COVID-19 Vaccine | Vaccine Passport Push Coming Soon? More COVID Lockdowns In China, Social Credit Scores In Action + How Are Social Credit Scores Working Out In China?
Deformed papacy for a deformed church: Francis' fallible canonizations? Where is Catholic magisterium now? Shanghai lockdown and planned famine. WEF creating new digital man: homo digitalis, Sister Lucia imposter? Proclaim Christ true King!
LOCKDOWN | Lockdown 2.0 | Neil Ferguson Is Back!!! The Man Who Falsely Made the COVID-19 Models That Predicted 2.2 Million Americans Would Die from COVID-19 Is Back!!! NOTE: The WHO are about to seize health sovereignty from 194 nations.
COVID Vaccines | "Vaccines Aren't Appropriate for Use In Humans." - Florida Surgeon General, Dr. Ladapo + World Economic Forum 2024 Highlights + Take Our Border Back Southern Border Convoy W/ Yeater + The Fight for Medical Freedom
General Flynn | How Did They Lose SecDef Austin? 30+ Countries to Join BRICS? China & Russia's Quantum Satellite Link, Graphene Semiconductors & Surveillance Under the Skin? “COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under Your Skin.” - Yuval Noah Hara