Fed Explains Julian Assange

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0:00 : Preview
6:00 : Intro
7:00 : Show begins! - Support us on CastleClub.tv (http://CastleClub.tv/)
9:00 : Myron shows the espionage case he worked for before
12:30 : Who is Julian Assange & Chelsea Manning?
14:00 : What is Wikileaks?
15:00 : Reacting to the documentary - The price of truth
18:00 : (Classified video gets leaked) - US troops gun down innocent civilians
23:00 : Pilot commits a war crime, children sh0t
25:30 : We invaded Iraq because of I$r@#l
27:00 : The boy who survived
29:00 : Stream blocked on Youtube (SKIP THIS)
32:00 : And, we are back!
33:00 : Myron goes through the case systematically
37:00 : Summary of probable cause / What was Chelsea Manning charged with?
39:00 : How Army CID works
44:00 : Julian Assange & Wikileaks
46:00 : What is an SCI & SCIF?
49:00 : Manning admits to copying data from SCIF onto her personal laptop
52:00 : Bin L@den had his hands on the Wikileaks documents
53:30 : Classified Iceland documents
1:00:00 : Upcoming guests - Donovan Sharpe & T00my S0t0m@yer
1:01:00 : JTF-GTMO Documents
1:03:00 : What is the Guantanamo Bay detention camp?
1:08:00 : Assange & Manning agree to crack the computer password
1:09:00 : Assange Flees from Justice
1:11:00 : Timeline of Julian Assange Legal Saga
1:15:30 : Julian Assange gets spied on in Spain
1:24:30 : Assange gets indicted on 18 counts
1:26:00 : Plea Agreement
1:26:30 : (CLIP THIS!) Myron explains the criminal complaint, indictment & criminal information
1:33:00 : Assange served 5 years in England
1:37:00 : Assange lands in Australia after 5 years
1:39:00 : Myron predicted this deal / The 5 eyes country explained
1:43:00 : Chelsea Manning goes on CNN - Why did she leak the documents?
1:46:00 : Chelsea shares personal story of s3xual violence in the military
1:48:00 : We got a 3 peat tomorrow
1:49:00 : Final thoughts
1:50:00 : (Clip this!) - Myron explains why the US Government shouldn’t continue with the prosecution
1:53:00 : Why prosecuting people because of political matters is a bad idea?
1:54:00 : Best thing the US Government can do for this case
1:58:00 : American people don’t trust their government
1:59:00 : Trump’s indictment woke up the people
2:00:00 : Final thoughts! / Outro

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