Wyatt Earp and the Cowboy War ~ Part One: History is a Lie...Non HD Version

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Wyatt Earp and the Cowboy War ~ Part One: History is a Lie...

3:00pm PST, 5:00pm CST, 6:00pm EST, 11:00pm UK Time, Midnight SAST, 8am Sydney Australia, 10am Wellington NZ

All Right, get Ready for it, Tonight, Saturday, August 31st at 5pm CST, we will be LIVE with Part One in our New Series: Wyatt Earp and the Cowboy War…Tonight’s show is entitled History is a Lie, as we find out how virtually EVERYTHING that we thought we Knew about Wyatt Earp, the Gunfight at the OK Corral, and his Feud with the Clanton Gang is a Massive Lie, and how this Story is at the HEART of Americana, and the War between America and the Rothschild Banking Cartel...

Virtually Everything you are about to learn regarding the ACTUAL TRUTH of Wyatt Earp and his War against the Cowboy Gang, led by Ike Clanton, will be Brand New to You, and as we go thru this Series, you will literally become Sick with Anger and Frustration over what actually happened, and how the Rothschild Controlled Mainstream Media in America and around the World, worked Daily to LIE against the Earps and in Favor of their Murderous Assassins, the Cowboys…

Narrated by the Fierce Man of Truth, Ed Harris, this Story is going to blow us away, and remind us, Constantly, that we Know NOTHING of our True History, and that the Story of Wyatt Earp as Deputy Marshall in Tombstone, Arizona, the Gunfight at the OK Corral, the Clantons, what we Thought to be True about Cowboys, Wells Fargo, The US Civil War, the American Debt owed to European Nations for the Money borrowed during the Civil War, and even American Banker, JP Morgan, have been mostly Lies, and that we must start from Scratch to begin the Learn the Truth of these Epic Men, and this Historic Struggle in Arizona over the Flow of Silver coming from All the Mines...

The story of Wyatt Earp and his War against the Rothschild Cowboys IS America, and is tied to the Heart of American History, and the War between Good and Evil and this is Going on the in the World Right Now…and in this Series you will become ABEL to SEE just how the Rothchilds were able to MANIPULATE the Minds of the Public through the Endless Lies they printed Daily within the Mainstream Media, which they largely controlled, and how, if not for Hollywood Movies, we would Know NOTHING of the Truth about Wyatt Earp, and likely, to this day, we would have seen Wyatt Earp as a Hired Killer of the Government, to try and rekindle the Civil War, which is NOTHING but a Lie…it was Hollywood that reached out to Wyatt Earp, later in his Life, and in 1922, brought Wyatt to Hollywood and hired him to be their Chief Movie Consultant on America’s Wild West, and then got around to telling us much of the Actual Truth about this Good Man and his War against Pure Evil...

So, Take a Deep Breathe, and then Join us Saturday Night for this stunning Presentation of the Truth, where we are going to set the Record Straight about Wyatt Earp and his War against the Cowboy Gang...See you this Saturday night, LIVE…

With Love,

CF and Collywog

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