This Is Best Kept Secret In The Entire World All Things Are God Is Ether-Love-Magnetism

1 day ago

This Is Best Kept Secret In The Entire World All Things Are God Is Ether-Love-Magnetism. ‘I see me in you, I see me in everybody because we all have the same source’ Namaste. I was meditating one night and asked the question if their is a god show me a sign. The room was dark my eyes were closed. I saw this bright light in my mind come down and hit my head. It filled my body with light. I was vibrating and I felt this frequency which felt like I was charged with electricity. I felt like my body was elevated from the bed and was spinning at high speed. I felt so powerful like I could punch through a wall. I was telling myself don’t be afraid this is god. After a few seconds the light left as it came and my body was tingling. I can’t explain the the feeling of the light love joy power. It was supernatural. I asked myself was this god ? Is god within me ?

I had a neurosurgeon friend who said that there were 4 things that were of paramount importance in human physiology, psychology, and spirituality; gut flora, circadian rhythms, light, and magnetism. You gave a thorough explanation of how magnetism relates to electricity, though there wasn't much mentioned about our Earth's natural electromagnetic field vs. the artificial fields created by our various technologies, DARPA, HAARP, Cern, and 5G. The same parallels can be drawn between natural (Son/Sun) light and all the varieties of artificial light; fluorescent, incandescent, LED, mercury vapor, halogen, neon, etc. Further, your gut biome is another key battleground between the forces of Light and darkness. What you eat not only affects your "health", but your choices literally give munitions to one side or the other. I'm sure you can see where I'm going when I start to speak of Circadian rhythms, right? Do your work in the Light! And pray to God* for protection from the darkness at night. *The most High and Holy Creator of Love and Life whose name does not appear in any text.

Seven Root Races
Based on the provided search results, here is a summary of the seven root races:

First Root Race: Spiritual, ethereal, and non-physical. This race is characterized as being highly spiritual and connected to the divine.

Second Root Race: Psycho-spiritual, with a focus on mental and spiritual development. This race is believed to have been more refined and intellectual than the first.

Third Root Race: Astro-physical, with a focus on physical and material development. This race is described as having been more primitive and sensual than the previous two.

Fourth Root Race: Atlantean, with Mongolian features. This race is said to have originated in Africa and migrated to Atlantis, where they developed bronze skin and eventually gave rise to the red American Indian, brown Malayan, and yellow Mongolian races.

Fifth Root Race: Aryan, with a spectrum of skin tones from dark brown to light. This race is believed to have originated from the fourth root race and is characterized by its intellectual and cultural achievements.

Sixth Root Race: Future root race, expected to emerge in the 28th century. Little information is provided about this root race, except that it will give rise to the seventh root race.

Seventh Root Race: Expected to arise from the seventh sub-race of the sixth root race on a future continent that will arise from the Pacific Ocean. This root race is believed to be more ethereal and spiritual than the previous ones.

It’s essential to note that these root races are not meant to be taken as biological or ethnic classifications, but rather as stages of human evolution and development. According to Theosophical teachings, each root race is divided into seven sub-races, and individuals can reincarnate into different sub-races to gather experiences and evolve spiritually.

Additionally, the search results highlight that the concept of root races is not fixed or absolute, and different Theosophical sources may provide varying details and interpretations. However, the overall framework of seven root races, with each race representing a distinct stage of human evolution, remains a core aspect of Theosophical teachings.

I had gone to see these quantum healers a few years back and they were adamant about magnets and magnetism. They claim you can heal your body, relieve yourself from pain, simply from using magnets. Putting the south side to your skin. Also got me to magnetize my drinking water, by placing my glass on top of a magnet. Again south side facing up toward the glass of water. I've even taped a magnet under my drinking bottle that I still use daily.

This is amazing!!! This was my spiritual awakening!!! This was the download during my spiritual awakening!!! God is everything, nothing is not. The multiverse consciousness eather, the light, the Christ consciousness. Thank you & Bless you. Tribulation Rapture Armageddon

I understand it more as; we are not God, but God is us. Or; I am not God, but God is me. I very much enjoyed the explanation of energy and magnetism, in the physical and etheric worlds. Many synchronicities here. Been in need of some positive influences.

I’ve watched sooooo many videos and there are still many I’ll never see but today I found this one or it found me and damn ……….this is absolutely one of, if not, the greatest video I’ve come across. I was raised in an atheist family, neither parent inducted my brother and I into religion. And I’m ok with that because they always allowed me to search for myself and with all due respect religious groups got some pretty dark pasts and forces that have essentially violated every covenant of what it means to be a good, loving, honest being. When I look at the Catholic Church and the monarchy, all I can see is the devil or evil, wether they purposely went that direction or it was a natural progression and I’m not interested in joining a church but I have never been able to write off the idea of God, I always keep searching for something I feel inside of me. I love people. All people. And this sense to give love to others seems not as much in my control as I often wish it was. I’m not trying to toot my own horn but I’m just saying I believe as humans, we are meant to be loving to others and never for singular benefit or to oppress others. Anything less than that seems against our human nature. Needless to say I’m at a heck of a crossroads and it is the loneliest time I’ve ever experienced, my entire life.

It seems that if you say you believe in god, your not believed or taken seriously if you’ve not read the bible at least once and if you don’t attend church but most of the churches I’ve checked out want to baptize me before I’ve even figured it out for myself which has always been a turn off and frankly, suspicious. It seem hypocritical to baptize if you don’t fully comprehend the who, how and why of the most powerful entity, presence or existence of God. Interestingly enough I took a bus the other day and an older fellow was debating with young men (teenagers) about God. The old timer found God in prison but either way, here they were talking about bible verses and what they truly imply. This video is really good and I can’t express how awesome and grateful I am. The clarity I received simply by listening word for word. Almost makes me emotional but I’ve stopped it a few times to comment and share on FB. I will listen to it again and again another day.

Not every thing is conscious, but everything is consciousness. Entire universe is mental in nature. Material world is physical only in colloquial sense. Atom is 100% "empty"...that emptiness is actually everything's Universal Consciousness.

Santos is a great truth resource, just be careful how you digest this info, don’t take it all in at once or as bible, he’s not responsible for your truth, you are. He does make a lot of connections that aren’t necessarily true or accurate, and that’s ok, most conspiracy theorists do, its the burden of a highly active mind desperate to uncover occult knowledge (relax, if we’re here we’re all conspiracy theorists). So I would highly recommend to do your own due diligence and research. Truth is like eating a steak, you wanna cut it into small chunks and chew it slowly so your body can digest it at the pace of your stomach not your bites. (No, you don’t have to be vegan to be spiritual, just compassionate and its just a metaphor). God bless!

We Are Living A Real Construct Matrix Simulation New World Order Year Zero is a prominent advocate of the simulation hypothesis, suggesting there's a very slim chance we exist in the base reality. He famously remarked, "There's a billion to one chance we're living in base reality." This viewpoint is shared by an increasing number of academics. Exploring the likelihood of our existence within a simulation, examining supporting evidence, and considering the potential implications of such a reality is the focus of this discussion. Do we live in a simulation? Some physicists and philosophers believe that we are living in a simulation, a reality in which post-humans have not developed yet and we are actually living in reality. The simulation hypothesis suggests that we are all likely living in an extremely powerful computer program, and future generations might have mega-computers that can run numerous and detailed simulations of their forebears, in other words “ancestor simulations,” in which simulated beings are imbued with a sort of artificial consciousness. The simulation hypothesis is the latest in a long tradition of philosophical thinking that questions the ultimate nature of the reality we experience. If we do live in a simulation, it is likely that a great deal of our universe is “painted in,” leading to solipsism, the idea that we are the only person who really exists.

We Live in Our Minds ? - Our Mind Creates Our Reality ? - Is The World an illusion ? -

So We Are Living A Real Construct Matrix Simulation New World Order Year Zero is a prominent advocate of the simulation hypothesis, suggesting there's a very slim chance we exist in the base reality. This video explains, How we actually live in our mind, not in this world. The reality is an illusion. We create our reality in our mind. Everyone sees the reality differently. The video also explains how we can control our mind to live a happy life and how we don't need the external world to be happy?

Our world is not outside. Our world is within our mind. Actually we see the image of this world inside our mind. So everyone is living in his own world created inside his mind. It means there are as many worlds as there are living creatures on the Earth.

Friends, we do so many things in our life to make ourselves happy. We waste lots of our time, money and energy to seek happiness and pleasure in the external world. But have you ever thought, why we need all this? What purpose does the external world solve? Actually these external things don't do anything to make us happy. What they do is just trigger the secretion of various happiness hormones in our body and as a result, we feel happiness. And as you know, many times these objects fail to make us happy.

The Wonder Of Magnetism and God Who Is With In you.

One of the things that beginning chemistry students run into very early in their studies is the fact that magnetism plays a key role in the way in which electrons and atoms work. I remember one of my favorite students who always whined about what we were doing and complained when we talked about paired electrons and their dependence on magnetism saying "Why does chemistry have to be so terribly complicated? I could function very nicely without magnetism, thank you." My response was that not only could he not function without magnetism, but he could not exist without magnetism.

Most of us are aware of magnetism in only a vague way. We know that magnets hold things to our refrigerators, and we are familiar with magnetic compasses. We have some awareness that the earth has a magnetic field although we do not know what it does or how it does it. The fact is that, without magnetism, we would not exist. In addition to that, a great deal of what allows us to live as we do depends upon magnetism. Our TV sets operate by a magnet moving electron beams across the screen. Much of the storage of information in our computers and VCRs is done with magnets. Many switches in things like our washing machines work on magnetic principles.

The earth's magnetism is far more vital to us than most people understand. As charged particles come toward the earth from the sun and other objects in space, they are deflected away from the earth by the earth's magnetic field. Without this protective shield radiation would be so high on the surface of the earth that life would have a very hard time surviving. We are now aware that magnetism is an active force in living things. Many animals migrate from one geographic area to another using the earth's magnetic field as a guide. We have even found that tiny magnets inside our bodies can be used to see things that are invisible to X-rays and ultrasound, making the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) a new tool available to modern science.

The reason all of this works is because of the design of the electron. Electrons possess a magnetic field. Each electron has a north and a south end caused by the electron's spin. We do not know exactly how this works, but we do know that for chemical reactions to take place electrons have to have their magnetic field in a certain alignment. Two electrons as arranged in figure A will not form a chemical bond; but in figure B, the alignment will allow a stable bond to develop. This magnetic property of electrons controls all chemical reactions and makes a variety of other chemical processes possible. If an electron had all of its electrons paired up magnetically, all of its energy fields filling the atom would be totally stable. Elements that have that arrangement are called inert, and examples of such materials are helium, neon, argon, krypton, and xenon. It was always interesting to me that superman was allergic to an inert gas (krypton).

In some materials there are large numbers of unpaired electrons. The energy of unpaired electrons allows these elements to be very active, and mankind has used these materials for a variety of special purposes. Atoms strive to have all magnetic fields balanced and closed--this is the basis of modern chemistry. When electrons flow through a wire, their alignment as they pass through the wire causes the magnetic fields to add and grow. This is the basis of the electromagnet, and a similar process is believed to generate the earth's magnetic field which protects us.

The design of the atom and the way that magnetism is built into elements allows life to exist, matter to exist, and a protective system to exist that sustains that life. The complexity of this system tells us that chance is not the guiding mechanism. There is intelligence and purpose in the system and this is what allows the system to work. Design demands a designer that has created the basic building blocks of the cosmos in such a way that the system functions year after year speaks eloquently of the wisdom and power of its creator.

he Technological Leap of Man

The cover of our magazine for this issue is a reminder of how far man has come in the last 100 years. In 1903, people were still relying to a great extent on horse power and, for the most part, the concept of man flying was not considered a real possibility. Communication in 1903 was slow, awkward, and difficult. If someone had suggested that we would be using satellites to talk to people on a telephone on the other side of the world, they would have been considered at best an unrealistic dreamer.
With all of this technology has come a multitude of problems. Personal privacy is easier to invade today than it was in 1903. Trying to keep children protected from those who would exploit or abuse them is a whole different challenge. The availability of pornography and the ease with which people can spend themselves into bankruptcy have also increased.

All of this just emphasizes the need to know what we believe and why we believe it. God never placed any physical limits on man nor on what man would be able to do. We have not been commanded by God to stay on this planet, and even though we have had people who even opposed man flying or using powered vehicles, there is no biblical teaching that supports this. By the same token, there is nothing in the Bible that places medical limits on what man can do. As technology improves, more and more ways are being found to replace a natural part of the body with a man-made substitute. Diabetics take insulin, kidney patients undergo dialysis, hip and knee replacements are now commonplace, and rapid progress is being made on artificial hearts, livers, and other organs.

This does not mean that man is less dependent on God or that someone is making a religious compromise when they take advantage of technology to relieve pain or extend life. What all of this does do is to emphasize the importance of separating the physical from the spiritual. Jesus stated a basic principle when He said, "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's and unto God the things that are God's" (Matthew 22:21). The statement was made in reference to the separation of Church and State, but the principle is far broader than that. Communication, medicine, travel (whether on earth or off the earth), nutrition, housing, and countless other areas that attract our attention are not the domain of religion. That is not to say that the values of people and the way decisions are made are not affected by their religious beliefs, but it is to say that religion does not control or dictate these things. It is only when we violate this principle that technology becomes a problem.

The teachings of Christ and the apostles dealt with man's spiritual needs and with man's relationship to his fellow human beings. When Jesus wanted to impress his followers with what a Christian's relationship should be to the people around them, He washed His disciples feet (the lowliest of all possible acts) and then commanded them to do the same kind of thing. There will always be the need for service to people that requires "getting down and dirty" no matter how sophisticated technology gets. There is also always going to be the need for men and women to look beyond themselves and look to those things that nourish and sustain their souls. Technology may change the way in which worship, art, and music are conducted; but the basic spiritual expressions of man will remain the same. Sheet music, polymer paints, holograms, and the like have not altered man's basic capacity to do these things.

It is an exciting time to be alive. Great strides are being made to reduce human suffering and physical want, but less progress is being made in meeting the growing spiritual needs of people living amidst all of this technological achievement. Let us not be fearful of what technology does, but rejoice in the positive--that being a productive, positive relationship to God, and a growth in the lifestyle that this relationship fosters. "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance; against such there is no law. If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit" (Galatians 5:22-25).

Magnetism: The Power of Attraction

Magnetism is the power by which you draw things to you: the right husband or wife, the right business, the right friends, etc. Magnetism of every kind originates in the Infinite Spirit. Each human being is a medium through which God’s magnetism flows.

Soul magnetism is expressed partly through the eyes, weakly or strongly, depending on one’s spiritual development. Some highly developed people are able to spiritualize or heal others solely by the magnetism of the eyes.

First develop spiritual magnetism
Unless your magnetism is right, you will draw the wrong people or things. Fear, for example, creates a malignant magnetism by which a person attracts the very object of his fear. The magnetism of humility, on the other hand, attracts the all-protecting presence of friends, saints, and God.

You must learn to develop that fine quality of magnetism by which you can draw the things that are good for you. If you use all your magnetism to gain material things, sooner or later you will be disillusioned. But if you first develop spiritual magnetism, it will guide you in the proper ways to supply your material needs.

Strong and weak magnetism
Everyone possesses the power of magnetism, but very few people are truly magnetic. Negative qualities such as material desire, passivity, revenge, hatred, and feelings of inferiority obstruct that magnetic power.

If you are absent-minded, thinking one thing while doing something else, your energy is divided and you have little magnetism. Doing everything with will power and one-pointed concentration greatly strengthens your magnetism.

If you are a slave to any of the senses, you are losing magnetism. If you have control over them, you are developing magnetism. Emotionalism is very de-magnetizing, whereas even-mindedness in the face of all difficulties leads to magnetic living.

In order to have magnetism, it is necessary to keep the body free from poisons that obstruct the flow of energy. Only with inner cleanliness can all of your energy be displayed through your eyes, face and body.

We exchange magnetism with our associates.

We must be careful with whom we associate because we are continually exchanging magnetism with people through our thoughts, shaking hands, and through our eyes. We become like the people we mingle with, not through their conversation, but through the silent magnetic vibration that goes out of their bodies. The stronger person gives his vibration to the weaker.

For example, if a reformer of weak character endeavors to influence a stubborn, confirmed evildoer, it is quite likely that the reformer will draw evil qualities. Only in a very limited way will the evildoer draw good qualities. (See below for other examples).

The right kind of magnetism
The right kind of magnetic power has expanding, uplifting, spiritual qualities. Some people are so magnetic that they vibrate kindness and you love them immediately. Such vibrations are eternal and leave a permanent impression. This is the sort of magnetic power we should try to develop.

Try always to be dressed in the magnetic qualities of calmness, fair-mindedness, firmness, wisdom, and understanding. Wherever you go, scatter kindness; let your eyes and heart be charged with God. That is what Jesus meant when He said: “Be ye fishers of men.”

One can develop spiritual magnetism through will power, regular meditation, and thinking of God and saintly people. By visualizing and meditating on saintly people, one attracts their spiritual magnetism. If our whole heart is with someone, we draw that person’s qualities.

Use your time to develop spiritual magnetism to attract the Imperishable. When you have developed the power to attract the highest, you can easily attract all lesser things.

From articles and lessons, 1934-1938.

Developing the Right Kind of Magnetism
by Paramhansa Yogananda

One strongly good individual plus one weak evil individual—the good magnetism will be predominant.

One strongly evil individual plus one weak spiritual individual—the evil magnetism will be predominant.

A person of great anger plus a person of mild disposition—the anger magnetism will be predominant.

A person of great calmness plus a person with a slightly angry disposition—the magnetism of calmness will be predominant.

A strong failure plus a lesser failure—the failure magnetism will be predominant.

A strong success plus a lesser success—the success magnetism will be predominant.

A strong moral power plus a weak moral power— the strong moral magnetism will be predominant.

A strong intellectual power plus a weak intellect—the strong intellectual power will be predominant.

A strong spiritual power plus a strong business success results in both a strong spiritual magnetism and a strong business magnetism.

A strong failure plus a strong success can result in either a strong failure magnetism, or a strong success magnetism.

We at this channel would like to add this quote for everyone to open your own mind this year: Your body diet is not only what you eat. It is also what you watch, what you listen to, what you read, the people you hang out with and the things you subject your mind, body and soul too. Always be mindful of the things you put into your body emotionally, spiritually and physically. Thank You Everyone Who Watch Our Video's To Help Other In 2024.

This video was great, this is the 6th dimension of consciousness that you're referring too, not 5D, like all the 5D people think they are smart, and ahead of the game, but they still think whatever they believe in their reality, is what's actual going on in others reality, when the truth is your neighbor in the apartment or home next to you can shift to an entirely different timeline than you at any given moment based on their reality inputs, and you can be in hell and they can be in heaven or Visa versa depending on what you inject or input into your reality. Their are infinite timelines that we can be in at any given time, this is the 6D understanding you're talking about in this video in which I would say maybe a few thousand people in the world even comprehend, this is great work.

Life Force Energy 5th Elements Ether In Ayurveda Quintessence, Chi, Aura, And Mana -

Life Force Energy Five Elements Ether, called “akasha” in Sanskrit is the first of the five great elements (pancha mahabhutus). It comes first because it is the most subtle of the elements. Often referred to as “space,” it is the essence of emptiness. It is the space the other elements fill. The origin of ether is shabda. Shabda is the tanmatra of sound, meaning that shabda is sound in its primordial, unmanifested form. Shabda is the primordial space from which vibration emerges long before it takes the form of sound in the ear. Sound and ether are inseparable.

Everything in this universe stems from infinite awareness. That is us human beings, each thought we have and everything that has ever been created and will ever happen. Everything in our world is an illusion, because it all stems from our imagination and is mostly empty space. All that exists comes from something that exists everywhere and within everything, that is infinite awareness.

If we can imagine something then it must exist. That is because we can only be aware of and experience within our imagination, that which physically exists. There is an abundance of everything, since infinite possibilities exist. Think about it, is there something you can't be aware of or is there something that is impossible? Apart from some things, a lot of things are imaginable and therefore almost always possible!

Whatever we believe to be true is constantly being reflected to us. The universe is non-selective. Therefore we are never a victim of our circumstances. We exhibit great power and we are in control of a large extent of everything we experience.

Nothing is also ever coincidental, since everything that exists within our awareness is constantly being manifested in the outside world. That means that whether you believe you are poor or rich, or whether you believe that the world is a bad or good place, you will always experience in your outer reality that which you believe in your inner reality. The universe responds to how you identify your world or yourself to be.

Hidden Blueprint - Once You Learn This - God Is With In You - Mind Reality Changes -

This is your head, your personal enclave of Heaven. Here we see God, portrayed within the structure of the brain in Michelangelo's masterpiece, reaching out to touch Adam. This space, your head, encloses your mind, the divine meeting point. The kingdom of God is within you" in response to the Pharisees' question about when the kingdom of God would come. This teaching is universal and timeless, and it means that enlightenment is within you, in your heart, and your spark of God has always been there.

What Is 3D And New Earth Love Consciousness Is C-19 A Biological Weapon Matrix -

What Is 3-4-5D 2022 And New Earth Consciousness ? Ready for the news that will shake your world? It’s just the way the cookie crumbles. We are in the unfolding of a broadscale spiritual awakening — a shift into the loving awareness of “5D consciousness”.

Different from 3D consciousness that has controlled the Earth, 5D is about love. That’s it. No war. No jealousy. No competition. Just plain and simple respect, admiration and enjoyment.

Some have labeled this new reality the New Earth Consciousness. No matter the name, people across the world are having spiritual awakenings, and the news is exciting.

Evidence Shows Hillary Clinton Is A Robot And Clinton's 100s Dead Body Count Info. -

A spiritual awakening is a period of time where you feel the divine channeling effortlessly through your Earth body. Spiritual awakenings have a tendency to induce “I am” consciousness.

The best part of “I am” consciousness is that you feel no separation at all from what you are looking at. Say you are walking outside on the boardwalk in Venice Beach California. You see booths with art, restaurants selling seafood, and young boys kicking a soccer ball. When you look at these things, you understand that you are these things, and you feel a warm intimacy with them. There is no room for fear, because fear is an illusion of separation. This is what 5D consciousness feels like.

What Is 4D And New Earth Love Consciousness Is C-19 A Biological Weapon Matrix -

What Is 3-4-5D 2023 And New Earth Consciousness ? Ready for the news that will shake your world? It’s just the way the cookie crumbles. We are in the unfolding of a broadscale spiritual awakening — a shift into the loving awareness of “5D consciousness”.

Different from 3D consciousness that has controlled the Earth, 5D is about love. That’s it. No war. No jealousy. No competition. Just plain and simple respect, admiration and enjoyment.

Some have labeled this new reality the New Earth Consciousness. No matter the name, people across the world are having spiritual awakenings, and the news is exciting.

What Is 5D And New Earth Love Consciousness Is C-19 A Biological Weapon Matrix -

What Is 3-4-5D 2024 And New Earth Consciousness ? Ready for the news that will shake your world? It’s just the way the cookie crumbles. We are in the unfolding of a broadscale spiritual awakening — a shift into the loving awareness of “5D consciousness”.

Different from 3D consciousness that has controlled the Earth, 5D is about love. That’s it. No war. No jealousy. No competition. Just plain and simple respect, admiration and enjoyment.

Some have labeled this new reality the New Earth Consciousness. No matter the name, people across the world are having spiritual awakenings, and the news is exciting.

What Is 6D And New Earth Love Consciousness Is C-19 A Biological Weapon Matrix -

What Is 3-4-5-6D Future And New Earth Consciousness ? Ready for the news that will shake your world? It’s just the way the cookie crumbles. We are in the unfolding of a broadscale spiritual awakening — a shift into the loving awareness of “5D consciousness”.

Different from 3D consciousness that has controlled the Earth, 5D is about love. That’s it. No war. No jealousy. No competition. Just plain and simple respect, admiration and enjoyment.

Some have labeled this new reality the New Earth Consciousness. No matter the name, people across the world are having spiritual awakenings, and the news is exciting.

Once You Master This - Reality Will Reveal Itself - Looking Glass See Mystery Of Sight -

You see, your eyes aren't just windows into the world. Think of them more like black holes, sucking in light and crafting the images in the back of your brain. That's right, the universe you experience is a mental projection, all created inside you. Ever heard of the Sigil of Lucifer? It's not some evil symbol; "Lucy" means light in Latin, making Lucifer a bearer of light. The ancient folks knew this, and they recognized that everything, including us, is part of a giant electromagnetic toroidal field. It's like a doughnut-shaped magnetic field, and everything is made out of it.

Your world? An electromagnetic holographic projection. We're living in what you might call God's mind. "Human" breaks down into "Hue" (light) and "MAN" (manifestation). Yep, you're a light being that's been manifested into physical form.

And your mind? It's at the root of it all. That's why "government" can mean "govern the mind." Think about it: the phrase "Let there be light" means light is a product of the mind. Light can become matter, and matter can turn back into light.

Why Do Some Scientists Say That We Are Living A Real Construct Matrix Simulation -

We Are Living A Real Construct Matrix Simulation New World Order Year Zero is a prominent advocate of the simulation hypothesis, suggesting there's a very slim chance we exist in the base reality. He famously remarked, "There's a billion to one chance we're living in base reality." This viewpoint is shared by an increasing number of academics. Exploring the likelihood of our existence within a simulation, examining supporting evidence, and considering the potential implications of such a reality is the focus of this discussion. Do we live in a simulation ?

The basic human desires for community, stories (the more outrageous the better) and the need to feel like a protagonist in a wider struggle are what pulls us from moments of real social, economic and cultural dislocation into fabricated histories. Buildings and cities are made to grow old, to outlast people, and to be a testament to these cultural histories. They’re a yardstick for a culture’s ability to endure. When they’re not given the chance to do this, the contradiction can break something loose, and send people scavenging for cultural memory that feels ancient enough to anchor them in an uncertain now.

This is a chronological list of international or colonial world's fairs.'s_fairs
All elaborate temporary fairgrounds built are removed after the fair is over.

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Archaix 2.0 Doomsday Chronology Five color charts with extensive Legend-chronology; exhibits 62 dates involving 300 events in linear timeline combining the Phoenix and Nemesis X Object appearances, the Mayan Long-Count baktuns and the Anunnaki NER 600 year periods, a history spanning over 74 centuries to May 2040 and November 2046.

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Everything we were taught about the Earth, History, Science, Space, Energy and our Civilization was a lie. This mind blowing documentary will shift your perspective of the world monumentally.

The Secret Life of Symbols with Jordan Maxwell Knowledge of the Heavens, Life on Earth

Ancient Religions From Alpha To Stone Age To Omega To Modern Times To Infinity

This 11.5 Hrs. Full Documentary With Sound Is About Ancient Religions From Alpha To Stone Age To Omega To Modern Times To Infinity.

Everything we were taught about the Earth, History, Science, Space, Energy and our Civilization was a lie. This mind blowing documentary will shift your perspective of the world monumentally.

Proofs Earth Is Not A Spinning Ball What The Hell Happened 200 Times Collection

Proofs Earth Is Not A Spinning Ball When a photo of spherical Earth is pointed out to flat-earthers, they will dismiss it as CGI in the blink of an eye; even if they haven’t done any analysis at all. They do this because their belief in flat-Earth is not evidence-based, and any evidence contrary to their beliefs needs to be invalidated no matter how. They are so used to doing it, and sometimes they become confused by it themselves, to the point that they would take the slightest hint of digital manipulation of any picture of the Earth as evidence of the flat Earth.

Mystery The World's Fairs 00 This Evidence Hidden History Chronological All World’s Fair's -

Mystery The World's Fairs​ 01 London 1851 Crystal Palace Works Industry All Nations -

Mystery The World's Fairs​ 02 Paris 1855 World's Fair L'Exposition Universelle de Paris # 1 -

Mystery The World's Fairs 03​ Paris 1867 World's Fair L'Exposition Universelle de Paris # 2 -

Mystery The World's Fairs 04​ Philadelphia 1876 Fair Centennial International Exposition -

Mystery The World's Fairs​ 05 Paris 1878 World's Fair L'Exposition Universelle de Paris # 3 -

Mystery The World's Fairs 06 Paris 1889 World's Fair Exposition Universelle de Paris # 4 -

Mystery The World's Fairs 07​ Chicago 1893 World's Fair World's Columbian Exposition -

Mystery The World's Fairs 08 Lyon 1894 Fair L'Exposition Internationale et Coloniale -

Mystery The World's Fairs 09​ Nashville Tennessee 1897 Centennial International Exposition -

Mystery The World's Fairs​ 10 Omaha 1898 Nebraska Trans-Mississippi Exposition Part 1 -

Mystery The World's Fairs 11​ Omaha 1898 Nebraska Trans-Mississippi Exposition Part 2 -

Mystery The World's Fairs​ 12 Buffalo 1901 New York World's Fair Pan American Exposition -

Mystery The World's Fairs 13 St. Louis 1904 World's Fair Louisiana Purchase Exposition -

Mystery The World's Fairs​ 14 Louisiana 1904 Purchase Exposition St. Louis World's Fair -

Mystery The World's Fairs 15​ Seattle 1909 World's Fair Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition -

Mystery The World's Fairs 16​ San Francisco 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition -

Mystery The World's Fairs 17​ 1962 Seattle Chronological All International World’s Fair's -

Antiquitech Tartarian Empire Old World's Fairs 18 Before The World's Fair 1851 Thru 1974 -

Chicago Old Museum Tell About 1,000 Year 19 Old World History Of 1893 World's Fair -

Chilaga Where Chicago Is Now On Map 20 of America and 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition -

Antiquitech Tartarian Empire Greatest Story 21 Ever Un-told Rewriting Recorded History -

Ancient Religions From Alpha To Stone Age To Omega To Modern Times To Infinity

This 11.5 Hrs. Full Documentary With Sound Is About Ancient Religions From Alpha To Stone Age To Omega To Modern Times To Infinity.

Everything we were taught about the Earth, History, Science, Space, Energy and our Civilization was a lie. This mind blowing documentary will shift your perspective of the world monumentally.

Everything we were taught about the Earth, History, Science, Space, Energy and our Civilization was a lie. This mind blowing documentary will shift your perspective of the world monumentally.

Antiquitech Tartarian Empire Greatest Story Ever Un-Told Video Very Old 900 Images -

Antiquitech Tartarian Empire Old World 2,100 Photographs Ultimate Compilation 2024 -

World We Inherited Old World Photographs Over 1,000 Images Before 1900s Era -

Hidden Blueprint Of Earth Or Maybe The History we've been told is a lie! Were some ancient buildings built by a different race and their true history was covered up? Did ancient peoples have advanced forms of technology that have now been forgotten?

Was the massive kingdom of Tartarian visible on ancient maps much more advanced than we realize? This sub is an open forum for collaborative discussion of all topics "Tartaria" related, including Mud Flood, Tesla, AntiquiTech, Free Energy, Conspiracies, Hidden History, etc.

Hidden Blueprint Of Earth LHFE Part 1 Buried in Plain Sight - Lost History Of Earth -

Hidden Blueprint Of Earth Video LHFE Part 2 Lens Into the Past - Lost History Earth -

Hidden Blueprint Earth LHFE Part 3 Inheritors Mud, Magnificence - Lost History Earth -

Hidden Blueprint Of Earth LHFE Part 4 Back to the Future - Lost History Of Earth -

Hidden Blueprint Of Earth LHFE Part 5 Whispering of the Water - Lost History Earth -

Hidden Blueprint Of Earth LHFE Part 6 Offer Us And Alchemist - Lost History Earth -

Hidden Blueprint Of Earth LHFE Part 7 The Known World - Lost History Of Earth -

Hidden Blueprint Of Earth LHFE Part 8 History Of A Lost Earth - All 7 Parts Together -

Everything we were taught about the Earth, History, Science, Space, Energy and our Civilization was a lie. This mind blowing documentary will shift your perspective of the world monumentally.

Were there giants on earth? Did we worship them as gods? Did they teach us secret knowledge about architecture, medicine, astronomy and our origins? Are they the creators of the star cities, the complex canal systems and grid patterns found all over the planet? Perhaps Earth was a gigantic terraforming project. Was free aether energy replaced with messy energy extraction from limited resources to enslave humanity? Were star cities used for energy production and energetic protection from our enemies? What role did frequencies play in the creation of highly complex star forms?

Are we suffering from a collective memory loss?

Is history nothing more than an artificial matrix of repetitive events, created for the purpose of suppressing our true potential?

Who benefits from keeping humanity asleep?

Who are we really, and where do we come from?

Why does it seem that more truth is found in the ancient stories and myths of our ancestors than our textbooks and modern scientific research? Does our amnesia keep us from accessing these collective memories found in ancient myths? Is that lost part of humanity the reason modern life is so cold and hostile?

Nothing is as it seems. It's time for us to remember again.

First it got dark. Then the strangers came. They come when we sleep. In search of something to prevent their mortality. To steal our thoughts. Our soul distinguishes us from them. To erase our memories. To destroy all that makes us human. Nothing is as seems. It's time for us to remember again.

Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (1) Turning Inward Lost History Earth -

Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (2) Of Maps and Magicians Lost History -

Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (3) Flattening The Curve Lost History Earth -

Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (4) Vanishing Points and The Old Clock -

Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (5) The Red Shield Lost History Earth -

Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (6) Infiltration Instead of Invasion -

Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (7) Eyes Wide Open Lost History Earth -

Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (8) The Looking Glass Lost History Earth -

Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (9) Panic ! So A Must See Video Today -

Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (10) The Energetic Earth A Lost History -

Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (11) The Bumblebee and The Hexagon -

Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (12) Stranger Than Fiction Lost History -

Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (13) Down The Rabbit Hole Lost History -

Atmospheric What On Earth Happened Parts (14) All 13 Parts Together 8hrs. 12mins. -

A Must See Video What On Earth Happened Parts (14) All 13 Parts Together

Everything we were taught about the Earth, History, Science, Space, Energy and our Civilization was a lie. This mind blowing documentary will shift your perspective of the world monumentally.

Stolen History - Nothing Is as It seems (Part 0 - Post-Reset War of the 19th Century). The official version of human history is a construct of lies. We are in a state of collective amnesia. Let us get rid of the artificial matrix that has been imposed on us.

Stolen History Part 0 - The Post-Reset War of the 19th Century - TheRealOriginoftheWorld -

Stolen History - Nothing Is as It seems (Part 1 - Introduction).
The official version of human history is a construct of lies.
We are in a state of collective amnesia. Let us get rid of the artificial matrix that has been imposed on us. The Real Origin of the World ?

Stolen History Part 1 - Lifting the Veil of Deception - TheRealOriginoftheWorld -

Stolen History - Nothing Is as It seems (Part 2 - Destruction of the Old World Stolen). The official version of human history is a construct of lies. We are in a state of collective amnesia. Let us get rid of the artificial matrix that has been imposed on us. The Real Origin of the World ?
The official version of human history is a construct of lies. Our we in a state of collective amnesia.

Stolen History Part 2 - The Destruction old World - TheRealOriginoftheWorld -

Stolen History - Nothing Is as It seems (Part 3 - Mystery of the World's Fairs). The official version of human history is a construct of lies. We are in a state of collective amnesia. Let us get rid of the artificial matrix that has been imposed on us. This part covers the World's Fairs and the period in which they took place.

Stolen History Part 3 - The Mystery of the World's Fairs - TheRealOriginoftheWorld -

Some available information suggests that even after the worldwide, game-changing event we call the Reset or Mud Flood, there still remained countless complete and beautiful cities that were conquered by a new power elite and then repurposed as "World's Fairs".

Especially in America, the so-called New World, the many Greco-Roman cities would have been difficult to explain because in contrast to Europe, the Americas do not have an official greco-roman history.

The more carefully one investigates, the more difficult it becomes to find plausible explanations for the construction and destruction of these extraordinary and huge exhibition areas.

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