Humanity’s History and Their Ascension, and The Illuminati: Sacha Stone Gives a Beautiful Presentation and Explanation—After First Ripping into the Toxic “Christians” [Vs. the Original Krystic] | Patriot Streetfighter (4/6/23)
Aerospace Historian, Michael Schratt Lays Out UFO Crash Retrievals Throughout History IN DETAIL (1/16/24) [FLASHBACK] 🐆 PROJECT CAMELOT | WE in 5D: It's THESE Types of Interviews Which Make Kerry Cassidy a Legend, NOT Her "Q" Trippin!
SIGHTINGS: Investigating Top Secret Government Documents, Real Alien Footage or Cruel Hoax?, the Largest Mass UFO Sighting in History, and More! | [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]
SIGHTINGS: Have ET's Returned to the "Holy Land"?, History's Most Terrifying Case of Alien Abduction?, The Development of A.I. a Danger? (Note: This Was Just the Early 90's), and Much More! | [TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]
Roundtable with Gene Decode and Kerry Cassidy, Hosted by Patriot Underground. — A Break From the Gaslighting “Plan” and an Update on the ET Agenda at This Time in Ukraine and Other Nations/Continents + a Good Dose of History! (12/12/22)
🚨 "IT'S WORSE THAN WE THOUGHT‼️" 🚨 Elon Musk/DOGE Gains Control Of All Federal Financial Records, First Day Of Investigation Discovers Greatest Theft In History By Deep State Operatives/USAID And Their Criminal NGO's!