If You Don't Start Updating Yourself On Emerging Technologies You Will Continue To Be Gaslight And Will Be Left For Dead By The Ones You've Chosen To Trust!
Energy Harvesting in Electromagnetic Nanonetworks | "Gee I wonder why everyone I talk To Is Always Complaining That they are burnt out and feel tiered all the time?" - Well actually I don't wonder why because I know exactly why because I ac
NWO EXTINCTION THREAT: What’s the most effective way to exterminate a population? STARVATION! What’s the only undetectable way to force a famine? WEATHER CONTROL! -- HAARP -- We Can Change WEATHER, Cause HURRICANES, Droughts, Floods, Earthquakes
Quorom Sensing for cyber physical systems w/ NIST & Rice University 6G "And Beyond" Biodigital Convergence - All The Stuff You Aren't Being Told In The "Truther" Communities!