The Art of War and Money Laundering: Aid Money Stolen from Americans and Given to Ukraine and Israel Causing Inflation to Skyrocket. Magic Electronic Voting Machines, Mail-in Ballots or In-Person on Nov 5th? Which Way Counts More? Lol...
Rothschild CORPORATE "GOVERNMENT" SPENDING, EQUALS INCREASE DEBT FOR THE U.S. SHEEPLE -- BRITISH CROWN ROTHSCHILD U.S. CORPORATION on Track to Add $19 Trillion in New Counterfeit, non existent, Debt, to be paid by Rothschild U.S. CITIZENS
Navigating New Financial Frontier: Politics, Finance, and the Global Economic Shift @ImpactMoneyShow. Omitted Topics of Free Speech and National Debt in the Harris-Trump Clash as CPI (inflation) Numbers Come out Today and X Labels our Posts as Sensitive