Debating Consciousness & the Soul/Substance Dualism- with Robert L. White & Travis R.

2 years ago

I’m joined by my friends Robert L. White (Christian host of the Robert L. White show) and Travis R. (Skeptical blogger from the Measure of Faith Blog site) to discuss various issues relating to the Mind/Body Problem. The topics we discuss include the following; i) Introductions as to who we are and laying out of our respective positions on the Mind/Body Problem, ii) The “Meta-Problem of Consciousness”, iii) The “Hard Problem of Consciousness”- What is the nature of mental properties & states (the Differences Argument & Knowledge Argument), iv) The “Hard Problem of Consciousness”- What is the nature of the conscious subject or substance itself (the unity of conscious field, enduring self & Modal arguments for the soul) & v) Addressing the Issue of Idealism (the 3rd Alternative to Dualism & Physicalism).

RSM Blog (with additional free sources) =

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Audio Only Link =–with-Robert-L–White-Dualist–Travis-R–Type-C-Physicalist-ec3lhs

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