ON DEMAND! Jul.2,'24: We must Save Our Children! We must protect them from violence! It is our duty to prevent under age Gender mutilation! We must stop the Child Sex Slavery Traffickers!
ON DEMAND! Oct.20,'24: Henry Ford Loved Money and Cars. He Loved Hitler, but hated Jews, blamed them for everything, despite how irrational and baseless his ideas. He triggered Hitler, soundly!
ON DEMAND! From- Sep.8,'24: Operation Searchlight- Pakistan's Massacre of Hindus, led by Pakistani President Gen. YahYah Khan incl. Rapes of 350-500,000 Hindu Women!
On Demand! June 27: Is George Soros a modern day Judas Iscariot? Judas betrayed Jesus Christ for 30 pieces of Silver. George Soros did it for 2 Trillion Dollars! The Evil Betrayer!
ON DEMAND! From- Sep.3,'24: The Bizarre World of Vlad Putin. A world of great wealth, barbaric mass killings of Ukrainian and Russian Citizens and 43 Assassinations attempts. He even has his own mascot, Martial Artist Steven Seagal!
REMASTERED! ON DEMAND! Oct.31,'24: The Right to Bear Arms vs the Lunatic left. Leftists try to disarm the public to force them into accepting illegal demands. They use simple issues to libel all lawful gun owners.