TRUMP READS (((VIBRATION))) | WE in 5D: This Could Even Repel a Supporter/Fan Who Believes in Grace Just a Little Too Much, BUT Here is Simple Truth... SURE, One CAN Shift Vibration/Change—FEW EVERRR DO #HowManyTimesHaveYouFuckedAroundAndFoundOut?
President Trump on Potential VP Picks + Denies His Campaign Reached Out to RFK Jr., But Says He Likes Him a Lot. RFK Jr. Says His Campaign DID Reach Out—One of Them is Fibbing! | WE in 5D: Full Interview Out Later Today!
What was Left-Leaning Decades Ago is Today Shoved to the Right Simply Because One is Authentic, Not Hallow, and Non-Establishment—Expanding an Umbrella of a New Center/Right. So Be it! | WE in 5D: His Thoughts on Cops/Military #SpotOn 👌🏽
Good News: U.S. Supreme Court Thwarts Biden Admin(Illuminati) in One of Their Steps Towards Collapsing Society and Eroding American's Rights! | Roman Balmakov, “Epoch Times”.