[PART # 2] Story Point Estimation | Agile Estimation Techniques | Planning Poker| T-Shirt Estimation

7 months ago

Watch this video on Youtube : https://youtu.be/hqUiqhave8w?feature=shared

This is part 2 of Agile Estimation series. Part 2 video will cover:
1. What is story point?
2 What is Story point estimation
3. How to do story point estimation
4. Benefit of doing story point estimation
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------------- You can also watch these videos in this channel----------
[PART #1] Agile Estimation Techniques | Story Point Estimation | Planning Poker | T-Shirt Estimation

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Thank you!
Jogo Agile Coaching (jogocoaching@gmail.com)

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#whatisstorypointinscrum​ #howtocalculatestorypointinagile​
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#agileestimatingandplanning​ #affinityestimating​ #agileplanning​ #fixedbidagileprojects​

Agile Estimation Techniques | Story Point Estimation | Planning Poker | T-Shirt Estimation

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