3 years agoMarch 2021 Astrological Ascension Forecast - the 8 / sovereign royalty / divine will / self honor*
4 years agoGuided Meditation. METHOD TO INTEGRATE DIFFICULT EMOTIONS- (separation to wholeness using a memory)*
3 years agoTruthful Unbiased ‘News & Current Events’ with Dan Hennen on EA Truth RadioEternal Affairs Media ™
3 years agoWeek-In-Review No Spin 'Current Events & News' w/ Dan Hennen on EA Truth RadioEternal Affairs Media ™
3 years agoNo-Spin Unbiased Current Events & News w/ Dan Hennen on EA Truth RadioEternal Affairs Media ™
2 years agoUsing Relative Strength and Technical Analysis to Build Strong Portfolio Models with Downside RiskMoneyShow
3 years agoGuided Meditation. Heal health systems within you, within our world. Consciousness Technology.*
3 years agoGuided Meditation. Heal Mind Control, Disempowerment , Lies and Illusion. Consciousness Technology*
4 years agoThe Death Program... what is running the show of your life. STOP victimhood & disease. False Matrix*
3 years agoThe JAB | Spiritual & energetic consequences of the V | Its your soul they are after | WATCH & SHARESaritaSol
3 years agoASSIST THE TRUCKERS CONVOY | Send energetic protection, freedom frequency & love | Guided Meditation*
3 years agoTruthful Unbiased 'News & Current Events' w/ Dan Hennen on EA Truth RadioEternal Affairs Media ™
3 years agoGuided meditation. Darkness & light basics / Beginners meditation. Foundations for a conscious life.*
2 years ago2nd Annual Virtual Aquaponic Cannabis Conference: Dr. Robert Faust Soil SciencePotent Ponics
3 years agoGuided Meditation | Transmission | Body Vessel alchemical merging of polarity to oneness within you*
3 years agoMore Jab questions | Disease Industry | Archonic force | free will abdication | DNA soul blueprint*
3 years agoSummary findings from Energetic Healers on the JAB | Energetic observations of taking the V**X*
3 years agoQ & A on the V**X | soul loss | human portals | reincarnation | syphoning consciousness | archons*
3 years agoThe JAB | Spiritual & energetic consequences of the V | Its your soul they are after | WATCH & SHARE*
3 years agoGuided Meditation | Imprint and empower your legs with frequencies to move forward | Tribe All One*
2 years agoGuided meditation- POWERFUL ! | Transmute irritation and aggravation with sun fire and earth energy*