Maui Fires | The Maui Fires Explained (A COMPLETE DEEP DIVE) The Police Chief? What's JUMPSmartMaui Project? Biden's Inflation Reduction Act ? Why Did Maui Not Allow Water to Combat the Fire? What Is Build, Back, Better?
Project Blue Beam | Candace Owens Discussing Project Blue Beam? Why Is the Mainstream Media Now Pushing An Alien Narrative? Why Did German Engineer Wernher von Braun Predict a Man Named Elon Would Conquer Mars (In 1952)?
666 | What Is the Link Between AI, mRNA Technology, CERN, Neural Link & the MARK OF THE BEAST? Why Elon Musk Say, "With Artificial Intelligence We Are Summoning the Demon" & "We Could Effectively Merge with Artificial Intelligence&a
China | Why China's Hospitals ‘Overwhelmed With Sick Children’ After Surge In Respiratory Illness? Why Is Palestine In A Strategic Partnership W/ China? + 408 Tickets Remain for ReAwaken Tour (Dec. 15-16) + Request Ticket Via Text: 918-851-0102
Dr. Stella Immanuel | "Musk, He's Literally Building With His Companies Most of the Backbone for the Great Reset.” + Why Is Elon Musk Developing mRNA Technology, Neuralink, Self-Driving Cars, & A Large Conservative Following?
CBDC | Neel Kashkari President of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve "I Can See Why China Was Doing It If They Wanted to Monitor Everyone of Your Transactions."
Mark of the Beast | Why Did Musk Post? "Would You Still Love Me If I Was a Worm God Emperor Ruling the Universe?" "Gov Comes In & Says That I'm Going to Make It Easier for You. But, I'm Going to Need You to Have a Digital ID.&
The Great Reset | Did President Richard Nixon Help to Launch The Great Reset? Why Is America Prioritizing Celebrating Fornication and Not Military Preparedness?
General Flynn | Why Did Tucker Carlson Leave FOX? Why Do Musk, Harari, Xi, & Schwab All Endorse: Universal Basic Income, mRNA Under the Skin, Carbon Footprint Tracking & Connecting Brains to the Internet? From Transgender to Transhuman?