July 7, 2024 - Do Not Presume On God's Grace - Back In His Grace!

7 months ago


Grace = “charis" = unearned favor; a favor done without expectation of return; the loving kindness of God to mankind

Hyper-grace = presumes on the amazing grace of God!

God has given believers super grace, an abundance of grace Hyper-grace teaching Romans 5: 17

Hyper-grace teaching Romans 5: 17 : I am saved; all of my sins are covered, I can live any way I want

Hyper-grace presumes on God’s abundant grace!

ANTI (against) + NOMOS (law)
Antinomianism means "Against Law"

The law has no place in a believer's life - WRONG!

Believers are expected to obey the law out of love for Christ!!

hyper-grace (noun) - A false teaching which perverts and distorts the grace of God into a license to sin or act immorally.

symptoms of hyper-grace:
* Downplays or even fully dismisses the Old Testament moral laws or the ten commandments
* Frequently uses "do not judge" verse out of context to end any kind of moral correction
* Often refers to those upholding the law as legalists or Pharisees
* Over emphasizes the mercy and love of Christ
* Does not feel the need to confess or repent because all sin has already been forgiven.
* Focus on comforting, uplifting, and loving areas of scripture.
* May even take pride in sin, shortcomings or failure.

What does hypergrace sound like?
I can sin and enjoy it

Those who are really saved have been crucified with Christ!

Galations 2:20: I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself for me.

Hyper-grace teachers maintain:

1) All sin has already been forgiven; there is no need for the believer to confess

2) We are not bound by Jesus’ teaching - WHUTT!?!
Believers are not responsible for their sin
Anyone who disagrees is a Pharisaical legalist

3) They pervert the grace of God into a license for immorality - Jude 1: 4

Folks, there is a time to pitch a fit, to say "WHOA!" to any hyper-grace teaching!

To stand alone, if need be . . .

The power of one who stands!

4) They claim the Holy Spirit will never convict Christians of their sin - WHUTT!?!

The cure for presuming on grace - CONFESS! - 1 John 1:9

The grace of God screams COME! - Revelation 22: 17
“The Spirit and the bride say, hears say, “Come!” WHUTT !?! ! And let him who “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.”

Do not presume on God's Grace!

Bask in HIS grace!!

God's GREAT GRACE! It flows over us.

"Your grace abounds in deepest water.
Your sovereign hand will be my guide.
Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me
You've never failed
and You won't start now."



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