The Landscape for 2024 Elections Shows with Pro-Hamas Domestic Terror at Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Lighting | Speaker Johnson Falls in Line with Neocons Despite J6 Footage Release | How Can Growing Conservative Media Outlets Defeat Censorship | Da
Will A Jihad Occur in the United States After Hamas Call for Day of Rage | China and Iran Are Working to Take Israel | Anti-Christian Groups Working Together to Collapse United States | Aila Wang, Alex Newman
Andy Ngo vs Antifa Trial Exemplifies Trump and J6 Future Trials | Ohio Tabulator and Ballot Issues Show Election Interference and Voter Disenfranchisement AGAIN | Man Says Flying Cars are the Future of Alleviating Traffic | David Johnson
Militant Socialists are Organized to Break Laws and Indoctrinate Children | 5G Can Activate Bioweapons in our Bodies Through Graphene Oxide Carrier | Politicians are Funneling Donations for Expensive Nepotism | Karlyn Borysenko, Sen (Ret) Ted Harvey
Texas School Vouchers Could Take Away Accountability of the Public School System | Chinese Nationals are Infiltrating the Southern Border for the CCP | Dr. Mark Sherwood, Col. John Mills, Brett Guillory
As Public Schools Across the U.S. Undermine and Re-Educate Parents Seek Homeschooling | Group Gathers Pastors to Recover United States from Marxists | Sam Sorbo, Rev. William Cook
Trump Indictment Signals Left's Election Interference Protocols | Human Trafficking, Transgender Terrorism, Restrict Act and Banking Crisis are All Related | Americans Do Not Have Situational Awareness | Andi Buerger, Col Brian Searcy