Season 3 Episode 6: How You Are Fallen, O Lucifer; You Shall Be Brought Down To the PIT of HELL

5 months ago

Originally aired 8/18/24. Last Episode, we slowed down in REV ch 20 verses 1-3 to examine WHO Satan is, and how he is our ADVERSARY. He seduces people into sin, and then ACCUSES us before the throne of God. He is a destroyer, and hates humans.

And as we have said many times, he uses FEAR, LUST, and POWER to coerce humanity into doing his will, rejecting GOD, and even helping him set up his global empire.

And so now at the end of the TRIBULATION, JESUS comes to judge the rebellious wicked, SAVE the remnant of survivors, both gentile and JEWISH believers who came to faith AFTER the RAPTURE of the Church. And NOW He will chain Satan in the pit of hell.

Last time, we read in REV 20:1-3, that in setting up his Kingdom, Jesus first BINDS SATAN for a time.

So here the angel comes with the key to the BOTTOMLESS PIT, and a GREAT CHAIN in order to RESTRAIN SATAN for the 1,000 years of Jesus’s Millennial reign of the earth. And so verse 3 describes how the angel, “CAST HIM INTO THE BOTTOMLESS PIT.”

There are many terms used in the Bible concerning what we and the New Testament call HELL, and we get some understanding of its configuration from Jesus Himself, looking at his account of the Poor Man Lazarus.

And so we learn a lot about how HELL works from Jesus’s account, here, and we understand this to be a TRUE account of 2 men, because it is not told as a Parable, as each is identified as “a certain man” and the names Lazarus and Abraham are identified.

This account takes place BEFORE Jesus Died and goes to free the prisoners held in Abraham’s bosom, who had died in faith. We see that Lazarus was CARRIED there by the angels, until Jesus made a way of release.

The Greek word HADES is commonly translated to HELL, and the rich man is sent to the part of hell, that TORMENTS those who have rejected God, and must pay for their evil deeds.

We see this principle in a PARABLE by Jesus of the wicked servant.

We see that THE PIT is referred to throughout the Old Testament as where the dead go. Those who died in faith in the Old Testament, it was a holding place until Jesus set them free. For those who died, and still die having rejected GOD, it is a place of torment for the things done in life.

YESHUA HAMASHIACH יֵשׁוּעַ המשׁיה

Am Israel Chai! עם ישראל חי


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