Nino Interviews Angel ~ Humanity Facing the Precipice | Our disinformation program will be complete when everything the American public believes is false.
Ninja Focus ~ Trump Assassination Analysis Pt. 3 | Blood or no blood on Trump’s hand? | Crooks (Patsy), Yearick family & Cheney connections w/ George Webb
Pandora's Box | The Cartel be sayin they wantsta party, but Mike Gill says you gotsta tell em NO | A Qrash Course in the Confidentiality Agreement/Receipts
DSNews | The Gillotine Glitch in the Brokered Convention Matrix. Will We Hear the Tape that Remains Hidden? 98% of the Truther Movement is infiltrated/handled by the CIA.
DSNews | Did some try to profit off the foreknowledge of Trump’s Assassination plot? | Spiritual Discernment with Mark Taylor | Mike Gill ~ Pandora’s Box & Pandora Papers