3 hours agoIs the US heading for a civil war? Will another George Floyd color revolution attempt be made?michaelj5326Verified
7 months agoCheck out this amazing video of Michael Jaco and Jason Sisneros live! 🌟🔥michaelj5326Verified
25 days agoJuan O Savin said more than 2 years ago that Trump would come back and destroy the deep state.michaelj5326Verified
1 day agoHuman trafficking being used by deep state to fund elections and opposition in the media against Trump Team.michaelj5326Verified
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3 days agoWorld news, Giants, Kings of Old and how it ties into the rising consciousness of mankind. President Trumps many lifetimes revealed.michaelj5326Verified
2 days agoWar with Mexican cartels draws near as weapons are bought on the black market from Ukraine and Afghanistan. Most major cities have terrorist gangs.michaelj5326Verified
8 months agoJuan O Savin on who the real worldwide enemy is and will the US election be delayed?michaelj5326Verified
7 months agoWhen will the war kick off and is the Q post Israel for last about to come true?michaelj5326Verified
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7 months agoIntuitive Insights on coming Earthquakes, Storms, Economy, Plandemics and elections.michaelj5326Verified