10 months agoRelease Planning in Agile | Release Planning in Scrum | What is Agile Release PlanningJogoCoach
10 months agoVelocity in Agile Methodology | Velocity Metrics in Scrum (AGILE VELOCITY EXCEL TEMPLATE)JogoCoach
10 months agoPart #2 | Risk Management in Agile | How to control Risk in agile projects? | Agile Risk ManagementJogoCoach
10 months ago[PART #3] Planning Poker| Agile Estimation Techniques | Story Point Estimation | T-Shirt EstimationJogoCoach
10 months agoPart #1 | Risk Management in Agile | How to control Risk in agile projects?| AGILE RISK MANAGEMENTJogoCoach
7 months agoFree Scrum Mastery Toolkit: Quizzes, Templates, and Courses to Elevate Your Skillsdejansoftware
10 months agoAgile Metrics for Executives (SCRUM METRICS FOR MANAGEMENT) | Agile Metrics for Senior ExecutivesJogoCoach
10 months agoAgile Metrics and Excel Template:(Scrum Metrics and KPI | VELOCITY, BURN DOWN CHART, DEFECT LEAKAGE)JogoCoach
10 months ago[PART # 2] Story Point Estimation | Agile Estimation Techniques | Planning Poker| T-Shirt EstimationJogoCoach
10 months agoProduct backlog vs Sprint backlog (Product backlog EXAMPLE, Sprint backlog EXAMPLE and DIFFERENCES)JogoCoach