Prophecy 99 - YAH Harshly Judges HAARP Weaponry & Cloning! YAH Counters with HIS Word & Holy Tongues Weapon. Pentecost Power "Great Tribulation when it will be rare to hear a Prophet speak as this?"
YAH'S Word to Apostle Elisheva (Prophet since a young teen) Prophecy 8 "Have you heard MY voice this day? Then this is who this message is for. I have proved MY love for you at Calvary."
Amightywind Prophecy 26 - HEAR ME, FEAR ME, BELIEVE ME! "You will see manifested the power of satan, anti-christ and the false prophet, the unholy trinity, using science, government and religion and man-made doctrines to deceive many."
See satan's prophets Exposed! Home becomes Horror. Had HOLY SPIRIT but still Pretenders (Prophecy 13), studied dark teachings, became hybrids-fallen angel possessed, deadly false prophecies. INSANE & Violent
Prophetic Dream - Spirit of Insanity has been Loosed! YAH Warns of Hospital Dangers/Mind Control Weapons from hell. PRAY over everything you consume in YAHUSHUA'S NAME. Cover yourself & things with HIS SHED BLOOD
Prophecy 49 Excerpts - YAH Teaches us clearly about the Pre, Mid, Post Tribulation periods. And "Has not enough hatred and hard feelings from MY own children been caused by this debate.."
2003 Rosh Ha Shanah Dream & Song "HE'S Coming Soon" by Amightywind Music Ministry led by singers Ablewaterwalker/YAHSLittleOne, a ministry theme song - In Description see Prophecy - What If Rosh Ha Shanah Is The Day That I Come?