Prophet Julie Green - The Calm Before the Storm - Captions

3 months ago

In this video script from November 11, 2024, Julie starts by honoring and appreciating Veterans on Veterans Day and the Marine Corps birthday. The message transitions into a prophetic word of encouragement, emphasizing faith in God and the assurance that He has conquered the enemy. Julie discusses the significance of scriptures such as Hebrews 2:14 and John 16:33 in overcoming life's battles. The script further touches on the political situation in the U.S., including the 2020, 2022, and 2024 elections, the concept of 'the calm before the storm,' and a prophetic word about dismantling the deep state and globalist agenda. Julie calls for continued prayer, faith, and resistance against evil, assuring that God is working behind the scenes to bring unprecedented changes and victories. The script concludes with a prayer for viewers facing mental, physical, or financial struggles, urging them to embrace God's love, forgiveness, and restoration.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 11-11-2024 and may be watched here: 👉

Recognizing Veterans and the Power of Faith - A Prophetic Encouragement

In today's episode, we begin by honoring Veterans Day and acknowledging the brave men and women of the Marine Corps on their recent birthday. The focus then shifts to a powerful message of encouragement, grounded in scripture and faith. Highlighting passages from Hebrews 2:14 and John 16:33, we are reminded to stand firm in our battles, whether they be personal struggles or broader societal issues. Julie emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive mindset, rooted in faith, to overcome challenges. Additionally, a prophetic word is shared, foreseeing significant changes in the political landscape and urging viewers to remain vigilant and prayerful. The episode concludes with a heartfelt prayer for healing, restoration, and continued faith.

00:00 Introduction and Veterans Day Tribute
01:26 Prophetic Word and Encouragement
01:56 Scriptural Guidance and Spiritual Warfare
04:29 Mindset and Victory in Christ
08:27 Political Commentary and Prophecy
13:26 The Calm Before the Storm
15:09 Dismantling the Deep State
19:31 Call to Action and Continued Vigilance
34:15 Divine Justice and Injustice in the Nation
36:20 Corruption in Healthcare and Food Industry
38:40 God's Promise of Restoration
41:46 The Deep State and Political Reset
44:27 Globalist Agenda and Resistance
47:25 Spiritual Warfare and the Power of Prayer
58:23 Encouragement and Prayer for Personal Freedom
01:04:40 Closing Remarks and Resources

Video Information:


COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International


PROPHECY INDEX: www.prophecyindex.org



Nov 11, 2024 - The Calm Before the Storm
1. Psalm 118:24
2. Heb. 2:14
3. 1 Cor. 15:26, Col. 2:15 (enemies brought to nothing)
4. 1 Tim 6:12 (fight the good fight)
5. John 16:33
6. Phil. 2:9-11 (Name above all names)
7. Neh. 8:10 (joy of the Lord)
8. Deut. 28:1-14 (Blessings)
9. Deut. 28:15-64 (Curses)
10. Rom. 12:2 (renew your mind)
11. Ps. 9:1 (recount & tell aloud all these things)
12. Ex. 15:6
13. Ps. 68:19-22
14. Ps. 3:7
15. Deut. 28:7
16. Heb. 10:30
17. Gal. 3:13-14, 4:4-5 (Jesus paid the price)
18. Rom. 12:19
19. Gal. 6:7 (you reap what you sow)
20. Luke 8:17, 12:2 (everything hidden will be revealed)
21. 1 John 4:4 (greater one on the inside of you)
22. James 4:7 (resist & he must flee)
23. John 8:32, 36
24. 1 Peter 2:21
25. Esther 4:14 (such a time as this)
26. Deut. 30:19 (set before you life & death, blessing & cursing, you choose)
27. Jer. 1:12 (God is faithful to perform His Word)
28. Matt. 19:26; Mark 10:27; Luke 18:27 (Nothing is impossible with God)
29. Ps. 103:12 (As far as the east is from the west)

No matter what the enemies have planned, you are more than an overcomer through the Blood of Christ!

Jesus already won for you.

God is the one who saves.

Change your mind. Change your words. Get your words in alignment with God’s Words.

Continue to stand, pray, and let God work. God is our Defender, Protector, Shepherd, and Victory.


Good morning, everybody. Today is Monday, November 11th of 2024. I just want to first of all say Happy Veterans Day and God bless each and every one of you who've served In our country. You are a blessing to us. We pray for you We love you and thanks is just not enough for all the sacrifices that you have made for our country and for our freedom So we just want to say Congratulations.

We love you and we appreciate you. And also, yesterday was the Marine Corps birthday. So happy birthday to all of the Marine Corps. God bless each and every one of you. I love to see how so many men and women are willing to give up their life to fight for this country. And again, we love the Marines also.

So we just want to say thank you, thank you, thank you for all you've done. And happy, happy, happy birthday. Birthday to the Marine Corps again, all of our veterans are so amazing those who are serving now and those who have served in the past Our appreciation is so beyond words that we can express to each and every one of you so I just want to let you know you are loved And you are highly respected and prayed for by all of us at JGMI And so I know all of our viewers are in agreement with us as well, so God bless each and every one of you for serving for our country.

And today is another great day because days a day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. And I have another prophetic word for you. Some more encouragement for you. God is doing some amazing things. He's already done amazing things in our country. He's going to continue to do amazing things in our country.

We're going to continue to stand and fight that good fight of faith. We're going to see God do unprecedented things and we're just gotten, God's just gotten started on what he is going to do for us. So let's keep our heads held high. God is working, God is moving, and we haven't seen anything yet. And so one of the first scriptures I want to give to you before I get to this prophetic word is Hebrews Hebrews 2 and 14 are the classic amplified version.

And this scripture is so important because all of us fight so many battles in our life on a daily basis, whether it's things going on in our mind, things going on in our physical body, things going on in our family, our finances, or all around the world. There's struggles, there's circumstances, there's tests, there's trials, there's frustrations.

And this scripture, I'm going to read you another one that God was just bringing up to me when I was just saying that. But there are so many things that the enemy uses to bring us down to the heaviness, whatever he tries to do to keep us from our victory. He's doing right now. He's throwing everything he can at us to keep us from breakthrough, to keep us from our answer prayers, to keep us from all the things that God has in store for restoration for us.

And this is one of the scriptures that I want to give to you today Because we have to know that no matter what the enemies have planned no matter how big they are No matter how long they've been here. No matter how many people are with them Look what it says in Hebrews 2 and 14 Since therefore these his children share in flesh and blood in the physical nature of human beings He himself in a similar manner partook of the same nature

So whatever you are facing in your life today, and we have so many people that write in because of cancer or because of other terminal illnesses, things going on with their children, things going on in their marriages, I want you to quote this scripture. I want you to get this scripture deep down in your heart, and I want you to war with this scripture.

I want you And every single time the enemy says nothing's changing, everything's staying the same, everything, or getting worse. It's an impossible situation. Nothing's ever gonna change. You declare and decree. Satan, you have been brought to nothing. Jesus destroyed your power. He brought you to nothing to make no effect in my life.

So every type of adversity, all the impossible situations, everything that looks like it's going in the wrong direction have been brought to nothing against me because of the power and because of the name of Jesus Christ. That's how we fight this good fight of faith. We have to change our mindsets. We have to change the way we see all of our situations because the devil can bombard you in your mind with a thought pattern.

Which is like stinkin thinkin where your mind is so contrary, your thoughts are contrary to the Word of God. It's everything opposite of the Word of God, and you can sit there and accept a defeat that does not belong to you. Our enemy has already been defeated. And so when you remind yourself with scriptures like this, The devil has been brought to nothing.

He's been brought to naught. He's been made a zero. He's beyond anything below where we are. Jesus has brought him to nothing. And I also want to read a scripture to you that I've read to you several different times in John, because this can save a lot of people in that time of discouragement. John 16:33.

Carter, I did not give this one to you. John 16:33 in the Classic Amplified.

Because we have to know that we are in a battle, which we all know. We've seen it. We've been experiencing it. There's a battle in your mind. There's battle in your body. There's a battle in finances. There's a battle with this country. In this nation, there's battle of good versus evil. There's battles all around.

But we know when we have Hebrews well, God has brought our enemy to nothing. So even though we may be in a battle and it looks like it's overwhelming us and it looks like we have to accept that defeat, No, we don't. The devil has accepted defeat. He's already been defeated. When you have a mindset going into battle that your enemies are defeated, you're gonna change the way you see some things.

You're going to change the way you see that battle. You're going to change your attitude. You're going to change your position and your posturing because you're gonna be like, you know what i'm going into this battle But i'm going this battle victorious because jesus has brought my enemies to nothing Now a lot of people get confused and they get they like jesus Why are we going through all these things?

I don't understand if you brought the enemy to nothing Then why am I going through these struggles? Why am I going through like stuff in my body or stuff in my mind or whatever it is that you are dealing with on? a daily basis Remind yourselves of these two scriptures today. Hebrews 2 14 and John 16 33.

He says, I have told you these things so that in me you may have perfect peace and confidence. In the world you had tribulation, trial, success, distress, and frustration. But be of good cheer, take courage, be confident, certain, and undaunted, for I have overcome the world. I have deprived it of its power to harm you, and I have conquered it for you.

So right there, Jesus said right here, I've conquered it for you. I've conquered the world. I've conquered the enemy I've conquered everything that you are gonna come up against but people forget these things So when God said or Jesus said right here in the world You will have trials and tribulations and frustration and people are confused of why they're having trials Tribulations and frustration and then when they have these things then they give up and then they quit Because they're frustrated.

They're overwhelmed. Everything looks like it's, they're being, they're being defeated. Everything looks like it's going in the wrong direction. And so they become hopeless. There's a darkness that overwhelms them. They receive that heaviness. When Jesus said, in the world, you're gonna have all of these things coming out against you.

But he's saying be of good cheer. Why does he tell you and I to be a be of good cheer? Because first of all, the joy of the Lord is our strength. So if we are being good cheer, And if we are being overwhelmed by the joy of the Lord, that is our strength, then anytime discouragement, frustrations, tests, and trials come against us, we won't lay down and take it.

Look how many times people, just as an example, of the 2020 election, between the 2020 election, the 2022 election, and the 2024 election, there were some people that almost laid down and took it. Because they saw, well, they stole 2020, they stole 2022, they're just gonna do it all over again. And it was that mindset, it's too impossible and it's too big to defeat.

Or when you have a doctor's report, and you are told you have a terminal illness. You see all these other people that have died from cancer. You see all these other people that are going worse instead of getting better. Again, it's that mindset. But you take courage. Jesus has brought our enemy to nothing.

And so if, and if you look in Deuteronomy 28,

Verse 15 on, that's all the curse. Jesus brought the curse to nothing. And so if you see things that are going on in your body, you see things that are going on in your family, remember He's brought it to nothing. So if you've been diagnosed with cancer, Jesus has brought that cancer to nothing. It may look like it's winning, it may look like it's growing, it may look like it's gonna take you out, but you say, by the blood of Jesus Christ, it's brought this cancer to nothing, and I thank you, Father God, That I'm redeemed from this.

I thank you Father God. It has to die and I will live in Jesus name Do you see how you're changing your mindset? Because you're taking the written Word of God and you're making it active in your life You're changing your mindset because your mindset can change your whole entire life If you have a mindset of defeat, you're gonna receive defeat If you have your mindset of victory and being overcomer, that's what you're gonna expect and that's what you're gonna receive You We have to change the way we are thinking.

We have to change the way we see our environment. The way we see our situations. And the way we see our situations should be through the eyes of Christ. And how we see our situations through the eyes of Christ and through that victory and through that mindset of I have this because God's got it. God's got it.

I have my victory. I have my healing. I have my restoration. I have those finances. I have my children back. Whatever it is, you have it because Jesus has already deprived it of its ability to harm you and he's conquered it for you. And then in Hebrews 2 14, he made it even better. He went even farther and he said he's brought it to nothing.

So why do you think that God gives us these scriptures on a daily basis? Why do you think he tells us all the time to get into his word? Why do you say you think I say to you all the time don't take my word for it get into the word get in Fellowship with Almighty God because he wants you to know him more because it will change the way you think Just like it says in Romans 12 Romans 12 to we renew our minds with the Word of God And if we knew renew our minds with the Word of God, we're gonna change our mindset So that's what we have to do to be more than conquerors That's what we have to do to stay in this good fight of faith And not waver, not give up and not quit because we have been called to this battle again.

One of my favorite all time teachings that I've held on to that has saved me from death more than once. That saved me from depression. That saved me from suicide. It'll save me from so many different things is this teaching. And I listened to it over and over and over again. We're called to battle, but we are destined to win.

It was by Jerry Savelle. That saved my life. One of the reasons why I'm here preaching behind this camera to each and every one of you is because I kept re reading that book, because there's a book, and I also kept watching that video over and over again. I was taking down notes. I was getting into my spirit, because every single time that I wanted to quit, every single time I got in this battle, and it was overwhelming, and it looks like I was at I would watch that again.

I would read that book, read these scriptures, all these type of things, and I would, I would just get that in my spirit. I've been called to this battle, but I've been destined to win it, because failure and defeat are not in your future. I want you to declare that every day. Failure and defeat are not in my future.

Why? Because failure and defeat are in the enemy's future, because Jesus has already brought him to nothing, and he's already conquered him for you. And just like Colossians 2. 15, He's already been disarmed. So if you're going into this battle that you've been called to, you go into this battle with your head held high knowing you're destined to win it.

Look what happened. We could have given up on the 2020 or 2024 election because what happened in 2020, but we didn't give up. And we saw an unprecedented landslide. We saw a turn of a political shift God's been talking to us about. And that's something that he brought up to me today. Is this is the calm before the storm.

He's been saying this a lot. And so when I was dictating this prophecy. I've heard it. This was the first one. I heard two of them on Saturday morning. This was the first one. And it's called the calm before the storm. Remember, God's been saying to us since the last few weeks, Do not put your guard down.

You're gonna receive a victory. But do not put your guard down and you hold that line. Because it looks like the enemies are just like, they just, Gave up and they quit and we're just gonna go cross that line And everything's gonna be fine and nothing's gonna come out of left field and we're not gonna be surprised by anything And that's simply not what god has been saying god has been warning us God's been telling us we were gonna have a great victory.

We saw a great victory now He's telling us you had this great victory continue to hold that line because this is the calm before The storm and this is not to bring you fear because remember the scriptures. I just gave you Our enemies are going to try something. They've tried all these different things that we saw.

Remember what God gave, I think it was the morning, it was the morning of the election, when he gave us that encouragement about we shouldn't be here. And he gave us all the list of reasons why they're, all the enemies and what they were doing and how we could not have been there that day. All the opportunities that they had to destroy us, and they couldn't.

So this is the calm before the storm where everything looks fine. We're happy. We're, we're have that time of rest. We are celebrating and we continue to celebrate on a daily basis of what God did. But God's also telling us, you keep your guard up. So let's let's get to this prophetic word. The dismantling of the deep state has begun.

You will see not only their exposure, but their entire annihilation of their control and their existence in this nation and abroad. They are embedded in places no one realizes yet in the general public. But they will be eradicated out of their shadows and out of everywhere they've been lurking and hiding in the darkness. This is now the calm before the political, great political storm in this nation and the nations around the world.

The globalists are putting their heads together right now to see each way they can stop this inauguration or to stop my David in any way possible from ripping their global reset apart. My children, you and my David along with this movement in this nation and around the world are sending shockwaves

through your enemy's camp, because each day they are losing more control, and their globalist agenda is imploding before their eyes. They don't understand how this all could have happened because their plans were going smoothly. Everything was in place until a few people throughout history had put a wrinkle in their plans for a short time.... But after that, they would remove them, or they were done with their political terms, they would just pick up where they left off, and gain more headway in their globalist control.

The globalists put massive amounts of strain on the common person. To enslave you where you would be no threat to them. They have invaded the churches with their doctrines and their forms of legalism to weaken my church and to deceive them out of what was rightfully theirs. Their plans have been shattered time and time again in the last several years by my David rising up along with my church, rising up in resistance against the darkness and the evil.

Because the, the globalists and their reset were not going the way they needed it to go; and that is why you see the desperation, the blame game, the panic that has set in because the globalists have never been in such a place of disadvantage.

They have never felt a blow quite like this one, with this unprecedented landslide of a victory that took place with this election. Because they had their propaganda machines spewing out their narrative and lies on a continual basis. They had their made up indictments and they even hired people to kill my David.

So they never thought this victory could come to pass, let alone as massive as it was. Even though they had massive amounts of election fraud they committed and it still was not enough for what they needed to keep him out of office.

My children, you have your enemies on the run. You have them in a state of fear they have never known, because you stood, you prayed, and you let me work, and it has totally destroyed your enemy's plans moving forward, around the nations. This is why they will try anything they can in this time, in every way to stop this movement from continuing to move forward.

There's an attack coming against this nation, but remember when you see them try you will see them ultimately fail I'm the protector of this nation. Your enemies will not have it and they will not gain back the power they once thought they had.

So my children, continue to move forward, continue in my word, continue to fight the good fight of faith. Continue to trust me that I am completely setting you free, and this nation free, says the Lord, your Redeemer. So God is saying in this prophetic word once again, We are to hold that line. We have to continue to move forward.

A lot of people were in that, they're at state of that celebration and that victory. They don't have their guard up anymore. They're not looking around them anymore because they're like, They have that, oh thank God, I am so thankful that we have this time of rest. And we should be thankful that we have this time of rest and this time of celebration.

But in the same time we're having this time of rest and celebration, we still should be filling our hearts with the Word of God. We still have to keep that shield of faith up, that will quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. We still have to keep using the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.

We have to keep our armor on because God's been warning us about an attack on this country. He's been warning us about a darkness. Which I know that we've already started to feel spiritually, but in the time of that election, there was something that spiritually, that spiritual darkness, there was some that broke.

It was like a a flood. It was like a dam that broke that day. And it's been different ever since. And so we have gotten we've moved forward. We've taken some ground away from our enemies. But we're not done taking back all the ground. We're not done moving forward. We're not done by making sure all the giants are completely removed from this nation.

We still have a job to do. We saw a great victory, and we have to remind ourselves of that victory. It even says in the Book of Psalms where David says, I will recount and tell aloud. All these things that you have done because when you're under attack and you remind yourselves of what God has done in other attacks It builds up your faith.

It encourages you. It brings joy and it destroys the power of the enemy I want to get to a few scriptures today and something that the Lord wanted me again to remind you of in the book of Exodus I'm not gonna be there very long. I'm just gonna read one scripture for now In the book of Exodus chapter 15 and verse 6.

Exodus chapter 6. Your right hand, O Lord, is glorious in power. Your right hand, O Lord, shatters the enemy. So we declare and decree every day, I thank you, Father God, you are shattering the enemy. Now he told us before, to shout down the walls, the enemy's walls, The wall that they were hiding behind, their protective walls, he's been telling us this for a long time to shout them down like the walls of Jericho.

And you know what wall that was taken out and completely annihilated? It was the blue wall. God talked to us about that blue wall. And for those who are not in this country, the blue wall was the battleground states. The blue wall where the enemies, you know, always had those states turning blue.

Well, I have a feeling they weren't always turning blue because they were actually blue. They were probably turning blue because they had a wall up of protection of all their fraud and all of their stealing. But this time, they didn't get one of those states. It was completely and utterly Annihilating it was a landslide of victory and that wall came down I believe truly that wall came down and it was and it came down in a massive way Because god's people were pressing him god's people were praying god's people were obeying him By saying and declaring and decreeing that their walls are coming down their walls came down We saw one of their major walls of controlling this nation, we saw that destroyed on election night.

Now, they held it to, like, yesterday, I think, when they finally gave up and they gave all of those states over to President Trump, which we already should have known, they were trying to delay. Just like they're trying Again, they're trying to attack the House. They're still up to their shenanigans. They're still trying to steal the Senate seats that are left.

Start preying them down. Don't give up on it. I know we already had the House, but there are some seats that are still tryingor the Senate. There's some seats that are still trying to steal. It looks like we had the majority of the Congress, but we should have had more majority. They've been trying to steal it.

That's why they're delaying and prolonging some of these seats still. There's some seats that have not been called. I don't know if we're like 10 seats left or 15 seats left, but there's still a lot of seats left. And they're still trying to gain traction in order to steal it. And so what God said, remember, don't just pay attention just because it's the presidential race.

You have to pray for the Senate, and you have to pray for the House. Because this is the time where it needs to be back in control of God's people. And so don't give up, and don't back off on your praying over the rest of these seats, because we're almost a week out from this election, and six days from this election, and they're still up with their shenanigans.

They're still trying things. But people were just so celebratory, and there's such a celebration of, well, President Trump won. But look at all those other seats that we need to fight for continuously still. It's not over yet. We need to still continue to fight and call down whatever, and I know what the Lord's been showing to us.

And one of the things that he's was showing me again this morning, election fraud, even in this one, even though they didn't win it, they're going to be exposed. In every seat. That they stole because they stole seats this year again They didn't get as many as they wanted But they still sold some and God is going to make sure the thief has gotta been paying back all the things that they stole So now what we have to do moving forward is Continuously stand and fight that good fight of faith that we are going to pray back those seats that were stolen Because of election fraud there's a lot in a lot of states You There was something that somebody showed me over the weekend.

I think it was Chris on the some of my team too. All the states that were won, won by Kamala, all those states had no voter ID. But all the states that she lost had voter ID. Not a coincidence. So again, all the states, every single one that she won, they had no voter ID. So people in those states could do whatever they want when they want.

They could go from One place to another place to another place, like in Iowa. We had to scan our driver's license in before we were given our ballot. Why? That way we're in the right polling place, and that we hadn't voted before, and we're proving citizenship and where we live. All states should have voter ID requirements.

You think if they all had voter ID requirements, how much more different? We had an amazing landslide of victory. But just think how much more we would have had if all states had voter ID requirements. And you ask yourself this question, why do they not have voter ID requirement? If they were not up to stealing, and if they were not up to shenanigans, why would they not follow our Constitution?

Why would they not follow our election laws and have these type of things to protect our country? Because they don't want to protect our country. And so, we have to realize again, God is the one who shattered their power and their authority to steal another election. He's been telling us for the last four years, he allowed 2020.

And you saw how he did not allow 2024. There's things we still have to continue to fight for and Make sure the enemies have to pay back and continue to pray down their walls of protection Let's go to a Psalm 68 and verse 19 Psalm 68 and verse 19 This is I think I have it out of the NIV translation.

So I'm 68 verse 19 I'm gonna read 19 through 22 out of the NIV translation or the New International Version Praise be to the Lord to our God our Savior Our daily bears are who daily bears are burdens. Our God is a God who saves from the sovereign Lord. Comes escape from death. Surely God will crush the heads of the enemies, his hairy, the hairy crowns of those who go on in our sins.

The Lord says, I will bring down Macan and I'll bring them from the depths of the sea. Now I'm gonna read that again really quickly. Our in verse 20, our God is a God who saves. From the sovereign Lord comes escape from death. Verse 21. Surely God will crush the heads of his enemies. So in the Exodus 15 verse six, it says he shatters and now he's saying in this one he crushes.

And you think about the force behind something that's shattered or the force behind something that's crushed. If you're shattered and crushed, most of the time when something like it, you're thinking about a shattered glass, especially if it shatters into a thousand pieces, you can't pick it back up and put it back together again.

It's kind of like that old, you know, a Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. And so you think about God is saying to us, The enemies are going to fall, completely. They're gonna be so shattered and so crushed, they will not be able to be put back up again or put together again.

They won't be able to regain, they won't be able to do the thing that they are doing against us right now. Because he's the one who has saved us, and he'll continue to save us, and he's the one who's bringing them to nothing. Psalm 30 Psalm 3 in verse 7,

Psalm 3 in verse 7, and it says, Arise, O Lord, save me. O my God, for you have struck all my enemies on their cheek. You have broken the teeth of the ungodly. So when people say that God's not gonna do anything, I don't understand. Where are they're getting that from? Because just these several scriptures I've given to you since the beginning of this live stream about, you know, 30 some minutes ago.

I've given you scriptures about how God defeats our enemy. God shatters the enemy. God strikes them on their jaw. God crushes them. He brings them to nothing. So if we think about all the ways that God is encouraging us on a daily basis, that he's already taking care of our enemies. So we should not be afraid of what they try to do.

He's warning us that they are going to attack us. And most people, when they hear a prophetic word like that, they hear a warning, they automatically just get paralyzed in that state of fear. Oh my gosh, this is like never ending. That's not true. That's a lie. This is gonna be worse than it was before. It may seem like that, but that's a lie.

Because God is the one who has proved to us time and time again that he's the one who saves our nation. And he's saved a nation in a day more than once, and he's proven that. So that's what you should be recounting and telling aloud and being excited about. I thank you, Father God, no matter what way the enemy attacks.

I thank you, Father God, right now, that you are destroying the power of the enemy. You're bringing them to nothing. So we will declare and decree today, no matter what the enemies attack us with, we thank you it will come to nothing. We thank you that you are shattering their plot plans and schemes. We thank you that you have brought down their walls.

We thank you, Father God, you're going to bring them down the rest of the way. Do you see a shift in our attitude? This is what's bringing a shift politically and spiritually, because we're changing our expectancy. We're changing our mindset. We're changing our words, because instead of our words aligning with our enemy, our words are now aligning with Almighty God.

Let's keep reading. In Deuteronomy 28, 7, I've read this to you several different times, but look at what he's saying again here. In the scripture,

the Lord shall cause your enemies to rise up against you to be defeated before your face. They shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways. They've come out against us in one way and God's saying they're going to flee before you in seven. The team is working on a prophecy fulfilled about the how the enemies have turned on each other.

God's been saying that for a while now and we see it on a daily basis. We're seeing what they're doing. On live television, how they are turning against one another, and he also said the blame game is gonna start. And the blame game has already started. They are in pieces. They have been shattered. This was a crushing blow that President Trump won that election.

It was crushing to them, and they were in such a state of shock that they are, they're trying to regain some of their some of their plans. This Because they don't know what to do. They're trying to regain their composure. And to make more plans because they don't know what to do. That's what I meant to say.

Again, they come out against us one way but they flee before us seven ways. And another scripture is Hebrews 10 and 30. Here's another scripture that proves to us that God's going to be doing something. And he's going to finish what he started. Hebrews 10 and 30 out of the classic Amplified says, For we know him who said, Vengeance is mine.

Retribution, the meting out a full justice rest with me. Stop right there for a minute. Full justice. He's been hearing the cries of all of us who've been seeing the injustice in this nation. We've been seeing the corruption with judges and laws and and all the things that they've done against us to destroy us.

There's been a lot of injustice. People have been growing weary because of the injustice. They've given up hope because of the injustice, but God is saying full justice rests with him. That's what he's been telling us for a long time. You don't just, election cannot save you. It's not just an election that will save you.

He's told us this. Why? Because now it needs to be full justice. Because you still have people that have stolen seats in our government that are still going to be there, even after the selection. There were still some people who it looked like they won in some of these states. They didn't win. They stole.

Again, it has to be full justice. You think about, okay, if you have sickness in your body, you're going through pain and affliction. Jesus paid the price for your healing. He ransomed you. You can find that Galatians 4. He paid the price for you to be free. But so many people are suffering when Jesus is the one who suffered for you.

God is going to make our enemies pay for the damage they've caused in our bodies. You know, that's one thing I love that President Trump is bringing on RFK Jr. The FDA in this country, what God's been telling us about for years, is in cahoots and partnership up with Big Pharma. It's all about money and it's all about power.

They've allowed and approved of food in our country that they will not approve in other countries allowed in their food supply. People can be arrested, shut down, anything, bankrupted because of putting certain foods in their in their foods, putting certain products in their foods that's against their law.

Our country has the most ridiculous FDA ever. They allow certain things, poisons, in our food. But they know it just, it causes issue after issue after issue. Well, if it causes issues in your body, then the big pharma comes in and they, you have to get on medicine. And you have all these other symptoms that are going on, so you have to get another type of medicine.

You see, like, it's a big circle. And then people say, God doesn't deal with politics. Why would not? When these people are using politics to kill him, to kill their, his people. They kill people in a massive amount all over the world. And especially in this country, why all of a sudden we have all this tech the all this.

Great medication now. We have all these advanced technology. We have all these things going in the direction, but why is health going the opposite? Why are natural doctors shunned? Like homeopathic doctors or functional doctors or doctors that care about and do things naturally? Why are they ousted? Why are they blacklisted?

Why are they, why are the big pharma and everybody else trying to go after them? Why? Because it goes against their narrative.

So again, we have so many things that have to be cleaned out. It's not going to just take an election to save this nation. When God's saying right here, full justice rests with me. He means it all nothing missing. He wants it all. I'm going to keep reading. So full justice rests with me. I will repay. I'll exact the compensation, says the Lord, and again the Lord will judge and determine and solve and settle the cause and the cases of his people.

He says right here, I will repay. He'll repay you for the damage your enemies caused in your mind, the damage he's caused in your body, the damage he's caused in your children, the damage he's caused in your finances, the damage he's caused in your nation. God said he will repay. He is a God of restoration.

But a lot of people would just be happy with this election. And then not want restoration and everything because we'll just happy President Trump's in office. Well, yes, we're all happy and celebrating that President Trump's gonna be back in office, but that's not all God wants us to have that restoration of.

He's gonna use President Trump in mighty, mighty, mighty ways. But God wants each and one of us, all of us, to receive retroactive restoration of all the damage that enemies cause in our lives. So don't give up hope and just being accepting of we have restoration in our country, but God wants you fully Restored full justice and he wants your enemy to repay what they've done against you.

Let's go back over Well, let me read Romans 12 19 and then I'll go back over this prophetic word Romans 12 19 in the New Living Translation or the NLT Romans 12 19 in the New Living Translation. Dear friends, never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of God, for the Scriptures say. I will take revenge.

I will pay them back, says the Lord. God will pay back the enemy for all the damage. Remember, they reap what they have sown. They have sown corruption. They have sown destruction. They have sown evil. They will be paid back from that, just like Pharaoh was. That's why there's so many examples in the Bible that we have to go to that are, right now, are for today.

God is doing something massive across this land, but across the nations. Justice and restoration are on the heart of God. Justice and restoration are on the heart of God. Okay, so the first paragraph of this prophetic word, again, I heard this was the first one on November 9th. The calm before the storm.

The dismantling of the Deep State has begun. You will see not only their exposure, but their entire annihilation of their control and their existence in this nation and abroad. You think about, why do you think They went to the extremes that they've had so far. They tried to impeach him. They tried to indict him.

They tried to kill him. They tried to take him off the ballot. They tried to justto keep him from running for re election at all. Why are they so desperate? Why are they in panic? Why are they in fear? Have you not heard what President Trump's been saying? Isomebody's been sending me some of his videos that he's I think he said in, like, March of, like, 2023, last year.

And some of the things that he's been saying recently, he is going to annihilate them because he's going to expose them. God is using President Trump to dismantle the deep state, the establishment, the swamp, to eradicate them, to completely annihilate, destroy them, as if they were never there. That's why God is giving us these scriptures this morning.

An illustration of what the scriptures are saying to what we are going to see. We are going to see something so unprecedented and unconventional. Remember, he talked about an election and we were going to have a victory and we have one, but he's also been saying a political reset. This is part of the political reset we're going to see, but there's also going to be something, there's going to be resistance before we see the complete political reset.

Now look what he said. Because it said in this last part of this paragraph, their existence in this nation and abroad. People think the establishment in the swamp, in the deep state, is just in this country. They're not. They're embedded all over the place. They even have some swamp rats in Israel trying to dismantle that government, trying to destroy Benjamin Netanyahu and bring him down, just like they were trying to do with President Trump, smear him, lie about him.

There was like five elections in like two or three years. Because they were trying to destroy Benjamin Netanyahu. They went after him just like they went after President Trump. They cannot have Israel and America strong when they want a globalist agenda and a reset and a global government, a global currency.

They can't have these nations strong. That's whythe reason why you've seen them attack Benjamin Netanyahu and attack President Trump and all the other populist leaderships that you see all around the world. Look what happened in Brazil. Look what happened to all these other countries that had stolen elections.

This is not just our country this has happened to.

They are embedded in places no one yet realizes in the general public, but they'll be eradicated out of their shadows and out of everywhere they've been lurking and hiding in the darkness. Remember what God said. And Luke 12 and 2, Luke 8 and 17. No matter what the enemies do, no matter how hard they try to hide something, everything will be, everything hidden will be revealed.

So even though they're lurking and they're hiding in this darkness and hiding behind the closed doors and these walls and they're hiding behind the establishment and, and all of their entities, the three letter agencies and all their entities and all their corporations and all of Hollywood and all these different things, I gotta say, I don't care where you're hiding.

And I don't care how many people are hiding you. You're done. That's what God is saying. This is now that the calm before the great political storm. What's a great political storm? We used to talk about the political reset. When people find out all the elections that were stolen, when people find out all the fraud, when they find out about all the coups, when they find out about what they are doing against this country to tear apart our country, to enslave our country, when they didn't have the power to do it, It's going to be a great political shaking.

Don't be satisfied with just this election. God's not done. There's a great political storm in this nation and the nations around the world. The globals are putting their heads together right now to see each way they can stop this inauguration or to stop my David in any way possible from ripping their global reset apart.

Stop right there for a minute. There is a prophetic word that God gave out. About a month or so ago he talked about Iran. He said Iran was gonna try to attack this nation, and God was going to stop them. Iran, what was just stopped, which, God just gave me a prophetic word on it, there's so much more to this story, there were people that were here from Iran that were just stopped in their plot, assassination attempt and plot against President Trump.

It was Iran. God said they were, they were gonna, Iran was gonna attack this nation. What were they gonna do? They sent their cronies over here to try to steal them. You know who paid for it? You guys know the establishment did so the prophetic words that God has given me Later on this week. I'll give to you and then you'll be like, it's either Tuesday or Wednesdays.

I don't think it's Thursday I think it's Tuesday or Wednesdays. I'll give to you, you know, he'll give you more insight on that But that's why he talked about the foreign militia in this nation why they allowed open borders They're not done with their their attacks That's why we had to be holding that line.

That's why we had to be standing and praying still.

He says, they don't understand how this all could have happened because their plans were going smoothly. Everything in, they had everything in place until a few people throughout history had to put a wrinkle in their plans for a short time. So you've had like Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan put a wrinkle in their plans.

You had people like, you know, Abraham Lincoln. He put a wrinkle in their plans. You had people like JFK. He put a wrinkle in their plans. Look what they did with him. Think of all these different people. Nixon was going to put a wrinkle in their plans. Look what happened to him. There are many presidents, politicians, anybody in general, who's ever come up against the deep state.

They've removed them, or they've tried, or they've tried to sabotage that person, hold themselves afloat until their time of their term was over.

Until they were done with their terms politically, they would just pick up where they left off and gain more headway in their globalist control. So they've been trying this since almost beginning stages of our country to try to take it over. It's been a slow process for them. That's why they're in such a shock and awe because they have all this technology.

They have more and more people on their side because they have, they have done some grassroots things where they had to try to, by even states. They've been trying to do it in schools, been trying to do it all these different ways. So they had all these different things that were working for their agenda.

They have judges in places, they have the DOJ working for them, they have all this swamp everywhere, they have the FBI working for them, and some of the CIA working for them, some of the NSA working for them, they have Hollywood working for them, they have all these different things working for them. So they're shocked, because if they have all these things working for them, how did it not work?

Because they have all these things naturally working for them. They didn't think about the spiritual side of it. They'll never win against God. Now, then he says the globalists have put a massive amount of strain on the common person. The reason why he had me say common person is because they consider us a common person when we're not.

They're but mere men. They don't have the power. They're not gods. They don't have the power that they think they have, that they think they hold. They think we're just these common people because we're below them. We're not a part of the globalists. We're not a part of the elites. We're not a part of any of them.

So they think we're the common person. We're be, we are so far beyond a common person, because we have the greater one living on the inside of us than he that's in the world. So they think that we're the common people when they're just mere men, and they're realizing they came up against a, a body of Christians.

That we're gonna crush them, because we're tapping into the power of Almighty God. He's a common person to enslave you where you would be no threat to them. When they had doctrines, when they had legalism in the body of Christ, we were no threat to them. We can't talk about politics. Separation of church and state.

We can't talk about that. We can't talk about that. We have nothing to do with it. It weakened the body of Christ, completely. So we were not a threat to them. Because, well, if it's separation of church and state, and then you have all these different pastors, and all these different priests, and all these different people saying, we can't get involved in politics, we can't get involved in politics, and because we were not getting involved in politics, it let the, the enemy gain momentum and power over us to enslave us more.

So they weaken the church with forms of legalism to weaken my church to deceive them out of what was rightfully theirs. We were deceived out of what was rightfully theirs, which is the say so of who belongs in political positions. We were And that the government cannot control over us. It's we, the people.

That's also been another lie. And then, they try to normalize, we have election day. They try to normalize election week. Anytime they normalize something like that is to weaken us, to gain more power. Why do you think they're prolonging these congressional seats? Why do you think they're prolonging these senate seats?

For stealing like I said earlier, so they're trying to weaken us for them to be more powerful over us And that's why God's allowing certain things to happen So that we would awaken to the truth about what's really going on because there's been a lot of lies in churches Let's keep reading their plans have been shattered time and time again in the last several years by my david Rising up along with my church rising up in resistance Against the darkness and the evil.

We are the resistance And it says in James 4 7, resist the devil that he must flee. It doesn't give an option. If you're resisting him, he must flee. That's why we are the resistance. One of my kids favorite movies, my husband and I like, you know, the Star Wars movies, there was a resistance. There was a rebellion against the Republic.

Wasn't it, Carter? I think that's who this, yeah, the Senator Palpatine and all those guys, they were part of the Republic. And they were trying to control the Republic. The nations they were trying to control everything, but there was a rebellion. There was a resistance There were people that were trying to fight against these people that were trying to lord over them trying to enslave them And so what god is saying to us is that we are to resist the enemy be that resistance keep Resisting them and don't allow them to have any more headway.

Their plans have been shattered time and time again You Because, again, we have been resisting them. Then you see President Trump, he's leading that, along with a lot of these leaders and ministries that are leading this resistance. We gotta keep going. Keep the resistance up. Because if the globalists and their reset were not going the way they needed it to go, that is why you see the desperation and the blame game, the panic has set in because the globalists have never been in such a place of disadvantage.

They have everything on their side. They weaponized everything they could against us, and they're at a worse disadvantage than they were ten years ago. Why? Because there's a resistance. God's people have been rising up, they've been waking up, and they've been standing back and taking back territory. It's exactly what God wanted us to do.

They have never felt a blow quite like this one, with this unprecedented landslide of a victory that took place with this election. Just think, they tried to kill him. Several times. They tried to throw him in jail. They tried to make him a criminal. They tried to get people, the world to hate him. And now he's more popular.

That's why there was such a shock. How, not only, how did he still get to this election, but how did he win it? By such a massive margin. Because they had election fraud. They had everything that was working for them. In the end, they still lost. Because they had their propaganda machines spewing out their narrative and their lies on a continual basis, they had their made up doctor, or, indictments, They've even hired people to kill my David.

So they never thought this victory could come to pass, let alone as massive as it was, even though they had a massive amounts of election fraud, they committed it still not, it was still not enough for what they needed to keep him out of office. They couldn't keep him out of being the president. God said they couldn't.

That's why we just did a prophetic the prophecy fulfilled video. About God's David coming back because God said that was going to happen. He said that was going to happen four years ago. They tried to stop it for the last four years in unprecedented ways, no matter what they tried to do, it didn't matter.

He says, my children, your enemies are on, you have your enemies on the run. We have our enemies on the run. You have them in that state of fear. They have never known because you stood, you prayed and you let me work. That's the key. We stood, we prayed, we let God work. And it has totally destroyed your enemy's plans moving forward.

around the nations. This is why they will try anything they can in this time. That's what God's warning's about. They're willing to try anything they can in this time. Look at all the viruses they put out this last year. Look at all the viruses. Look at all the indictments they tried. Look at all the stuff that they tried to do.

The assassination attempts. Look at all the attempts of trying to stop this country. Trying to stop President Trump. Trying to stop us. The guys had ten years worth of plans that they had. They're gonna try to put it out at one time. They're gonna try to put it out at one time. That's why we've seen all these unprecedented things.

He says they will try anything they can in this time and every way to stop this movement from continuing to move forward. There's an attack coming against this nation. Don't panic. God's warned us of it. It's not gonna work. But remember, when you see them try, you will see them ultimately fail. I am the protector of this nation, and your enemies will not have it the way, or they, sorry, your enemies will not have it, they will not gain back the power they once thought they had.

They even have that kind of power. God allowed them to accomplish certain things to expose them. They never had the actual power. God let them think it so they would have this pride and arrogance and they would do certain things to expose themselves.

So my children continue to move forward, continue in my word, continue to fight the good fight of faith, continue to trust me that I am completely setting you free and this nation free, says the Lord your Redeemer. God, so people think again, we're so excited we won the election. Amen. But that's not our total freedom.

We see and read the prayer requests we're getting on a daily basis in that chat. We're reading and seeing what people are writing to us by mail. We're seeing what people are writing to us on our website by contacting us. There's so many people suicidal, so many people in constant pain. So so many struggles, no matter what it is, there's been such an onslaught of an attack against God's people.

Yes, we should be happy. And yes, we should be thanking God for what he's done for President Trump and for this nation. But we should be celebrating and we should be standing and fighting and saying, God, I thank you that you're doing the same. I thank you for doing something for me. I thank you for going to free me in my mind.

I thank you that I have not, you've not been giving me a spirit of fear, but a power of love and a sound mind. I thank you Father God, I have a sound mind right now. And stop that, that state of fear and panic that's been trying to control you.

Or again, people with terminal illnesses. We've seen them all the time. God's changing their words. He's changing the way they see the situation. And we're seeing cancer completely disappear in people. But it's your choice. Because we've seen people who God said the same thing to and they died. That wasn't God's will.

It's our choice. It's our choice to believe and trust in God and hold on to those words. So, it's great that we had an election victory. But God wants you to have your victory. He wants you to have your freedom. He wants you to be completely set free from the, the bondage and the suffering you have endured.

And you are good enough. You are loved. And God, there's nothing you've done that God has turned his back on you. You've not sinned too much where God is not going to save you. That's a lie. And if there's something in your body, something in your mind, something going on in your family. That's debilitating you.

That's bringing you into a darkness and a depression. That's bringing you into a Just an overwhelming state of I'm just I have to quit. I've been there I wanted to quit life Because I thought the only way I could quit life was in order to be free from the thoughts in my mind or from the Pain and affliction I was dealing with in my body and that's a lie And I want to pray over each and every one of you who are going through things like this or you know a family member That's going through this.

I want to pray that your life changes And not only is God going to save the nations, but He wants to save you out of attacks in your mind, attacks in your body. And no matter what you're going through, God is your answer. So Heavenly Father, right now in Jesus name, I lift up every person at the sound of my voice.

And Father God, I thank you for bringing each and every one of them here for such a time as this. Father God, I thank you that you are rising up your church. You are awakening the body of Christ. You are bringing us all together to fight and stand in this good fight of faith. But Heavenly Father, I know that there's so many people that are losing hope.

There's so many people that are in our darkness and in despair, and they don't think they have a choice to live. Because they've been giving that sentence to die. Well, I break that lie off of their mind and off of their body right now in Jesus name. Because Father God, you said, you said before, it's life and death, blessing and cursing we choose.

Why proclaim life into their minds, life into their bodies, life into their families, life into their finances, everything that the Satan has been stealing from them. I thank you, Father God. He's got to return it back sevenfold. I think that this is a time that you have warned us about. This is a time of great celebration.

This is also a time of your great glory that you are pouring out upon this earth. Great restoration, retroactive restorations. And I thank you, Father God, that they will hold that line, that their hearts will stay fixed on you, that they start seeing and declaring and acclaiming your word. And they see the miracles, signs and wonders that you promised to them in your word.

That you are faithful to perform. I thank you for giving them the ability to stand For giving some of those people ability to get back up again and get back into that fight That they gave up on because they gave up on themselves father god. I thank you for showering your love upon them No matter what they've been through no matter what they have done in their past I thank you father god that you are the god Whom nothing is impossible and you're the one who wants to throw those sins as far as the east to the west and remember Them no more Father God, I thank you for delivering them from sin consciousness and self hatred.

Also, I thank you, Heavenly Father, that you help them forgive themselves. Because that's one thing that a lot of people I can feel in my heart that are struggling with forgiveness of Themselves forgiving themselves of the things that they've done And so father god I thank you for freeing them from addiction from freeing them from that darkness from freeing from that pain From freeing from that depression from freeing from that of that fear And freeing from them of that death that's trying to attack their body Or any malfunction and any type of disease that has been caused because of what the enemies have been doing to our food doing to our bodies mentally and physically You And so Father God, we thank you for a retroactive restoration because you are Jehovah Rapha, you're a healer, and we thank you for it in Jesus name, Amen and Amen.

Receive the power of Almighty God, receive His love, receive H

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