1. Return to His Scriptures! Lakewood, The Assembly w/o Yah. Yeshua is coming - your code is exalted."

    Return to His Scriptures! Lakewood, The Assembly w/o Yah. Yeshua is coming - your code is exalted."

  2. APR17 2024: The voice of YHVH is The Voice of Yeshua. Moses and Elijah, are in the harvest of YHVH.

    APR17 2024: The voice of YHVH is The Voice of Yeshua. Moses and Elijah, are in the harvest of YHVH.

  3. OCT23: You will see the asteroid of Yeshua. Apply the tape measure to the Lofty One of the Tree.

    OCT23: You will see the asteroid of Yeshua. Apply the tape measure to the Lofty One of the Tree.

  4. Faultline - Grace and truth. For the day of His miracle, Jonathan preached the code of Yeshua.

    Faultline - Grace and truth. For the day of His miracle, Jonathan preached the code of Yeshua.

  5. The Shocking Revelation of Why Only Few Will Be Saved - Series - Believers Beware #15

    The Shocking Revelation of Why Only Few Will Be Saved - Series - Believers Beware #15

  6. Season 3 Episode 6: How You Are Fallen, O Lucifer; You Shall Be Brought Down To the PIT of HELL

    Season 3 Episode 6: How You Are Fallen, O Lucifer; You Shall Be Brought Down To the PIT of HELL

  7. Yeshua will eliminate it (The Levitical priesthood & the veil). We analyzed the Peshitta-Aramaic NT

    Yeshua will eliminate it (The Levitical priesthood & the veil). We analyzed the Peshitta-Aramaic NT

  8. Faultline Grace and truth. Jonathan is for the Code. The Bible is a lamp to him-Yeshua's fire!

    Faultline Grace and truth. Jonathan is for the Code. The Bible is a lamp to him-Yeshua's fire!

  9. Angelic realm is helping those that have luciferase from the Vax tearing their souls from God.

    Angelic realm is helping those that have luciferase from the Vax tearing their souls from God.

  10. APR14 2024: Gematria - Yes, from Sean Mitchell, and the validation is from Me (Yeshua) of its design

    APR14 2024: Gematria - Yes, from Sean Mitchell, and the validation is from Me (Yeshua) of its design

  11. SEP13 2024: The New Moon is full! A full sign to reckon! Yeshua-23. They will be punished as a whole

    SEP13 2024: The New Moon is full! A full sign to reckon! Yeshua-23. They will be punished as a whole

  12. Rosh Chodesh Shevat 2025 - 5785 and Holy Communion

    Rosh Chodesh Shevat 2025 - 5785 and Holy Communion
