12 hours ago🚨 Donald Trump just ended Senator Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren’s career at CPACHot_Topic
6 hours agoTalking to Muslims 412: North Devon Islamic Cultural Centre on the age of sexual consentChristianComedyChannel
10 hours ago“世界揭露4_4”俄羅斯駭客挖出“疫苗資料庫”,紀錄不斷跳動顯示接種人士“即時的各種生理數據”及GPS位置、醒著或睡著!接種者被透過5G和AI,不斷的向中央系統傳輸資訊、被全面監控中mcy1227
9 hours ago“世界揭露4_5”世衛資深科學家Dr.Astrid博士揭露,輝瑞新冠疫苗注射藥瓶內容物是與5G通訊的合成奈米電路!這是DARPA與比爾蓋茲聯合開發的非生物注射劑,用於殺人和控制人們的思想及身體mcy1227
18 hours agoTalking to Muslims 411: Al-Furqan Mosque in Glasgow on the age of sexual consentChristianComedyChannel