2 years agoSoul/Substance Dualism Post-Debate Supplemental: The Meta-Problem of Consciousnessrealseekerministry
2 years agoDebating Consciousness & the Soul/Substance Dualism- with Robert L. White & Travis R.realseekerministry
1 year agoWas YHWH a Pagan Deity- Refuting Tyler Vela & Derek Lambert on Faith Unalteredrealseekerministry
1 year agoMy Testimony: From Agnostic to Christian (Dale Guest Stars on Reason & Theology Podcast)realseekerministry
2 years agoContrasting Evidences for Islam v. Christianity- with ANE Expert Luis Dizonrealseekerministry
1 year agoNew Shroud of Turin Podcast- Skeptic Oliver Pearce's Ignotus Channel (Dale Guest Stars)realseekerministry
7 months agoConverting to Eastern Orthodoxy (Challenging John Newby of John 20:28 Apologetics)realseekerministry
2 years agoDavid Hume & Miracles (Part 2)- Refuting Hume’s “Abject Failure” Argumentrealseekerministry
1 year agoThe Great Resurrection Debate- Chrisitan Hugh Farey vs. Atheist Ben Watkinsrealseekerministry
2 years agoReligion & Politics- Christian in a World of Cultural Marxists (with Dr. Tony Costa & Teddi Pappas)realseekerministry