Rothschild CORPORATE "GOVERNMENT" SPENDING, EQUALS INCREASE DEBT FOR THE U.S. SHEEPLE -- BRITISH CROWN ROTHSCHILD U.S. CORPORATION on Track to Add $19 Trillion in New Counterfeit, non existent, Debt, to be paid by Rothschild U.S. CITIZENS

9 months ago

Sticky inflation & tighter policies transform global bond markets at a pace not seen in decades.

Today, we're diving into the looming debt bomb, a critical issue affecting wealth preservation. As global entities warn about the mounting debt wall, it's evident that the current financial system's foundation is shaky, built on unsustainable debt creation. Join Lynette as she dissects the risks and implications of this debt bubble, exploring how it affects everything from asset valuations to monetary policies. With insights on inflation, central bank maneuvers, and the pivotal role of gold, we navigate the complexities of today's economic landscape. Together, let's build a community empowered to navigate the shifting tides of the global monetary system and secure a brighter financial future. Don't miss out on understanding the crucial steps to safeguarding your wealth in these turbulent times.


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