Legacy Guests – Tony Ballinger - Rhodesian Army Officer / Author

7 months ago

We speak to Lt Tony Ballinger of the Rhodesian Army who is also a host at "Fighting Men of Rhodesia" and an author. Tony tells us of his service days and an incident where ZIPRA tried to invade Rhodesia conventionally... If you have questions for our guest, please leave them below. Subscribe and activate the bell to be informed of new episodes.

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Tony Ballinger Books
"A Walk against the Stream"
Tony's National Service in Rhodesia
E-Book ISBN 9781910777497
For Printed versions ISBN-978-1-910294-43-7

“What happened to Friday”
Tony's Autobiography
ISBN 0781 527 2747 61 (PRINT ONLY)

“The End Times Simplified”
A look at current world events and where the world is headed from a Biblical point of view
ISBN-101527233073 for E-Book and ISBN-13 978-1527233072 for Print

SA customers can shop online at their favourite SA store and quote the ISBN number

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