Western Washington University: The "Berkeley of the North" -- Sexual Perverts, Sodomites, Homosexuals & Blasphemers Abound As I Contend With The Beasts of Bellingham
Montana State University: Apathy Broken, Filthy Kissing Lesbians Help Me Draw Large Crowd, Dealing with Perverts, Agnostics, Evolutionists & Hypocrites
Sam Houston State Univ: Pro-Homosexual Female Student Yells, Helps Me Draw A Large Crowd, Lots of Great Questions, Then Hostility & Rowdiness Grows As Homosexuals & Sexual Perverts Stir Up The Crowd, A Satanist Lesbian Raises Her Sign, A Wild Day!
FSU: Hypocrite Tears Up, I Rebuke Her And This Draws Crowd of 40 People (About the 1 hour and 50 minute mark), Dealing w/ Lesbians, Perverted Women, Homosexuals, Atheists, Agnostics, Proving the Bible True, Exalting Jesus Christ!