All that prosessed information clogging your brain- time for a Digital Detox!
The Human Responsibilities TribunalGrimerica- The Confederation of Canadians (Dunces)
The Human Responsibilities TribunalPanel Guest on the Freedom Podcast
The Human Responsibilities TribunalFederation of the Unwanted # 1 - Psychological Operation 51 , and Post Patriotism
TheFreedomConvoPodcastMouthy Monday
The Human Responsibilities TribunalDo we need a Nanny State to babysit us?
TheHumanResponsibilitiesTribunalNavigating change and finding resilience | In conversation with Limina Strong
collapselifeFederation of the Unwanted #2 Canada USA Politics with Monica Perez and Grimerica, Mike and Limina
TheFreedomConvoPodcastWHAT IS LEFT?
TheFreedomConvoPodcastMetamodernism and the Crisis of Meaning #2 - Michelle and Limina
TheFreedomConvoPodcastWhat is Left A Panel Discussion
The Human Responsibilities TribunalYOUR Brain is Open for Business
The Human Responsibilities TribunalMouthy Monday
The Human Responsibilities TribunalFreedom Convo Podcast: The Trauma Paradigm, the Covidiens and Transhumanism.
The Human Responsibilities TribunalWalking on with Collapse Life
The Human Responsibilities TribunalMouthy Monday
The Human Responsibilities TribunalTranshumanism : Canadian Edition with Limina
TheFreedomConvoPodcastPrepping Panel Adendum
The Human Responsibilities TribunalCanadian Independent Podcast Convergence : Solutions from inside or outside the system?
TheFreedomConvoPodcastFreedom Conversation Panel # 3: Health Paradigms.
TheFreedomConvoPodcastObesity, Wokeism, Big Food and Big Pharma: a Cultural Cataclysm
TheFreedomConvoPodcastHalloween Creepy TranZhuman Convergence
TheFreedomConvoPodcastSleep hygiene, Supplements & The Detox Process
The Human Responsibilities Tribunal