The Secret Teachings: Metatron's Cube - Immersive Extended Reality

1 year ago

The Secret Teachings: Metatron's Cube - Immersive Extended Reality
Posted January 11th, 2022
The Secret Teachings Broadcast
ufology, paranormal, para-politics, & the occult

"Politics as a means of control over the population has become OBSOLETE.
In the near future, the Hearts and Minds of men will be Controlled Directly through Technology.
We are witnessing the Convergence of the Biological and Digital, that will fuse directly with the Consciousness. This new Age of the 4th Industrial Revolution will monitor and control the masses on every level: The Physical Biological, Mental and even Spiritual aspects of humanity will be subject to this constant state Interference and Control.
Once this Beast System is completed and put into place, the world will not only become an unescapable prison but a Post Human State of Existence that will bring an end to humanity itself. Bio-Nano and Wireless Technology alone will be powerful enough to Transform Everyone into Cyborgs. No consent required or given.
Once this system is in place, there may not be any possibility of return to our true human state.
Finally, we are at a point where the grand unified theory of conspiracy, the paranormal, the unidentified, and the unexplained, unfolds in one terrifying and all inspiring realization. It doesn’t take the new Matrix film to remind fans of the plot. During the war with the machines, the sky was darkened to prevent the initial machines from obtaining their energy. As a response, the machines began to farm, cultivate, and exploit the energy of the human as a battery to power their systems. But like in the movie The Island, the clones would only be useful if they had been allowed to obtain consciousness. In the same way for the same reason, the machines plugged humans into a virtual simulation of their world at the height of the 20th century. This simulation of the real world is the womb of synthetic growth. It powers the machine world and feeds the artificial system.

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