The Extraterrestrial Revelation: Mudras, SSRM-Tech, and Human Transfiguration (Part 2 of 2)

6 months ago

Come in out of the rain, and join us in "The Place Inside". We are having a fabulous conversation about potentiation, electromagnetism, the cold sun, psychotronics, Göbekli Tepe, the television mini-series "Taken", aliens, extraterrestrials, UFOs, OVNIs, Michael Tsarion, theta binaural beats, Lucifer, Zechariah Stichen, the Bible, extremist Christians, religious extremism in general, SSRM-Tech, they now can read your mind, scalar waves, Sirius, Islamic literalism, the Spanish Inquisition, giant prophets who lived hundreds of years, orgies, Sophia and Gnosticism, Genesis, aliens in your bedroom, DNA (a blood-line potpourri), Nephilim, Tuatha de Danann, Tiamat, Puharich, Bode's Law, 2012, Transfiguration, Nibiru, Light Body, your own personal mantra, incredible mudra powers, Patanjali sutras, Mahabarata, Çatal Hüyük and when we used to think that was the oldest city on Earth, repatterning, bioenergy, orgone, regenetics, cure, healing, prayer, shamanism, "Beyond Duality: The Art of Transcendence", alternative medicine, the absolute indisputable fact that sound began the show and the show will not end until the fat lady sings, sound healing (specifically the balanced use of sound and intention to heal in ways that can seem miraculous to many Westerners), how alphabet "black ops" agencies are ruining threads on message boards and blogs, the essential need for firm intention, miracles, DNA, and DNA activation.

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