the intelligence branch, DHS, TSA, DNI. And frankly, they don't work for us and they don't work for For you know, the branches of government, frankly, and also Tucker just said recently, and I agree with this, the other three branches that are supposed to exist are terrified of this intelligence branch.

And what I think is happening is that intelligence branch is a, has been a coverup. situation since 63 because we have to admit all the CIA and FBI heads have known since 63 what happened to JFK, RFK, Malcolm X, all the false flags, all of that. They know the CIA, they know. And so it's been one after another.

And either when they die off, they bring up a protege and they've just been doing this all this time. time. And I think the American people deserve transparency and a disclosure of all the things that we have been lied to about certainly going into Iraq, many, many other things, 9 11. I mean, there's many things that we deserve.

I don't know why a small group of people that have anointed themselves, most of them not elected, have the right to know things and yet we don't. That is not, that is not a good way forward. So like all things happening right now Carl Young, you know, the psych, psych, psychotherapist, he said, if you go outside, you dream.

If you go inside, you awaken. And I feel like we have to go inside and just be strong and say, you know what, Let's just show it all and let's, let's just get to the bottom of it because the operation now is so that the parent company that I see, and this would be like Larry Fink of BlackRock, Gates, Soros, Reid Hoffman.

These are the people that are also members of the World Economic Forum. Forum members of the council of foreign relations members of the trilateral commission Bilderberg, you know, you see them, you can see who they are by watching their conferences and who goes to all of them. And, but if you look at that, and then you look at that, the whole law fair team came out of the Obama DOJ.

And what people should know is that the Obama DOJ weaponized the unconstitutional intelligence blob that came out of the Patriot act. By instilling the national security division of the department of justice, which is basically a partner of DHS. And they have no oversight literally. And I believe they all work for the parent company.

So the law fair people like Eisen McCord that are doing all the lawfare to Donald Trump and to Navarro and Bannon. I mean, it's pretty crazy. They have architects above the DOJ that we're seeing. And the IC, same thing. They're spying on all of us, you and me, especially, but everyone probably that watches us that comments online.

I mean, this is egregious. And if the American people just fully understood what, what these people are doing, and it's a small group, probably we're talking about probably 20, 000 people out of 300 million, the people would unite. I believe under the fact that That like I said in our DNA is we fight against bullies and when it's our own government bullying us And and our own government abusing us to the point that they are right now I believe that that is the glue that can really unite the country is full understanding that no There's not one group that is being you know targeted.

It's not the People of color. It's not the Jews or the Christians or whatever. It's all of us Because the people that are running the controlled demolition of America don't care about any of us They see all of us as a problem. And if we could just accept that that is real we can start to heal We can start to fellowship and we can start to clean this country up from the inside out Yeah, you know, you said something that was really, I was like shocked by it because the Lord actually has said that they're the architects and he's going to expose not only the architect, but also the blueprints of all the designs.

And so when you said architect, I was like, Oh my gosh, that's exactly what God has called it. And he's called them and. One of the things I, that I know they isolated everybody, they bring in so much hopelessness and despair and they bring so much impossible looking situations and they overwhelm the system because they're overwhelming the people.

Because if you overwhelm the system and the people, then they won't have the ability and the strength or the wit to fight back. And so, yes, they don't like people like you and me. I know that. I'm fine with that. Yeah, I'm sure we're on some form of list. A few of them. But, because really, we're also, we're not only fighting ourselves.

But we're helping educate other people to fight back because one of the things that the lord keeps telling me over and over Never surrender do not be defenseless get into the word of god See what he says about it and use the sword of the spirit as a weapon because that's exactly what it is We have so much power and authority.

We have so much dominion upon this earth that people forget about and We have to understand that not only they've infiltrated our government because they have in every way shape or form in every part of corporate America Every part but they've also infiltrated the church They've also weakened the church But always man made doctrines and not talked about the real word of god for a reason Scared some pastors or paid pastors off Some of these mega churches and big i'm not saying that mega churches are wrong You They just got into people into these churches and they're not teaching what God is saying.

So guess what? If you don't have awakened Americans, many of you don't have an awakened body of Christ, then you have nothing. Yeah. So that is what God is saying. He wants to wake up the church. He wants to wake up all this country because people are waiting. Because even said with 2020, he allowed to be stolen.

He and I asked him that one time when he gave me prophetic word about the election. I said, What? And he showed me. He allowed it to be stolen. I said, why? He said, because too many people were looking at President Trump to save this country. He said, yes, I am using him, but I am the one who is saving this country, and I needed my people to know that it is me, because I am the only one that has more power than the ones you are fighting.

President Trump is just a man. Yes, he's using, God calls him as David and God is using him as. Trumpet, which like you said, but he's saying my people need to know that it's me that's going to do this And so our focus needs to be on God and what God can do and what he's doing and he showed me the book of Exodus how powerful Exodus was that he's still that same God who can save a nation in a day and he did Already and he showed us He saved President Trump and he also saved our nation the same day as the assassination attempt.

It was a death shot and a kill shot to this country. It was supposed to bring in a civil war. It was supposed to stop the movement. It was supposed to do everything. It wasn't just supposed to kill him. It was supposed to kill this nation. And it didn't work. Just like you said, they were caged animals.

Because they are caged animals. God also mentioned that in prophecy many different times in the last several years. They are desperate. They are desperate. And when they are desperate, they are dangerous. And what they're going to try to do is something going to be so unprecedented, so unconventional. He talked about them removing Biden for three years in prophecy.

Now, all of a sudden you see what they have already done, which are not done with him yet, but they're starting to do more and more things that are more outlandish and more over overreach and they're not even hiding it because they truly believe they had this in the bag. That we're all hopeless, stupid, mind controlled, all this kind of thing.

And they're realizing what is going on because they're not what we thought they were, and now people are more pushing against them instead of going with them. Yeah. And that's what they're petrified of. Yeah. And you have to also understand, you know, there is obviously a war on God, but like you said, this is a playbook.

There can be no God in communism there and they want world communism controlled by a technocratic totalitarian track and trace surveillance system that they've already built. The only reason that that track and trace system is not up and running is because people all over the world are looking at it and saying, who are you?

Well, why do we have to be on your global public infrastructure? Which is a lot of what's going on. And, and that's what, you know, if they do trick people into the CBDC and into a digital global ID, that is not, that is, that is their goal. That isn't in the 2030, if they can get us all on this blockchain controlled by AI and technology, as you, you, and I know Noah Hari talks about and all these people talk about Bill Gates.

That is it. It is a digital Gulag. It is, it is what they built in China. For the world, people don't understand that same architects in China are the same architects, some of them behind the scenes at doing AI legislation behind Biden. And I think you brought up about the church and I think we do have to examine how this happened.

You know, when Johnson was in office, they did the tax exemption on churches. And frankly, I think that that was a control mechanism. And what we know you and I, of course, but your audience is a lot of these pastors and priests and stuff had you know, close their churches or whatever, or have not talked about what is going on to their congregation out of fear of losing their tax exempt status.

This was a weapon that was installed a long time ago to circumvent the churches and synagogues and anywhere under the guise of, well, we'll give you a tax exemption, but you can't talk about politics, but that's not what the separation of church and state is. It's the exact opposite. You know, it's, it's that the pastors can talk about whatever they want and the state can't get involved, but using the IRS.

then they put it together. And during COVID, I was saying to a lot of pastor friends of ours, I was saying, let me tell you something. If you tell them the truth that like, listen, we might use it, lose our tax exempt status, but we're going to stay open and we're going to listen to God. And we're going to do that.

People would have given money and done what they could to help it stay open. They would find better ways. Decentralizing the church from that model would be the best thing that could happen. And maybe it'd be scary in the beginning, you But I fully believe that that was a war on God in the beginning, that they, that this is all, this taxes against status.

It should not exist for NGOs out there that are circumventing too and doing all this. And the craziest part about their war on God is that they're terrified of God. Yet they pretend God doesn't exist. Why fight him so hard and why mock those who do follow God? And you know, it's interesting what you said, you know, there's battles hard.

You and I get trashed or whatever. And you know, we have families, we have kids really you know, we can handle, but we feel bad for our parents or whatever. You know, these lunatics are trying to shut us up. And I remember one time I was, I was really upset and I, I'm good friends with Roseanne Barr and I called her and she said, let's pray.

And she said, let's just pray to God for giving, thank God for giving us a platform during this time. And just pray to God to lead us to the information that will empower us. to empower other people, to empower themselves in whatever God's plan is, that we don't know what his plan is, but every day, let's, we've been sitting for now almost eight months, every single day, I say this prayer that Roseanne and I said together, and I feel like, okay, now I can go forward because I'm looking forward.

For information to empower people to empower themselves, because something else you said, which is interesting, a long time ago, I used to go on the show regularly with a a great guy really, it's got a great following and he's very, it's, he's very really into prophecy and all of that. And I remember one time I was on the show and he said well, we're going to have our red sea moment and, and, you know, going on about this red sea moment.

And I said, Well, they didn't know they were going to have a Red Sea moment. They had to walk in faith and not say, well, the Red Sea moment's coming. They didn't know it was coming. So behind them is coming Pharaoh in front of them is the water. They think they're walking into their death, into the water, but they still have faith in God and Moses.

And they're going to follow And then the Red Sea moment happens. So he was like, you know, and I said, no, no, no, you can't walk as if you know what God's plan is. You have to walk like you're going to follow and you're going to heed the call, but you don't know exactly what it is. So you got to get up every single day and do everything you can.

To make sure that you are open to it. And that's why I think a lot of the mind control, cause there's actual documents. And I, I, for your audience, I have some on the melcasio. com resource page. And if you go to that and I have opposition playbooks, you're going to see the military grade level. Of which and this all started back with a keynote the satanist from the military That was the head of psychological operations and wrote mind wars and is evolved But now nato has a document that people can look at called the battle for the brain And in this document it literally talks about the new battlefield Is the human brain and getting to the human brain and using people as weapons As individuals or as groups and they don't hide it in their documents So what we have to know is getting that out of our brains getting faith God and and all of that into our brains and then becoming kind of shields Against that that, you know insidious, you know subconscious and every other way, programming and then once you know it It can't work.

So for me, it's just a matter of continuously encouraging people to get the information to know it. And then once you start to share that on a different level, because this whole very low vibration left and right, we're going to fight about this, your external somehow defines your internal, which is completely ludicrous.

Once you get past that, you realize, you know, besides get, get out of the skin, the, what you can see. Go inside, then you're going to connect with the right people when you're connecting from the inside. But until that inside is cleaned out from the demoralization campaign, dehumanization, all of that, it's very difficult to connect with people.

But this is what they fear. Love, unity, truth, and light. And, and as long as you're striving for that individually, you're going to force multiply that in your sphere of influence and then keep connecting. And I think that's our way really forward on a spiritual level. Yeah, what you said is something that was awesome.

They are afraid of God, even though they want to deny him, right? They are afraid of him because we know obviously Adversaries Satan is afraid of God because he knows God has already defeated him. He's trying to kick him out of the world He's designed for us. So what does he have to do? He has to get into the churches.

He had to change the narrative He has to do exactly what he did in the Garden of Eden was manipulate what God said with what he meant And what he said, and he just changed those words just a little bit. And so people are believing in life. Like you said, there's so many pastors and teachers that will not talk.

I know people who go to churches around my area, the churches will not talk about this at all. And one of the things I tell people all the time, God is the one who brings the increase. God is the one who bring the people. God is the one who bring this movement. It's not us. It's not just us as people individually by ourselves is what God is doing in and through us.

That is what brings that increase in. And so when people are afraid of something like afraid, like you said, the the 501c3 status and all that kind of stuff, if they are afraid of it, they won't see it. Speak it because of money controls and the government controls that the government want to control over the church because of the government knew Well satan does the power of the church in agreement with almighty god Just like what he was talking this morning about when I was preaching lord kept bringing up a finish line We have to go to this finish line and never surrender and people want to give up If they're doing a triathlon if they're doing a marathon They want to give up their body's telling them their mind is telling them to give up right before that finish line Because they're being overwhelmed with how far and how distance and how much energy they don't have anymore Yeah, well just like the children of israel when they were in the wilderness and they were walking to the promised land Which they should have gone into right into Seeing what God had just did for them with the all the plagues of Egypt and the Red Sea moment and him feeding them and guiding them.

But they still questioned God and so they didn't go, some of them did not go past into that promised land. And so they didn't go across that finish line. Some of them died in the wilderness when they could have made the decision to go forward and take exactly what God had for them and remove the giants in the land.

The giants, by two people, Joshua and Caleb said, we are more than able. So it's like me, like me and you and people like us. Saying we are more enabled. That's that good report. And then you have the same There's 10 people that came out also out of there and saying we're just lowly grasshoppers in their sight because they were giants God calls these people now on the pharaohs of today He calls them the giants in our land and he says we have to look for what he is doing Not what the giants are doing because he could destroy the giants before he can destroy the giants now There is no difference.

It may be the technology that they're using is different But the same playbook is the same and that is to control the minds and the wills Of the masses and if they can do that, they can get it all So if we are like the Joshua and Caleb's and the David's and the Daniel's and the Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego's and we're those people that will step outside of that box and go, I am not going to be compliant to anything that the government is telling me to do, especially when I know it goes against the will and the word of God, I will not be complying to any form of lying and manipulation.

They shut up the church. During COVID they isolated them. People couldn't pray. They couldn't sing if they, if they did eventually go back to church and they were not everybody else was like car businesses. Like my husband worked in a car business for 26 years. They were people that got to go to work.

Churches were not that important. Right. And they shut them up. Well, that should say to you how much they don't care about the church, how much they don't care about Christians, first of all. And then, of course, and they're mocking them and mocking God at the Paris Olympics, which God had tons of prophecies about Paris and about and about the Paris and France.

But, and we're seeing what's going on right now. So we have to be those people that stand up, never surrender, never quit, and have that attitude. I don't care what they do. I don't care what they say. I'm going to fight for the freedom that has already been given to me, not only by my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but we have military men and women who fought and died and paid the ultimate price with their life so that we could have freedoms.

That's why God has been giving me prophecies about our declaration of independence. He's had me go back and read it and go back and show people what, what power we already actually have as a country and how they try to manipulate it away from people, believing people that we actually don't have. We can overthrow this government right now well, you know the truth, also in that round what you just said is so important because Don't forget they shut down the churches and the schools where there's fellowship, but they also shut down.

Because there are about they say 25 to 30 million people that depend on recovery programs be it for gambling or Alcohol and drugs or whatever it is. They shut down all of that too, but left the liquor stores open You know, I know the first thing I thought was oh my god The worst thing that's going to come of this is a uptick in suicide and overdose and addiction and relapse and, you know, because all of a sudden, you know, it didn't just shut off that.

It shut off so much. And then they left open the liquor stores. That's how you know, because at first when it shut down, I thought, Oh, so they're going to shut all the, so that'll probably help people get. Cause I lived in New York at the time, New York city. And you know, we have such a problem with homelessness and, and people all over the streets and, you know, I, it was just.

I had reported on for a long time this program in New York that was supposed to help the homeless and mentally ill get off the streets and all the money disappeared. And, and I thought, Oh my God, well, you know, maybe this'll, you know, and then all of a sudden I saw, well, it said liquor stores were essential businesses and yet churches and synagogues weren't.

And if it was a good time, if it was, if we were dealing with the truth. It would have been that they would have kept open the churches. They would have kept open this, you know, the schools they would have because what also I've been, I've thought a lot about and, and been outspoken against child trafficking too.

Well, there was a huge uptick in abuse and trafficking of children during the lockdown. Downs that people don't even know about because, you know, then a lot of these kids, they're saving grace was going to school was having other people looking out for them. So I mean, just, there were so many negatives that, and they're telling us it's positive.

And then, like you said, keeping the tickers of fear and, and everything hiding, you know, true information. I mean, like I said, we are in an abusive relationship with our government and our government. is being I no longer think of CNN, MSNBC or any of them as media. I think of them as branches of the intelligence community and the government.

So, I mean, we have to realize we're in an abusive relationship. They're hard to get out of, but they're not impossible to get out of, but it's up to you to cut the ties. And I think it's really important for people to understand their power because that is what they fear is us understanding. And honestly, in my, I'm glad you said that about the declaration of independence, because I put in the appendix of my book, the declaration of independence, full declaration of independence.

It's the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, because I think people, A, and probably many people have never read it. If they did, they haven't read it in years and B, the 27 grievances of our founders are exactly the 27 grievances now. It's just a different enemy in our minds. And like I said, it's a global public private partnership.

So, understanding who we're fighting is so important. Step one. This isn't like we're fighting Nazi Germany or we're fighting Mao's China or we're fighting. No, this is a group of people that, you know, they go to these conferences, but really what it is, they have no allegiance to any flag, to any nation, to any people, to any religion.

They are power for power's sake straight out of 1984. They are in their mind, the state, yet they have zero authority. So like you're saying, if we just say, no, you. You have no authority over us. You don't, you don't represent us. That's not what we want to do. The American people didn't vote to have net zero agenda 2030 shoved down our throats to destroy us.

And people have to go to the next level. And this is what's really important. And I know you talk about this a lot. The lie of scarcity. They use as a weapon, the lie that, you know, co2 is, is damaging the planet lie, the lie that we're going to run out of water. Why the lie that we don't have enough food.

Let me tell you something. If Israel is, is, has crops and cattle and everywhere. If the powers that be that run the International Banking Cartel, IMF, World Bank, USAID wanted the entire Africa and the entire South America and Middle East to be flowing with water and vegetation and electricity. It could be okay.

It's, it's not a money issue. It's a power issue. It's a divide and conquer issue. Scarcity is not real. God provided everything we need on planet earth. And frankly, I think what they're doing, the controlled demolition of America, they're isolating us. And then the parent company that's running our country is liquidating our country.

And a lot of people are looking at the land that they want to take. This is all an agenda 2030 30 by 30. The truth is they want to take that land, the water, the energy and everything. So that they control it because they need it for the energy and electricity and air conditioning for their giant data centers to run their digital public infrastructure global track and trace surveillance So our natural resources that we have in abundance under the United States of America We would literally if we had the right Leadership, which God willing we will have again.

We literally do not have to import anything We have everything in spades and guess what? Underneath our land are the some of the best natural resources in the world So people are looking at them buying up our farmland This is black rock and the ccp bill gates a lot of that it has to do with them running their surveillance program And these data centers that you know, we think they're, they're buying them to make, to farm.

No, they're not. They're buying them for the resources in my opinion. And again, then telling us that we're going to run out of them if we don't stop drilling, if we don't stop, if we don't, if they're taking all the water from the farmers and making up lies and excuses underneath our soil, we have enough water and oil and all of that.

Not just to take care of the entire America, but a lot of the rest of the world, and they don't want us to have that. And they lie about scarcity when you and I know God provided abundantly for everyone. And there is no computer that is better than the human brain created by God either. So, you know, all the things that they're telling us, AI is going to take over.

We're going to run out of resources. All lies. It is all about control. It is all about sustainable goals for their control model. And that's it, in my opinion. Exactly. And all the things have been with the economy, you know, how it fell a little bit. That's another scare tactic. We got, again, guys talked about the lot about the gold, the silver, everything that's going on with a system with this Fiat system.

He calls it a Ponzi scheme because that's exactly what it is. They control the money. They control the weather. They control the food. They control the medicine. They control every single thing about our life. And then that's why it gets overwhelming. The system, like I said earlier about people not knowing how to fight back.

And so this is how we fight back. First of all. We start digging in about what we can do because it's not just like me and you. We are giving them tools. We're giving them information to take this information and do something with it as well. Just like with President Trump, when he was showing us, he literally has been showing us since 2015, the swamp, the deep state, the establishment, the establishment that tried to kill well, did kill JFK.

Try to kill ronald reagan also try to kill him And so these people because they're not guest people. They're not establishment people. They cannot be paid off They're a threat to their establishment They're a threat to their control over this country and it doesn't affect this country. It affects the entire world And so that's why they went after benjamin and not not yahoo.

That's why they're going after after all these other elections and after all these other people because they want all governments and they don't want anybody that is independent. They don't want anybody that's going to fight them back. And that's why they haven't just stolen our country's elections or what they did with Israel for a long time.

They're stealing nation's elections everywhere. Installing these yes people, like Zelensky, is just another yes man puppet. Same thing with Trudeau in Canada, they're all yes men and they're all a part of this big, huge, global government one world government scheme. They're a mob. It's like a gang, like a gangster.

They are like a complete mob, and if they threaten anybody who threatens them, and their existence, and their power and control. And so by, by people like you and so many others that are writing books or telling people to have these shows or letting people know what's going on. There is things that every person, if say for instance, I know, we know Trump got more than 81 million votes election.

It was ridiculous. We know he got way more than that, but even if just that was 80 million, 81 million people, just think of 81 million people back then decided to say, you know what? This election was stolen. I don't give a crap what judges say. I don't give a crap what the news media saying. I'm going to fight until our country is back and our rightful president is back in order, where he's supposed to be.

Just think how different this nation would be. And I know it's taken this long and there's many people, like I said, there's not a left and a right. There's a unit party. I tell people don't back off. I'm praying for the Republican party because you know, there's establishment swampies And they're still that are trying to get their claws in because they know Trump wins They're gonna try to do everything they can just like they did last time He was president to try to stop him from what he really could have done.

He was really Limited and he did he accomplished. Oh, yeah, you know president. Sure pretty time But he could have done so much more if he wasn't limited by the political cronies that were all over in the government. God says we don't need politics and politicians. We need him and that's what this country has to know.

That's what the world needs to know We need god because god's unlimited. There's no one bigger than him. He's the god of the impossible. He's He's the one who's going to defeat this enemy And so we have to realize we have to get on god's side and be in agreement with almighty god in order to defeat these people because he's the one who's going to give us the strength and the ability to endure it i'm so glad you're saying that because it it is very very apparent to me that You where we are right now requires us to have a change of our relationship both mentally and in, in, you know, real life with the government.

The problem is that they, and I, and this is why I have a whole section about reality TV and the 24 hour news cycle and of course social media, when I'm talking about dealers and suppliers of the conflict and chaos is because frankly, we We, the people of the United States have to take back our power ourselves.

And at the same time, we have to remember that it is, it is God within each of us individually that we have to connect with and then connect our, each other and really understand that politicians work for us. Our relationship with the government is upside down. These should not be celebrities. Any agency that is unconstitutional should go.

Lobbying should be totally illegal. We should not tolerate lobbying. Are you kidding me? It's legalized bribery and it's biggest thing that takes our voice in our vote and above and beyond that, like these people, these Congress people, these senators, they proved during COVID they don't need to be in DC, but they Go home and live with your constituents, you know, most of the year.

And, and most of all, we, the people, and this is why in there I have a whole thing about having Americans anonymous meetings or freedom cells in your community, because we should be the oversight of the government. We shouldn't have to wait for Jim Jordan or somebody else to do a whole bunch of committee hearings.

Locally, we should be overseeing our local government as citizens of that community and forming groups to talk about things that affect us all without politics, without that solution oriented, positive game changers. If we all just did that, like when I was little, if there were robberies in the town, my dad and all the parents created a neighborhood watch.

We need to create freedom watch groups. All over this country and take back the power the government works for us If we don't start acting like it on the the local level, it's never going to get to the national level So that's that's another big part of it is fellowship and creating groups that are not about Left or right, but are about right and wrong and really, you know, finding your tribe and that tribe will grow because we are the majority.

Yeah. And one of the things that the Lord also pointed out is that it's not just a president seat. You need every part of the down ballot. Right. There's so many people that had that misunderstanding that, okay, it's all about Trump, just get Trump in. Just get Trump in. Yes. It's important to get him in. Yes, of course, because he's a rightful president and that's what God has picked for this time.

Yeah. But it's important for every other person, the vice president and down. Every person, state and local levels are all important. And that's why we all had to start getting involved in a school, the education boards and all this kind of things in our, in our communities. Because it means this doesn't take an awakening a revival, but one of the things that nothing that the Lord pointed out was it with COVID.

It didn't wake everybody up. So what will it take to wake more people up? Right? Right. Yeah. They're not done doing what they're going to do. But listen, but and I don't I'm not saying to scare anybody I'm saying that is because we have to be aware of what they're going to do So we are prepared for what they're going to do.

So we don't get into fear We don't get compliant and we don't give up and quit and so before we go I'll have you can say your closing remarks. I have this up this is where your book is. Yep. And schuster. com. Yeah. And it's also on Amazon and wherever you can go. And the more we can pre sell the more likely it will actually out there.

So, you can go there or the Mel K show. com, but Amazon, Simon and Schuster, wherever books are sold. And it's really, cause it's not a partisan book. It is about you and me. And, you know, people say who you're voting for in 2024. I say, I'm voting for me and my family. You know, and, and that's who I'm voting for.

And, and my friends, and again, like you said, and it's really important to understand. The, the election in 2024 is the beginning of us taking back our country. And that means us, you and me the problem in this country happens to be us. And because the second that we decide that we have a constitution, a bill of rights, a declaration of independence, that means something and take it personally.

Everyone needs to take personally what is happening. Like Andrew Breitbart said, it's important. It's good to have righteous indignation when somebody is trying to destroy your country. And that can be peaceful. And frankly, we all need to reach out to the 30 percent of American citizens who do not vote because right now they are being slammed just as hard as everyone else.

Everyone's being divided into pieces, which aren't real. The truth is we are all on the same team when it comes to freedom. And I think just like our founders, they didn't get along during the years before writing the declaration of independence. There was lots of brawling and fighting and disagreements.

But you know what? They all agreed on freedom. And, and that is where we all have to meet right now. And, and what I hope for, and what I believe is going to happen come the next couple of months will be a unifying. Force that will wake people up to the external means nothing. And as long as these guys keep pushing this external nonsense, they can keep doing that.

But I think people will internally rise up, get together and realize, you know what? No government is more powerful than God and no government is more powerful than what God has given me. And hopefully everyone will find their gifts, use their gifts. And like I say to everyone, it doesn't matter what you did before this point.

time. This is an unprecedented, biblical, amazing time to be alive. As scary as it may be. Go be the hero. You, you thought you want it to be, or go do what you put behind because of debt slavery or mistakes or whatever. And who cares what you were before right now, everyone can reinvent themselves. Everyone can be a hero and a leader in their sphere of influence.

I'd say to everyone, be the Paul Revere in your community. You know, they probably thought he was nuts when he was running around. The British are coming and then realize, Oh my God, he's right. The British, British are coming. So get out there, be brave, stand up, talk about it. More and more people are really awake and, and you know what?

They just all see the cesspool. That is the 10 by 10. Vassal state known as the District of Columbia as needing to be reformed and reformed. It will be if we demand it and we can do that. And like you said, down ballot, make sure because all, because they have an R next to their name doesn't mean that they're not on the other side.

So your responsibility is to take your vote very seriously and make sure also get involved now because every fake vote. Makes your vote not count. So there's just so many ways you can get involved. So many different things. And I have a resource page, free resource page on themailcaseshow. com and I've broken it into many different topics.


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