4 years agoDoom 64: The Lost Levels (Switch) - Level 38: Thy Glory (Watch Me Die!)Metal Smasher Gaming
5 years agoHyrule Warriors DE - Challenge Mode: Cucco's Fury - Survival Battle Level 1 (A Rank)Metal Smasher Gaming
5 years agoHyrule Warriors DE - Challenge Mode: Cucco's Fury - Giant Battle Level 3 (A Rank)Metal Smasher Gaming
5 years agoTetris 99 - 9th Maximus Cup (11/8/19-11/11/19) - Pokemon Sword & Shield ThemeMetal Smasher Gaming
5 years agoTetris 99 - 8th Maximus Cup (10/25/19 - 10/28/19) - Luigi's Mansion ThemeMetal Smasher Gaming
5 years agoHyrule Warriors Definitive Edition - Grand Travels Map - Square G1 (A Rank)Metal Smasher Gaming
5 years agoHyrule Warriors Definitive Edition - Grand Travels Map - Square F3 (A Rank)Metal Smasher Gaming
5 years agoFire Emblem: Three Houses - Hard/Classic Mode - Part 24: Battle of the Eagle and LionMetal Smasher Gaming
2 years agoA Link To The Past Randomizer (ALTTPR) - Retro Vanilla Boss Shuffle All DungeonsMetal Smasher Gaming
5 years agoHyrule Warriors Definitive Edition - Koholint Island Map - Square B2 (A Rank)Metal Smasher Gaming
5 years agoHyrule Warriors DE - Legend Mode (Hero, 2nd Skulltulas) - Chapter 17: Enduring ResolveMetal Smasher Gaming
2 years agoA Link To The Past Randomizer (ALTTPR) - Expert Keysanity Fast Ganon (3 Crystals)Metal Smasher Gaming
5 years agoHyrule Warriors DE - Legend Mode (Hero, 2nd Skulltulas) - Chapter 10: Sealed AmbitionMetal Smasher Gaming
5 years agoHyrule Warriors DE - Legend Mode (Hero, 2nd Skulltulas) - Chapter 7: Land of TwilightMetal Smasher Gaming
5 years agoHyrule Warriors DE - Legend Mode (Hero, 2nd Skulltulas) - Chapter 9: Land In The SkyMetal Smasher Gaming
5 years agoFire Emblem: Three Houses - Black Eagles (Hard/Classic) - Part 52: Protecting Garreg MachMetal Smasher Gaming