Have Rocket, Will Travel (1959 Full Movie) [COLORIZED] | Summary: While cleaning at a spaceport the boys accidentally take off for Venus. They encounter many creatures including an A.I. computer that makes evil clones of the Stooges.
Feeling Left Out Not Making a Big Deal About My 4,000+ Year Old Ancient Roots, Racial Superiority, [and Victimhood ALL at the Same Time]... SO NOW I WILL! (WE in 5D Satirical Sarcastic Titling) | I’m Puerto Rican, Just So You Know (2006 Documentary)
President Trump's Final Rally in Dayton, OH Before The Mid-Term Elections! — November 7, 2022 (He States He’ll Make a Major Announcement on Tuesday, Nov. 15th!)
The Man in the Moon (1898) –and– A Trip to the Moon (1902): The First Two (2) Sci-Fi Films EVER Made; by French Filmmaker Georges Méliès + Colorized Narrated Version and a Short Documentary — Filled with Esoteric and Extraterrestrial Imagery!
The 27th Day (1957 Full Movie) | Pre-Summary: An alien from a dying planet brings five average people from England, Germany, China, the Soviet Union and the United States onto its spacecraft. They're told Earth can be saved of total destruction IF...
EMERGENCY: Democrats Move to Make Gun Ownership in America Illegal as Multiple Cases Hit The Supreme Court, and Biden Promises To Ban Assault Weapons. It's 2 Minutes to Midnight! | #KeepinItReal #YouCanChangeReal #RightNowItsLikeThis
When You're in Love with Being in Love, and You NEED(Y) to be Loved—This is What You Attract. A Flawed Concept of Love, Where Eventually One Too Many Broken Hearts Can Make for a Corruptible Soul. THIS is Where it All Began! | The MDNA Experience