7 months ago5 Recce Member Captain Andre Odendaal speaks to Fighting Men of RhodesiaLegacyConversations
6 months agoLegacy Guests – Fighting Men of Rhodesia video about the SA Navy and Rhodesian SAS...LegacyConversations
3 months agoCol Kobus Human speaks of his time in Rhodesia as a South African ParatrooperLegacyConversations
3 months agoMyron C. Fagan: The Illuminati and the C.F.R [Council of Foreign Relations] (1967)The Truth Is Hated To Those Who Hate The Truth!
6 months agoLegacy Conversations - Peter Baxter - RAR, 121Bn SADF, 101Bn SWATF - Why he joined 121 Zulu Bn...LegacyConversations
8 months agoAn excerpt from: 'The Illuminati & The CFR' - A talk by Myron Fagan (1967)ChaunceysGarden