Yuval Noah Harari | Yuval Noah Harari Introduces His New Religion “Data-Ism” While Just “11% of Americans Read the Bible Daily” - Christianity Today (4/22/2022) | Why Only Real Eyes Realize Real Lies
Geneva, Switzerland | Why Is CERN, the WHO, the WEF, GAVI & the U.N. Located In Geneva? "Everything In the World Related to Democide Is Located In Geneva." - Pascal Najadi (Son of WEF Co-Founder) | Rev 2:13 + Revelation 16:12-14 + The End Ti
Elon Musk & Yuval Noah Harari | Elon Musk & Yuval Noah Harari Discuss: Brave New World, SOMA from Brave New World, SOMA the Real Drug, Black Mirror, Drugs + "Brave New World, You Read It. So What's Really Wrong With It?"
Breaking news for the kingdom-Evidence God is real-Last chance to Repent The lamb is here- the white horse is on it's way to slay please open your ears open your eyes!