Exposing Anti-2A “Marine” Lucas Kunce's Actual Creds + Near Fatal PR Stunt, Roasting Kamala's Disastrous Polling, FEMA Landgrabs, Nov. 5th Projections, Trump's Home-Run, and End of Show Surprise Pick! | The Indie R Morning Coffee Stream
NYC's Covid (Super Spreader) Czar, Granting Moral Authority to Public Servants/Hypocrites, Are 2024 Polls Reliable?, Hope-ium Red Wave Let-Downs?, The Power of Questions, End-of-Show Surprise Pick 🤫 | Indie R Morning Coffee Stream
President Trump's Infamous "Bloodbath" Rally in Dayton, OH (3/17/24) — Missed it? Watch it Here! | WE in 5D: Note at The End News Max Has to Announce That the 2020 Election WAS Real and Official—You KNOW Who THEIR Bosses ✡卐𐕣 Are!