Deformed papacy for a deformed church: Francis' fallible canonizations? Where is Catholic magisterium now? Shanghai lockdown and planned famine. WEF creating new digital man: homo digitalis, Sister Lucia imposter? Proclaim Christ true King!

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In this video, Father Jenkins and Thomas Naegele address the following topics: Are canonizations infallible?; would-be traditionalists say “no”; the pre-Vatican II opinion; St. Philomena de-canonized?; view of the theologians: certitude of faith in canonizations; canonization process vs. declaration; the Church’s magisterial authority — how to save our soul and examples of heroic virtue; the Novus Ordo popes’ canonization of rogues; trashing the Magisterium to salvage Francis; redefining the papacy and redefining sanctity; playing by the modernists’ rules. Was Sister Lucia of Fatima replaced by an imposter?; the evidence for a false Sister Lucia; modernists’ penchant for deception; a pliable “Sister Lucy”; Padre Pio and Mass facing the people; John Paul II didn’t have time for “Sr. Lucy”; Pope Pius XI responsible for Vatican II and the spread of communism?; Sister Lucia’s message to Pius XI; the Leonine prayers for the conversion of Russia; Pius XI in Warsaw 1920; Pius XI and the Cristeros; Pius XI and the infiltration of the modernists into the hierarchy; the consecration of Russia morally impossible?. Where is the Magisterium of the Church?; Church authority and Catholic tradition; the work of the Holy Ghost; Francis “discovering new truths”; Francis called “the successor of Christ”; characteristics of a true pope; the time of the antichrist. Can a baby in the womb be validly baptized?; contemporary procedures to baptize in utero for children at risk; holy water on the stomach?; contact with the skin of the baptized required for validity; remote vs. proximate matter; the fate of unbaptized infants; intention and supplied baptismal grace; the teaching of Trent and St. Pius V on baptism; Limbo of Infants and natural happiness; can souls in Heaven visit souls in Limbo?; the rich man and Lazarus. The Russia-Ukraine war; provocation by Western nations and perpetuation by Washington; blaming Putin for inflation; connection to the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset”; Putin and Zelensky puppets?; connection to Covid policies and responses; deceit of the MSM; food shortages; famine in the Old Testament and God’s purposes; warnings of famine today; material and spiritual preparation; Fear of the Lord and the Kingship of Christ; universal enrollment and digital identification; Yuval Harari of the WEF and the digitization of human beings (homo digitalis); the devils’ hatred of human nature; extinguishing the non-digitized; lockdowns in Shanghai — starvation, suicide, slaughter of pets, seizing children, Covid camps; the CCP vaccines; Malthus and population control. And finally: pray to Our Lady of Guadalupe for Mexico and Cuba; be faithful to God and make reparations to draw down His mercy; consecrate yourselves to the Sacred Heart through the Immaculate Heart.

This video was livestreamed on 4/12/2022.
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