All that prosessed information clogging your brain- time for a Digital Detox!
The Human Responsibilities TribunalGrimerica- The Confederation of Canadians (Dunces)
The Human Responsibilities TribunalPanel Guest on the Freedom Podcast
The Human Responsibilities TribunalFederation of the Unwanted # 1 - Psychological Operation 51 , and Post Patriotism
TheFreedomConvoPodcastDo we need a Nanny State to babysit us?
TheHumanResponsibilitiesTribunalFederation of the Unwanted #2 Canada USA Politics with Monica Perez and Grimerica, Mike and Limina
TheFreedomConvoPodcastWhat is Left A Panel Discussion
The Human Responsibilities TribunalYOUR Brain is Open for Business
The Human Responsibilities TribunalMouthy Monday
The Human Responsibilities TribunalNavigating change and finding resilience | In conversation with Limina Strong
collapselifeMetamodernism and the Crisis of Meaning #2 - Michelle and Limina
TheFreedomConvoPodcastMouthy Monday
The Human Responsibilities TribunalMouthy Monday
The Human Responsibilities TribunalTranshumanism : Canadian Edition with Limina
TheFreedomConvoPodcastWHAT IS LEFT?
TheFreedomConvoPodcastFreedom Convo Podcast: The Trauma Paradigm, the Covidiens and Transhumanism.
The Human Responsibilities TribunalWalking on with Collapse Life
The Human Responsibilities TribunalPrepping Panel Adendum
The Human Responsibilities TribunalObesity, Wokeism, Big Food and Big Pharma: a Cultural Cataclysm
TheFreedomConvoPodcastCanadian Independent Podcast Convergence : Solutions from inside or outside the system?
TheFreedomConvoPodcastFreedom Conversation Panel # 3: Health Paradigms.
TheFreedomConvoPodcastTonight we are live with Jamie to talk about Diet and Health
The Human Responsibilities TribunalVampires of Virtue
The Human Responsibilities Tribunal