1. March 2021 Astrological Ascension Forecast - the 8 / sovereign royalty / divine will / self honor

    March 2021 Astrological Ascension Forecast - the 8 / sovereign royalty / divine will / self honor

  2. Guided Meditation. METHOD TO INTEGRATE DIFFICULT EMOTIONS- (separation to wholeness using a memory)

    Guided Meditation. METHOD TO INTEGRATE DIFFICULT EMOTIONS- (separation to wholeness using a memory)

  3. Using Relative Strength and Technical Analysis to Build Strong Portfolio Models with Downside Risk

    Using Relative Strength and Technical Analysis to Build Strong Portfolio Models with Downside Risk

  4. Guided Meditation. Heal health systems within you, within our world. Consciousness Technology.

    Guided Meditation. Heal health systems within you, within our world. Consciousness Technology.

  5. Guided Meditation. Heal Mind Control, Disempowerment , Lies and Illusion. Consciousness Technology

    Guided Meditation. Heal Mind Control, Disempowerment , Lies and Illusion. Consciousness Technology

  6. Love and Spiritual bypassing with regards to the Jab and Inverted matrix spirituality

    Love and Spiritual bypassing with regards to the Jab and Inverted matrix spirituality

  7. The Death Program... what is running the show of your life. STOP victimhood & disease. False Matrix

    The Death Program... what is running the show of your life. STOP victimhood & disease. False Matrix

  8. The JAB | Spiritual & energetic consequences of the V | Its your soul they are after | WATCH & SHARE

    The JAB | Spiritual & energetic consequences of the V | Its your soul they are after | WATCH & SHARE

  9. ASSIST THE TRUCKERS CONVOY | Send energetic protection, freedom frequency & love | Guided Meditation

    ASSIST THE TRUCKERS CONVOY | Send energetic protection, freedom frequency & love | Guided Meditation

  10. Guided meditation. Darkness & light basics / Beginners meditation. Foundations for a conscious life.

    Guided meditation. Darkness & light basics / Beginners meditation. Foundations for a conscious life.

  11. 2nd Annual Virtual Aquaponic Cannabis Conference: Dr. Robert Faust Soil Science

    2nd Annual Virtual Aquaponic Cannabis Conference: Dr. Robert Faust Soil Science

  12. Guided meditation |Emanate PEACE & JOY through your heart & the world | NO MORE FEAR !

    Guided meditation |Emanate PEACE & JOY through your heart & the world | NO MORE FEAR !

  13. Guided Meditation | Transmission | Body Vessel alchemical merging of polarity to oneness within you

    Guided Meditation | Transmission | Body Vessel alchemical merging of polarity to oneness within you

  14. More Jab questions | Disease Industry | Archonic force | free will abdication | DNA soul blueprint

    More Jab questions | Disease Industry | Archonic force | free will abdication | DNA soul blueprint

  15. Summary findings from Energetic Healers on the JAB | Energetic observations of taking the V**X

    Summary findings from Energetic Healers on the JAB | Energetic observations of taking the V**X

  16. Q & A on the V**X | soul loss | human portals | reincarnation | syphoning consciousness | archons

    Q & A on the V**X | soul loss | human portals | reincarnation | syphoning consciousness | archons

  17. The JAB | Spiritual & energetic consequences of the V | Its your soul they are after | WATCH & SHARE

    The JAB | Spiritual & energetic consequences of the V | Its your soul they are after | WATCH & SHARE

  18. Guided Meditation | Imprint and empower your legs with frequencies to move forward | Tribe All One

    Guided Meditation | Imprint and empower your legs with frequencies to move forward | Tribe All One

  19. Guided meditation- POWERFUL ! | Transmute irritation and aggravation with sun fire and earth energy

    Guided meditation- POWERFUL ! | Transmute irritation and aggravation with sun fire and earth energy

  20. The Dr. Ardis Show | AGES Conference Preview | Episode 09.11.2024

    The Dr. Ardis Show | AGES Conference Preview | Episode 09.11.2024
